rFactor 2 – 2023 Release Candidate Update 2 Available

Ahead of the 2023 Q1 Release, now rescheduled to Tuesday, February 21st, Motorsport Games and Studio 397 have deployed the February 2023 Release Candidate update, introducing a significant number of fixes and enhancements to the rFactor 2 racing Simulator.

The release candidate build can be accessed via your rFactor 2 Steam account, under the release candidate branch option.

Check out the full changelog below.
  • Fix for missing server filters
  • Fix for soft tracking change not working in replays
  • Default VR Mirror to true
  • Various fixes for IBL Water Shader
  • Added showing the list of dependencies for a mod, and the list of mods that are using a specific item
  • Installing packages for content should now be automatic after a download if you keep the download popup open
  • Items that are in use by a mod should have their uninstall button disabled and greyed out
  • Added configurable controls for regen level, electric motor map, and push-to-pass map
  • Added setup settings for regen level, electric motor map, and push-to-pass map. Moved pitstop settings to a new “Strategy” tab.
  • Fixed a bug where some values were incorrectly interpolated. Mostly noticeable in the engine volume fraction.
  • Renamed RegenerationLevel to RegenerationMap
  • Added item origin column in the pending updates table
  • The content table now remembers the sort order when it refreshed
  • Items with missing dependencies can now be multi-selected in the content table

  • Reworked controller and keyboard controls to have a permanent steering filter that acts like a smarter version of speed sensitivity
  • Replaced inaccessible steering rate configuration with steering aggression slider to control how aggressively the new controller filter allows turn-in

  • Plugin API updated to include physics output (also see plugin example):
  • Battery charge
  • torque
  • rpm
  • motor temperature
  • water temperature (if applicable)
  • motor state (inactive, propulsion, regenerate)
  • Fixed bug with reading brake maps from HDV/engine files. It now reads definitions with less than 11 entries again.
Photo Mode

  • UI is accessible from the replay screen, with full configuration options and key hints.

  • Improved tool performance significantly. It’s now more than twice as fast. The checksum will differ, but the results are virtually the same.
Known Issues

  • Installing items from the content page requires a second request to install via the “updates” page
  • The cancel updates button is unresponsive
  • Motion blur does not work without SSR set to medium or higher
  • Motion blur sometimes activates when it should not
  • when the track loops back around on itself.
  • After assigning a control in Photo Mode to a Keyboard key, Keyboard input does not work correctly until after you navigate to a different screen.
  • Photo Mode settings are lost when you change the camera
  • Maintaining the current camera over the start-finish line on Trackside Camera Group Cycle does not work at present