RF n00b with silly question

Hey guys,
I am running a Thrustmaster TMX and no matter how many times I recalibrate my wheel, I will find that eventually during a race, I am turning the wheel sideways just to go straight. I'm sure it's something I am doing wrong. No other sim does this. I also hear this weird rapid knocking sound from the game during acceleration. Is that supposed to be the sound of traction loss? Any suggestions?
the knocking sound could be the traction control IF you are driving a car with traction control. More info would help. rF2 has the option to bind a key for resetting force feedback. Also you should set the slider to 50% if you want full linearity. It is not the same as the setting for iRacing which is 100%.
The further the slider is from the middle to the right, the less response you get at the center. Going left from center INCREASES the initial turn-in but then slows down the more you turn.