rF2: Sebring 'Talk n Drive' + Developer Interview

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Paul Jeffrey

Check out our latest 'Talk 'n' Drive' video of the new rFactor 2 laserscanned Sebring, and developer interview with Marcel Offermans…

The release of Sebring as a new official DLC for rFactor 2 has got plenty of gamers excited in the sim racing world, with the track representing a very first laserscanned location for rFactor 2 and a significant step up in quality over previous content releases for the simulation.

With the circuit having now been in the public domain for a few days, we thought it a good time to have a go ourselves, share our experiences and have a chat with one of the men behind the magic, Studio 397's very own, Marcel Offermans…

RD: Congratulations on the release of Sebring! What does it mean to you and the team bringing the first laserscanned circuit to the sim?

MO: Thank you very much. This release obviously means a lot for us for a couple of reasons. First of all, because we wanted to bring popular and iconic tracks to rFactor 2. Secondly, because we knew we wanted to step up to bring a highly accurately built track based on a very precise laser scan. The unique challenge we had was how to combine that with the dynamics of our realroad system. We ended up building a very detailed road mesh that is used both for all physics calculations and for the visualisation: What you see is what you get!

RD: Does the Sebring release mark the first of more laserscanned content coming to the sim in future?

MO: Certainly! We have already licensed the next track, and this upcoming week we will start production. We're going to keep the name a secret for now, but it's safe to say we will be building more tracks of this quality.

RD: On to the track itself, what decision making process did you go through when choosing Sebring as a circuit to bring to rF2?

MO: There were many different factors that led us to choose Sebring as the first track.
We were looking for an iconic track, and obviously one that suited the cars we were developing. Another factor was the licensing discussions, and it turned out that Sebring was a great partner to work with, which helped us a lot, allowing us track time a few weeks before the 2018 12 hour event. Finally, we were looking for a track that would really showcase the details that a laser scan bring, and there is probably no better place than Sebring to do that, with all its cracks and bumps.

RD: Some people have questioned the price of this DLC, stating it is perhaps a touch high compared to some other simulations. What do you have to say in response to those comments?

MO: We set out and succeeded in creating a track that is of the highest standard, matching or beating tracks in the other simulations out there in terms of detail both on and around the track. We priced the track to match that quality and ended up being neither the cheapest nor the most expensive. Obviously everybody is entitled to their own opinion. We listen to those opinions and respect them and I'm not going to argue with people about that. I sometimes do wonder how people manage to spend thousands of euros on their rigs and computer hardware and expect the software to be so much cheaper.

RD: New GT cars, new tyre model improvements, Sebring, LMP2, LMP3, VR improvements, performance improvements… the list of upgrades to rF2 have been significant of late. Can you share some ideas of what is next in line for rF2, short and longer term?

MO: We are obviously still working hard on bringing our new UI and competition system, and those are two items that are really at the top of our list right now. Obviously the team will also keep bringing improvements wherever we can, both in terms of physics and graphics. Our car team is working on several new and free McLaren cars that will be used for the McLaren Shadow Project competition, as well as a couple of cars that will be part of our next pack. Our track team as I said is just starting on a new track, and we are in the final phases of production and testing for both Botniaring and Zandvoort. The latter will include no less than five layouts. Both will be free.

RD: S397 are heading for your 2nd year anniversary since taking over rF2, are you where you expected to be in the development cycle, and what would you say has been the biggest challenge encountered so far?

MO: Our second anniversary is coming up indeed at the SimRacing Expo in September. In terms of the development cycle I think we've addressed some of the core issues we saw. We have a much nicer and faster, DX11 based graphics engine with VR support. Big licenses for cars, such as being the first to have the BMW M8 GTE, and tracks, providing what we believe to be the best laserscanned version of Sebring in any sim, as well as a host of free content is pretty much on track and we're still ramping up there. Where we are a bit behind on our schedule is on the new UI and competition infrastructure. We're building on a lot of existing components, but still it is a lot of work and we probably underestimated that a bit. Our biggest challenge definitely has been to balance all the amazing opportunities we've had in the past two years!

rFactor 2 is available exclusively for PC from Steam now.

