Reducing camera shake?

Does anyone know how to reduce cockpit camera shake globally across all vehicles? It's quite exagerated on certain tracks ie Imola and is quite distracting as the track/scenery is constantly bouncing.

I have all the camera settings set to 0 yet it's still there. I don't want to completely turn it off, just reduce it.

Can anyone help?

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Thanks, but I already have pitch and roll both set to zero?
I may be use to the shaking over undulations, but I'm pretty sure pitch and roll lag should not be zeroed if you are trying to eliminate the jarring camera shake. Zeroing those settings is essentially tightening the camera to the car.

Look at Head movement amplification. That's probably where the uncomfortable shaking is coming from. I had Pitch and Lag set to 100% each, and the car moved, but the camera seemed to be locked to the horizon. I suggest Head Movement Amp set to 50%, and Pitch and Lag set to 50%.
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Thanks for all your input guys. I finally managed to get to the bottom of the issue. I have just purchased a Stream Deck XL which I use as a button box and I have assigned a button for each sim that loads the .exe file so I don't have to open Steam each time.

I had accidentally assigned the 32 bit exe file to the launch button so I was running 32 bit on a 64 bit machine. Now that I'm running the 64 bit version it's smooth as silk (with a little realistic camera shake) which is perfect. :)