Replay HUD

And what about that big mirror in the left up corner? I tried to press mirror button but it is still there.. I can only turn it off by video settings but I want to have real mirrors (I am working on a little movie and these things are very important)
This is not an option for me. I need first person view (because #5) and this mirror is really annoying - I still can't understand why some when that mirror is there and some when there isn't...the same Eurosport logo... but I can live with it, only that mirror is really important to be off (with first person view)
I tried this one... but it doesn't work, because with "real mirrors" there is that big mirror instead real (I don't understand it) and if I choose virtual mirror, there is no mirrors (big mirror is off but real mirror too.. no mirrors) :confused: I expected that someone will explain this... because it doesn't make a sense for me
This is what I don't understand... because I have always real mirrors on when racing but somewhen there are real mirrors in replay, somewhen there is big mirror and somewhen there is Eurosport logo and somewhen not.. I am using only 1 game (Race ON) and this is mystery for me
ok I changed in PLR file Replay HUD="1" -> "0" and now it is recording with real mirrors :biggrin: but there is one more (and last I hope) thing - can I turn display on? I mean no HUD, but car display which shows you your speed etc. :)
many thanks

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