RF2 Opponent Revving Sound



I've just started getting into RF2 and I think I have an issue with the sound and I'm not sure whether its a "feature" or a bug.

Only really been running GT3 grids so far but at the start of the race when the cars are bunched up it sounds like the rest of the grid are all blipping the throttle with the same pattern. It's especially noticeable if there are a few slow corners at the start of the race.

Its not a deal breaker but its one of those things that once you hear it you can't unhear.

Its sounds a bit like a broken sound loop to me and I've reinstalled just in case but that doesn't seem to have fixed it.

Any ideas or anyone else noticed this?

It is one of many long known issues with rF2. The Blipping is a way the AI navigates corners in rF2. Driving isn't really too distracting to some, but the replays really accentuate it. As you discovered, it is most noticeable when around a lot of cars. Rest assured it is known to S397 but there are soooooo many things on that list that getting it corrected anytime soon is rather doubtful. They are mainly focusing on the the Competition system and User Interface. Almost all offline/solo play issues take a back seat to online racing.
You must remember most bugs are also in other gmotor sims to more or less degree
If it was easy to fix bugs they would fix it but requires basically new engine

Main reason ISI never cared ?
They made it patently clear they were never interested in nor cared about offline
It was mainly there as courteous gesture

I expect ISI thought they would get good numbers online like iRacing of course not as many racing as IR but even small % of that market would have sustained them, simply miscalculated how many care about physics and online foremost