rFactor 2 December Development Roadmap

Paul Jeffrey

rFactor 2 UI Concept.png

Studio 397, the new developers of rFactor 2, have released their final development roadmap of 2016, and it reveals some interesting content with regards to the future of rFactor 2.

latest roadmap update confirms the studio believe they have found a fix to the often troubling NVidia driver crash issues, and a new build is due to be release in just two days time featuring the driver fix. This is great news for a number of sim racers who have suffered frustrating issues on a selection of circuits worst affected by the driver errors, hopefully this new build addresses those issues and allows a soother experience for the affected players.

Other highlights from the update include news that the DX11 update is making faster progress than initially expected, and the studio have even shared a concept image of the proposed new UI for rFactor 2, designed to offer a more modern image for the title and also preparing the game for the upcoming VR functionality due to be released hopefully alongside DX11.

You can read the full December Development Roadmap release below:

"On Tuesday, December 20th, we will release build 1108. This is our first Steam-only release, and we would like to remind you of our offer to migrate to Steam for free, which will be extended until January 31st, 2017.

To reiterate where we are, we are making really good progress with a new development team coupled with a new vision. As long time sim racers, we understand the need for a strong platform with great content, physics and visuals as well as competition, both online and offline.

A detailed changelog will be posted alongside the actual release, but some of the highlights of this build include a huge update to our Stock Car rules, better support for running Steam in offline mode – which can be very useful in LAN situations and a fix for the nVidia driver bug that has been plaguing some users of certain series of nVidia cards.

Good news! We’re ahead of our DX11 development schedule and are internally testing the first builds now. There is still a lot to do in terms of adding new features such as depth of field and motion blur effects on external cameras as well as overall improvements such as the shadow system. Needless to say, the results so far are looking good. We are really excited about the capability we have already and where it’s going. Our goal to keep the engine backward compatible seems achievable, and in the upcoming months we will start engaging the modding community providing information on the improved engine and how best to utilise it.

As we’ve announced last month, we are completely revamping the user interface of rFactor 2 to make it easier to use, nicer to look at and ready for VR. We’re leveraging modern web technology and are currently in the middle of the design phase. To give you a first impression, we’ve added a screenshot of a WIP car selection screen (see top of article)

Concerning content, we are very excited with the direction we are headed, certainly in the way plan to match cars and tracks. We will start to develop this approach over the next few months.

We have a number of car developments underway. With our current focus on the Radical, we are adding the finishing touches to the 3D model right now while we wait for some additional data to complete the physics model.

More great news! We have just signed a license with General Motors for the 2016 model of the Corvette C7.R. Development of the model and physics will start early next year. The 2016 model has significant aerodynamic improvements with a new, larger splitter and a large diffuser to generate more downforce. The car is the weapon of choice for Corvette Racing in their 2017 IMSA campaign as well as their effort to win the 24 Hours of Le Mans. As an added bonus, this car will also contribute to improving car physics overall.

In terms of tracks, we’ve already shown you previews of NOLA Motorsports Park in earlier updates, and we’re now in the final stages of development. The track will feature 5 different road course layouts and 5 different karting layouts, and we’re currently placing track side objects, such as grand stands, trees and a ferris wheel and are working on AI paths. It’s looking good for release early next year.
rFactor 2 NOLA.jpg

Now let’s talk about online. Since the release of rFactor 2 the pricing consisted of a one time payment and an online subscription, with the option of buying a lifetime version of that subscription. Over the years we have received a lot of questions about charging extra for online access, and what people were getting for this in return.

We understand that online racing is key to the future of the platform. As online racers ourselves, we have decided to provide online access for everybody with the Steam version for free – simplifying the pricing model and encouraging everybody to race online. Steam will take care of automated updates. We recognise that some of you have made this purchase over the past few months, and it was a difficult decision. However, we’re positive that you’ll agree we’ve made the right decision for the future of the platform.

With the Steam Winter Sale approaching what better way for you to relax and driver rFactor 2. Look out for an exclusive offer for the holiday period!

That’s all for our last monthly update of 2016. Happy Simracing and have a great holiday. We hope to see you all in the new year!"

rFactor 2 is a PC only racing simulation developed by Image Space Incorporated and latterly Studio 397. The game is available to purchase now on the Steam Network.

