rF2 Renault Clio vs Opel Corsa @ Palm Beach - Tuesday June 4th 2013

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Flyer week 23 Clio VS Opel @ palm beach.jpg
Event Details

Car: OPEL CORSA CUP @ ISI Renault Clio
Track: Palm Beach (ISI)
Mod: RACEDEPARTMENT Tuesday Club Mod
Weather: Random
Road condition: Naturally progressing
Tyre wear : 2x
Mechanical failure : Time scaled

Time Schedule
19:00 GMT Practice
19:30 GMT Qualification
19:40 GMT Warm-up
19:45 GMT Race 2 x 15 minutes

Server and Teamspeak password: click here

Sign-up list:

  1. Ian Franssen
  2. Stefan Woudenberg
  3. Tapio Rinneaho
  4. Tiens Van Zyl
  5. Jan Wikström
  6. Luke Herring
  7. Stefan Mizzi
  8. Xavier de Carvalho
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
That was fun :p
I think I was the only one who didn't pit at all and that would have paid off pretty nice if it hadn't started raining again at the end. There was absolutely nothing I could do on the wet track as I had 1,5 squares left on my front tyres.

Congrats to Jan for winning :thumbsup:
I had P2 on the starting grid after qual but took the start from Luke and was P1 into T1
The first corners on wet track and cold slicks where so slippery and on T6 (?) I run wide and Luke regained the first spot.
Then I chased Luke for some laps and we both had very similar speed in drying conditions until it started to rain again where Luke started to make small mistakes and I could overtake and increase the gap.

At the 15min mark I started to get a bit confused since the race never stopped, and since I had fuel for approximately 17min of driving I just had to stop for some more.
I took the gamble at the same time to change front tires and I think that was a very good since it really started to rain heavily at the end.

I could see Tapio was in P1 after I had taken my pit stop and I guessed he hadn’t taken any stop and by that had worn tires.
Pretty soon I could see I gained quickly on Tapio, who must have had bad tires by that, and when the rain increased even more I could easily retake “my” P1 spot.

Finished in P1 :)

Thanks all for racing, it was fun and what I could see also clean

CU all again on track
That was a very eventful event I would say.

I had set up the sever to be dry, with clouds light till overcast, but 0% change of rain. It was also set to 2x15 minutes, but when I checked the server during practise it was completely setup differently? An other staff member had accidently shut it down and noticed his mistake and tried to re-start it with different settings? We will probably never found out. :cautious:

Anyway, when I had restarted the server with dry settings (clear all the way) it again started raining. :O_o: I really had a WTF moment. It was racing time and when we started rolling off the line My screen turned white whit here and there a black dot. Yep it was all the spray from all the catrs in front. :D When braking I almost ended up in a spin and collided with Ian. Sorry agin mate!

When it started raining again I went in for wets and drove them till they fekll apart, it was dry again, so went back to slicks... 1 lap later... yes you guessed it right... it started raining again.... :D This time I decided to stay on slicks as there was only less than 10 minutes left..
Came to the finisg as 5th and had started as 6th? 7th?

Very eventfull event indeed which were hard conditions, but very fun. We had pretty much peeps on TS, but every one was in full concentration mode, so not much talking during the driveing :D

Hope to see you again soon guys! :thumbsup:
Quite a messy race I have to say. I put quite some fuel but unfortunately I did not realize that the race was going on for 30 mins so I ended up with no fuel and had to retire.

First corner I touched with someone and car was damaged. So I did a whole race with a damaged car as I did not want to be stuck in pits for a long time.

I liked the unpredictable weather as it adds more uncertainties, but what I did not like is how fast the track dried up!

After a few laps I went into pit to change to wet tires. But as soon as I went out, it stopped raining and track dried in a few minutes. That is not realistic and bothered me.

So I had to drive most race with wet tires on a dry track and damaged car. When the fuel finished (last 3 or 4 laps I think) it had started raining again....

Anyway, a race to forget I think but in life everything is an experience and I like new experiences and learn from them. ;)
What about these:

Toban: http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/8119-Toban-WIP
Dunsfold: http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/4905-TOP-GEAR-DUNSFOLD-AERODROME-(Multi-Layout)
British GP: http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/9649-British-GP-WIP
Black Hole Ring: http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/8341-Released-Black-Hole-Ring-by-Spaskis(WIP)

I have tried them all and they are all really fun to drive. Black hold ring does not look very nice though.

Then there is Imola 2006, Melbourne, Spa and Hockenheim but not sure if they are legit.http://www.**************************/forum/index.php?topic=2129.0
Thanks Stefan, we will try to use them in the coming weeks:thumbsup:
The British we will be hosting very soon, but it will be the ISI version, they said they expect it to be released before the english GP in three weeks time:)
Dunsfold I really like the idea:) , if I can remember there is a crossing point so we have to test it how we can make it possible, perhaps damage off one time;) Should be fun though.
Imola Melbourne Spa and Hockenheim we can't use unfortunatly:( .

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