Reinstall AC whilst retaining specific content

Hi Guys

I couldn't find the answer to this via a search so apologies as I'm sure it's been asked before but I'd like to do a clean reinstall of AC removing any mods and patches etc as I've been having issues in online games that I can't get to the bottom of.

The only content I'd like to retain is the tracks I've downloaded and also personal records and car setups etc but I don't want to keep too much that it ends up bringing other 3rd party mods etc with it. Is it just a case of retaining the .\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\tracks folder for the track data and the .\Documents\Assetto Corsa folder for the personal data then copying them back in after a fresh install? Is there anything in either of those folders I need to delete to remove remnants of installed mods etc?

Also should say I do use Content Manager with some custom profiles for control presets etc, is there a way of retaining those specific settings without CM keeping all it's settings that again might be the source of my issues?

The content manager folder is in "C drive, then users, then choose yourself as user, then local folder". Pretty sure within that you can save the folder/ files you want within there - and delete want you don't want. Move what you want to keep elsewhere then delete the entire content manager folder at local, then restart your content manager exe which will give you a fresh version of it - then drop in the other folder stuff you saved into within the new content manager folder at local.

I'm not by my pc to check but for example, within the content manager folder in local there will be others folders for different stuff things like presets for different stuff - just drop your saved preset over the new preset within (in it) the content manager folder at local and your old settings will come back.

Going further..... you could back up and restore even more specific stuff from there. Once you're there you'll poke around and you'll understand.

I may not have been as clear as i can though, but the jist of it is right - I'm just knackered like and off for an early night :D
I uninstalled AC once and the folder was kept "intact"; all my 3rd party mods with the cars, tracks, fonts, etc were still there; only the kunos content and the game's core was gone. To be safe you can make a backup of the modified folders, usually the content, extension and system folders.
Also, the track records and presets should (not 100% sure though) be stored in your CM folder, which is independent from your assetto corsa folder and therefore wont be erased by erasing tracks and cars. Try removing the last track you used from the track folder; the records should still be there, even if the track preview doesnt show anymore.
if i wanted to reinstall CM, which i am having problems with keyboard controls only with AC, where do i find the exe file to reinstall?
I bought CM a long time ago and I don't remember if they sent me the key by mail
Whereever you've currently stored it. Right click on CM -> Properties will tell ya. Or just download it again, acstuff .ru

The key is always send by mail, so check your mails again. Alternative backup %AppData%\Local\AcTools Content Manager
Everything concerning CM icluding your key is stored in that folder.
Whereever you've currently stored it. Right click on CM -> Properties will tell ya. Or just download it again, acstuff .ru

The key is always send by mail, so check your mails again. Alternative backup %AppData%\Local\AcTools Content Manager
Everything concerning CM icluding your key is stored in that folder.
Horseshit, that folder does not include tracks or track assets that are not default