I know iam asking alot here, but would one of the more experienced rf2 users be willing to do a "all you need to know" rf2 guide?
I would love to give this title more use but it just seems every time I fire it up I spend more time tweaking, setting up or encounter a new bug rather than racing than I just get frustrated and end up turning it off and playing another title.
For myself, graphics, performance content are all fine my current issues are as following....
I've followed all the wheel setup guides and had it working great but with the latest update my Thrustmaster tx with the same settings, we'll. ....feels terrible
There's no road feel, the contact patch feels like Iam using only about an inch of the tire, the second I turn into a corner the wheel goes light and induces an understeer slide.
Yes Iam using rubbered in roads
900 in tm profile auto calibrate degrees checked in game per car
Graphics...I have no visual backfire. I had the same issue in gsc and rre the sector3 devs found the issue and fixed it and claimed it was a broken feature with certain setup...possibly amd gpus?
Contact sounds......I hardly ever hear any collision sounds when making contact with another vehicle and once in a while if I full throttle into a barrier it will result in a sound ingame, if I watch a replay the sounds are heard?
I've done a clean install of the game, checked the files, all drivers are upto date ingame content is running the latest version of content.
Pc specs
I7 2600 r9 290 4gb windows 8.1 running on a samsung 840 evo games on a separate 2tb hdd 16 gb corsair dominator ram 3 x 24" acer 1080p monitors
I would love to give this title more use but it just seems every time I fire it up I spend more time tweaking, setting up or encounter a new bug rather than racing than I just get frustrated and end up turning it off and playing another title.
For myself, graphics, performance content are all fine my current issues are as following....
I've followed all the wheel setup guides and had it working great but with the latest update my Thrustmaster tx with the same settings, we'll. ....feels terrible
There's no road feel, the contact patch feels like Iam using only about an inch of the tire, the second I turn into a corner the wheel goes light and induces an understeer slide.
Yes Iam using rubbered in roads
900 in tm profile auto calibrate degrees checked in game per car
Graphics...I have no visual backfire. I had the same issue in gsc and rre the sector3 devs found the issue and fixed it and claimed it was a broken feature with certain setup...possibly amd gpus?
Contact sounds......I hardly ever hear any collision sounds when making contact with another vehicle and once in a while if I full throttle into a barrier it will result in a sound ingame, if I watch a replay the sounds are heard?
I've done a clean install of the game, checked the files, all drivers are upto date ingame content is running the latest version of content.
Pc specs
I7 2600 r9 290 4gb windows 8.1 running on a samsung 840 evo games on a separate 2tb hdd 16 gb corsair dominator ram 3 x 24" acer 1080p monitors