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rF2 Sebring talk n drive.jpg

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Enjoying Sebring? Happy with the progress of rF2 so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
So this was you telling us your thought process?
You could have kept that one to yourself and we wouldn't have minded, honest
It's just too expensive. I don't see what's wrong with saying that. I like rfactor2, but the mods are poor, therefore the official stuff is the only content worth using. But it's too expensive. Surely they realise that more people will buy the content if it is more reasonably priced? Surely they realise they need to build a community before they will make decent money? I note the question was asked, but their answer wasn't sufficient. It's "if you don't like it, f off" but that's not good business at all.

If they got the basics right, we would all be on rFactor2 and they would be doing very well, instead they have people like me, people who spend loads on AC and many other sims, angry and disappointed with them.

And it's not that I don't have the money, I do, but no one wants to feel ripped off and $28 for six cars and a track is ripped off.

Imagine if that was the original product, six cars and one track for $28? No one on earth would buy it.
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I bought Sebring and its an amazing track, but I also think it is too expensive for where the rest of the sim is at the moment. The sim itself is still not very well optimized and VR performance although better is far from on-par with the other sims. The UI is tolerable for me. The graphics are average compared with the rest of the options out there.

I think they did a great job on the endurance pack and its well worth the money, but the GT3 was a different story (TC, ABS, dash lights all not working properly, Merc odd ffb). If they're going to charge top dollar for their product, they need to have a top tier platform and prove that they consistently will provide top class products. Launching products that are incomplete or not at a high level compared to their competition will hurt sales in the long run.
My biggest beef with rf2 is the low res road textures, I'm sure i can mod them somehow but I wish they would make official hi res ones. Feels like I'm driving on a watercolor painting.


(for some reason I can't embed 4k images in the post)

Those are 4k shots, so please zoom in on them. I don't think they look too bad at all. A lot of graphics settings have an influence on how your video card will render these textures, so you might want to check those.
It's just too expensive. I don't see what's wrong with saying that. I like rfactor2, but the mods are poor, therefore the official stuff is the only content worth using. But it's too expensive. Surely they realise that more people will buy the content if it is more reasonably priced? Surely they realise they need to build a community before they will make decent money? I note the question was asked, but their answer wasn't sufficient. It's "if you don't like it, f off" but that's not good business at all.

If they got the basics right, we would all be on rFactor2 and they would be doing very well, instead they have people like me, people who spend loads on AC and many other sims, angry and disappointed with them.

And it's not that I don't have the money, I do, but no one wants to feel ripped off and $28 for six cars and a track is ripped off.

Imagine if that was the original product, six cars and one track for $28? No one on earth would buy it.

Ever tried the Flat6 mod? Or the British touring cars? Endurance pack?
I have no objections on what I paid for so far.

Got the Endurance Pack and Sebring. Both, absolutely great quality and the track is easily the best quality track I've seen yet in sim racing. Without a doubt.

Sadly, because of rFactor2's state before-hand, I see why the price of the track was in debate and still is. If there is a competition structure coming, we certainly need the player base! and with laser scanning coming to rF2, more released non-scanned tracks will divide parts of the community, unfortunately. I hope to see them annonce at least one or two laser-scanned tracks for free. I'll continue to purchase DLC I like and S397 have proved their worth in getting pay for it. However, a balance must be established to un-sour some former sim drivers from back in the early ISI gmotor2 days.

Nonetheless, news that the track detail and focus is not nearly over is wonderful news! They certainly are pulling me back with all these great improvements.
I think the real issue is that the price of sim games are ridiculously underpriced. Sure, you can go and compare the prices to other random games, but we are talking about pieces of software with engineering value; so much that lots of racing teams use them for training purposes. I don't want to sound elitist, but if you are interested in a deeper driving experience, this is the price to pay. And if you just want to have some casual fun driving cars, well, there are tons of racing games out there that are very fun but they have very elemental driving mechanics.

So having such a small market, the options are to make the games more expensive (usually a bad thing as people compare the price to normal games) or make them cheaper and keep charging money for DLC. Anyway, like @John-Eric Saxén said, we should be happy as long as the quality of the content matches the pricing, like in this case. So far no complaints here, and this should be the way to go for S397!
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(for some reason I can't embed 4k images in the post)

Those are 4k shots, so please zoom in on them. I don't think they look too bad at all. A lot of graphics settings have an influence on how your video card will render these textures, so you might want to check those.

the details of the road is just incredible!!
I want to touch every little rock :D
Mods are poor?
Have you also tried LeMans 17?
There's some great mods out there.