Check out the rFactor 2 sub forum here at RaceDepartment to take part in some of the best League and Club Racing events on the internet. Interact with our vibrant rFactor community in our dedicated rFactor 2 sub forum, download mods for the game or share a setup or two for your favourite cars.

Do you like the sound of the latest roadmap? Looking forward to DX11 and VR? Which pieces of content would you like to see added going forward? Let us know in the comments section below!
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I hope they will acquire Race2Play...
...I will call it rF2Play...
...multy free for all both on rF2 and rF2Play...
...but premium account will be needed for all the rF2Play features...
...which will be free for lifetime subscribers...
...and with a monthly fee for the others...
...justice done and pace restored!
(I am sarcastic except for the Race2Play acquisition...Luminis can set a real iRacing contender with R2P tools...)
Quite possibly that would have been the clever solution. Would have left ISI looking like bastards though to stop fixing RF2 and letting it die.

There isn't really a way for the two Dev teams to win here. But it would help if their communication reflected a certain respect towards the customers that paid for A and are now getting B.

So first you complain, that you lose something and now you want to pay for the same software again? Makes sense ...

Coming back to the product that you bought back in the day: I am pretty sure that ISI had the rights to change certain aspects of the game and if you really expected to stay rF2 as is over a period of over five years, then I can't help you. Allmost every of the freaking sims we play right now, are distributed via Steam. Supporting two versions was a pain in the ass, so they dropped it to simplify their development cycles as it caused bugs. Changing the subscription model is as legit as another company starting to sell DLCs or what ever. Once more: the people here don't lose anything at all, but gain more people in the lobby.

But as some other person here said: first world problems.
I can see some olympic level mental gymanstic in this thread. Let's pick an easy target and have fun analysing some of the bullshit here:

Supporting two versions was a pain in the ass, so they dropped it to simplify their development cycles as it caused bugs.
Not. My. F*cking. Problem. Hell, I'm not even worried about Steam, it's extremely convenient in my situation. But to dismiss the problems that people had with the transition is bonkers. ISI was taunting the fact that they're not on Steam as an advantage and few months after they released the Steam version, they decided to scrap the stand-alone entirely.

Changing the subscription model is as legit as another company starting to sell DLCs or what ever.
As in, it is not legitimate at all. There is a world of a difference between creating the whole 'no paid DLC ever' marketing shtick and being fully transaprent with your monetisation model since day one. Especially when they already charged people extra costs with the subscription model. If Assetto Corsa was trying to pull off this insanity I would call them out too, because it would be just as sleazy if it was done by Kunos.

Hold on a second... Weren't you one of the guys practically screeching in every other thread about rf2 how great it is that ALL future content is free and those other 'horrible' devs charge people for DLC? Oh how quickly things change...

Once more: the people here don't lose anything at all, but gain more people in the lobby.
Well, I'm pretty sure that lifetime of free content is f*cking lost for one thing.

But as some other person here said: first world problems.
I have a lot more serious problems right now, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna call out BS when I see it.
wtf . how does online equal content?
Well, some people here say this is the alternative ISI found to DLC so they could keep funding the game for both groups after all since those that didn't buy the lifetime or yearly online access also got the strange selection of content without paying.
Now let's see.... this is a strange business model since the begining. We all know any game has way more offline players than online, how did they expect rF2 to be funded this way?
There are many ISI decisions that comes from rF1 days that I'll never understand. At the same time they made a briliant sim they were also kinda "dumb" on some stuff (no offense)
Well I for one would prefer rF2 not die (unless they decide not to update the historic content and build out the already "promised" historic content). Would be interesting to contemplate other legal avenues could have been used to more clearly cut ties with ISI (in addition to losing Tim Wheatley lol). For example, I wonder what the scenario would be where S397 bought the code and rebranded to something other than rF2. That way, rF2 could die along with everyone's expectations and a new software with a clean content and feature expectations could arise and with everyone paying again because rF2 is dead. I would have been fine with that and would mean more money for S397 to save "rF2" with support from "lifers" who would gladly pay again to save their favorite software instead of being mad that their software is being saved.
This is probably "not" such a stupid idea!
After all. How many game do most buy a year? A totally new title branding with all new content would have saved all this "You owe me!" crap.
Because the users who paid more for a lifetime sub, in turn, were promised there would be no paid DLC as their bigger price would cover the costs of extending the sim. And paid DLC is obviously in the cards as of next year...