The moment I saw the comment I knew that the person writing about the DLCs being too expensive and the mods being just bad has a very superficial view on rF2. Frankly speaking, I have seen all kinds of content for all sims that are modable. Bad quality, average quality and even outstanding quality that was better than the official stuff, may it be AMS, rF1 and 2, AC or any of the earlier simbin titles. If the Celicia GTO at Lester, or the McLaren M4B at Longford doesn't bring a smile on your face then I don't know what people are doing here. And there is very solid content like that for all platforms.
Hi guys! I'm a little off topic here, but there are RF2 guys here so if I may ask... What is the closest open wheel car in RF2 that matches iRacing's Formula Renault 2.0? in looks and speed? Or better yet is there a mod for RF2 of this car? I just wanna drive it at around Sebring that's all. Thanks in advance! Cheers!
Not true, new UI can be used to expose current settings you can only edit with text editor right now or improve the pre-race experience with usefull info or other stuff, competition system will be part of it with scores, livetiming and so on...same for the SIM HUD which will be new too and fully customisable. So yeah, the UI+competition mode+new HUD can change a lot...this is why S397 is spending a lot of time refinishing it...
But to not play such a great sim because those features are missing.??
Studio 39wotsit are really trying hard. I really like their commitment. But I just don't get on with RF2, I find it behaves strangely fiziks wise during some micro moments mid corner and I just can't identify what it is.
I once had that, low steering help was on. As i was driving the perfect line already i hardly noticed it. But sometimes i thought this is a bit strange behaviors, bit later on i found out it was still on.
I was one of the few rF2 fanboy's, I went Yay! when Studio 397 provided blurb on why they wanted to take over rF2 development. Bought all the DLC except formula leccy. Now not so sure. Over £60 quid in DLC, still not a full game. Starting to think it will never be, just more paid mods from Studio 397. Well done Studio 397, a die hard rF2 fan who has now jumped ship, However I will continue to comment over time just to wind up the fanboys who fail to see the big picture. ;-P
Some people complain that €10 is too much for such a high quality track. I wonder however how is S397 is going to recoup the cost of creating it, let alone making big bucks? lol
Considering Steam takes their cut (I've heard close to 50% - someone correct me if I'm wrong) and less then 2k people bought Sebring, how the heck are they making money?

I think the problem here is that people compare it to other sims, and then claim paying $3 more for something is a lot. Aren't we splitting hair? If it was something like $150 vs $80 than I'd see the point, but $10 vs $5? When it comes to sheer driving experience, only AMS comes close to rF2 (keep in mind this is IMO, I don't have a flame suit on ;)), so yes, $10 is not bad for high quality track. I hope we'll see more and I'll gladly pay for them - and no, I'm not rich :p

If this is your hobby, consider yourself lucky that you can have it that cheap. I snowboard, I play tennis a bit, and I spend way more every year on those activities, yet how long is the snowboarding season for someone like me that doesn't live anywhere near the resort? Lift ticket alone is €30-50/day/person.

It sucks that not many people see value in high quality sims such as AMS or rF2. It's certainly easier to make something that has nice graphics and popular content, sell bazzilion copies and call it a day, not caring that much about physics or FFB. I'm not saying rF2 is perfect, it has many flaws, but every time I come back to it I'm smitten how great it feels to drive.

Finally, why some (mostly) AC fanbois feel the urge to come here and constantly bash rF2 is beyond me. I'm not a regular here, yet I already remember some names just coming to this forum and constantly poop on anything rF2. I for one don't like AC at all, yet I don't think I've ever went to their forum and :poop: the thread. Constructive criticism is welcome, trolling not so much :rolleyes: Don't like rF2? Fire up your beloved AC and let us enjoy something else

At he end of the day, thay are nothing more than a COMPUTER game. I own nearly every sim and most DLC, also looking forward to ACC. Hell I play Forza on my Xbone and GT sport on my PS4 both with a gamepad. ( I feel dirty now, gamepad on a sim forum) Simple FACT rFactor2 is fast becoming a paid mod fest with Studio 397 and Reiza coming onboard. Mark my words, hell even flame me in 18 months time. rFactor2 is going to be more expensive to own than iRacing, at least iRacing has a future.,..
Hi guys! I'm a little off topic here, but there are RF2 guys here so if I may ask... What is the closest open wheel car in RF2 that matches iRacing's Formula Renault 2.0? in looks and speed? Or better yet is there a mod for RF2 of this car? I just wanna drive it at around Sebring that's all. Thanks in advance! Cheers!
The game has several formulas, check the studio397 workshop on steam.
Anyway, there are the Formula Renault 3.5, the Formula 2 2012 and the USF 2000. The last one is the less powerful.
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At he end of the day, thay are nothing more than a COMPUTER game. I own nearly every sim and most DLC, also looking forward to ACC. Hell I play Forza on my Xbone and GT sport on my PS4 both with a gamepad. ( I feel dirty now, gamepad on a sim forum) Simple FACT rFactor2 is fast becoming a paid mod fest with Studio 397 and Reiza coming onboard. Mark my words, hell even flame me in 18 months time. rFactor2 is going to be more expensive to own than iRacing, at least iRacing has a future.,..
Go play iRacing then.... unless you're just here to troll? You can see that there are lots of people here in this thread, who feel positive about rF2 and it's future. If you like Forza and GT sport, great... fill yer boots... I'm happy for you. Go enjoy them, smile, be happy and content.
But please remember, there are people who've invested a great deal to bring rF2 up to it's potential, and they're trying very hard to do that. They do this for a living, so when people like you pour scorn on it in forums, that could potentially have a negative effect on their livelihood. Please don't troll threads, it's not nice. If you don't like the DLC, or the pricing, fine, nobody will force you to buy it.

On a happier note, I just bought and tried out the track. I love it. The feel of the road surface through my wheel, the bumps, the kerbs - all great. I'm happy to support S397 and get a top quallity, highly polished and (let's not forget) licensed track for my money.

Well done S397, more content like this please. :thumbsup:
Simple FACT rFactor2 is fast becoming a paid mod fest with Studio 397 and Reiza coming onboard. Mark my words, hell even flame me in 18 months time. rFactor2 is going to be more expensive to own than iRacing, at least iRacing has a future.,..

I very much doubt that rF2 will become more expensive to own than iRacing with these facts:
iRacing's yearly membership is $110 or a $66 first buy special discount which includes 17 cars and 17 tracks. If you wish to buy additional cars, they cost a one-time fee of $11.95. If you want to buy additional tracks, they cost a one-time fee of either $11.95 or $14.95 depending on the track.

A business can't survive working for free and with their current prices on their recent very high quality DLC i honestly can't see much profit being made here so i'am very appreciative.
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I dont have a problem with the track price, only reason I'm not buying is because brazilian currency is worth "nothing" at this moment so the track get very expensive here, but if I was in US or Europe I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

That said if tracks are going to cost around this amount making possible to buy a single car like RaceRoom or guess what.. iRacing (or at least a single pack) and being able to race online would be the only right thing to do really.
Also improve your quality check pls... there are some fixes that are needed in the GT3 pack even after all this time...
When they say a pack is delayed waiting for manufacturer approval and then released with obvious flaws you see as soon as you load a car you know this is a bullshit excuse for pack delays. Sorry for the rant.
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I was one of the few rF2 fanboy's, I went Yay! when Studio 397 provided blurb on why they wanted to take over rF2 development. Bought all the DLC except formula leccy. Now not so sure. Over £60 quid in DLC, still not a full game. Starting to think it will never be, just more paid mods from Studio 397. Well done Studio 397, a die hard rF2 fan who has now jumped ship, However I will continue to comment over time just to wind up the fanboys who fail to see the big picture. ;-P

Second time i see you claim you were an rF2 fanboy cutting your wrists over this "extremely expensive" dlc
Fact is if you're not willing to spend $60 a year in your hobby and something you consider to be a fan of, you're either not a fan or you're very cheap.

No point for you to continue commenting the same thing over again, we got your point and we don't care
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