As much as I agree with this, As a lifetime license owner who bought it right at the start when it was a bucket of do do! I think for rF2 to survive radical steps need to be taken. Nothing is free! You pay in one form or the other.
The larger majority here agree that rF2 is as SIMS go the best so far, Right?
So why would you whine about a $30 dollar difference to what you paid to now. Remembering that those that paid the lower yearly subscription have to, to stay online paid a additional $10 per year over the original prize. For many, they've already paid more then I did if they paid every year. If anyone has the right to complain it's them.

At the end of the day a better rF2 will benefit all of us. More people buy it. More people will mod it. More, newer content for all. Not just all the vintage crap that ISI and it seams you bunch like so much. Maybe we'll start seeing modern "race" cars on today's tracks!

AC is doing so well because it's living in this day and age, Not stuck back 50 years ago!
For many, they've already paid more then I did if they paid every year. If anyone has the right to complain it's them.
Actually not true. Rf2 first came out in 2012 and was in beta for something like 18-24 months or so. So subscriptions only became necessary somewhere in the end of 2014 maybe? So the game has been cheaper if you bought the annual subs instead of buying the lifetime.
Actually not true. Rf2 first came out in 2012 and was in beta for something like 18-24 months or so. So subscriptions only became necessary somewhere in the end of 2014 maybe? So the game has been cheaper if you bought the annual subs instead of buying the lifetime.
Could be right. So we're about equal then? Or there abouts.
Doesn't really matter though.

I had a look at the current prizes today and it's about $50 USD difference now. I don't remember it being that large a gap when I bought it. Not that it would make a difference even if I was to buy it now, I'd still buy the lifetime. Except now you maybe getting the lifetime for the sub prize if you buy it now. They need to change Steam prizing now. Not latter! Still I don't care, Their the ones loosing out the longer it stays like it is, not me.
I think it was 30€ when I bought it and the lifetime was 80€ (was there some kind of pre-order special price?). So lifetime costs 80€ which is 50€ for 2 years whereas yearly subs is 11€ per year. So I'd guess at most one could have bought three yearly subs for the price of 33€ which means saving of 17€ over the lifetime version (80€ vs 30+3x11).

I'm not 100% sure about the times but I'd imagine they are not far off.
No one that bought the 'Life-time' access thing has been cheated.
You have what you paid for.
You have 'Life-time' access to the online part of the game.
You have got what you paid for.
If you think you really have been cheated, seek legal advice.
I can guarantee that once the facts have been presented to the legal chap, the reply from legal will take around 30 seconds..
About as long as it takes to read the top 4 sentences...
Legally they have done nothing wrong.
Morally they have done nothing wrong.
You have got what you paid for.
End of.
No one that bought the 'Life-time' access thing has been cheated.
You have what you paid for.
You have 'Life-time' access to the online part of the game.
You have got what you paid for.
If you think you really have been cheated, seek legal advice.
I can guarantee that once the facts have been presented to the legal chap, the reply from legal will take around 30 seconds..
About as long as it takes to read the top 4 sentences...
Legally they have done nothing wrong.
Morally they have done nothing wrong.
You have got what you paid for.
End of.
Oh dear.... :confused:
What don't you understand?
I would say 99% of lifetime sub members are happy that the online feature is going free to all users. What a percentage are not happy with is that they bought the lifetime sub to offset any "paid" DLC that might be charged. But as @Marc Collins rightly pointed out, perhaps maybe its not all finalised, so we will see what pans out
Oh dear.... :confused:
What don't you understand?
I understand completely.
With respect Paul, it is rather obvious that you do not understand.
You have what you paid for.
There, wrote it again for you.
All customers will get DLC.
Get it now?
There is no issue.
Instead of moaning on here, and trying to be 'clever', why not contact the game makers?
Do something proactive.
Then come back and tell us all, how clever you have been..
Now, which bit of that do you not understand?

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