rFactor 2 Open Beta (pre-release discussion)

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Tim Wheatley said:
What is the pricing structure for rF2?
In the USA, rF2 will sell for $43.99. This will allow unlimited access to single player and mod development mode. It will also include one year access to an online account. Additional one year access to the online account can be purchased for $12.99.

Why not simply raise the initial purchase price?
That wouldn’t be fair to those wanting to use only the single player or mod development mode.

What exactly are online services?
Users will be given online accounts from which they can access multiplayer races. This should reduce the number of anonymous race entries and in turn hopefully reduce the number of passworded servers.

The service will identify when updates are available and allow for automatic downloads.

The service provides a way to generate and maintain unique Mod/Package ID’s. This should help reduce the mismatch problem found in the current version of rFactor and also help reduce/eradicate version confusion for the end user.

Additional features such as online statistics are also planned.

What will I be able to do if I don't use online services?
You will be able to run single player, run Mod Mode, and manually find and install any mods or updates.

What is this open beta I have been hearing about?
We plan to release an early content-limited version for mod makers to provide feedback on the system. It will be an open beta, meaning anyone can participate. People wishing to take part will be required to make a full purchase (see pricing info above). We are planning to give those who take part in the open beta 18 months of online access with that purchase rather than the 12 months which will come with purchase after the open beta.

Will you offer refunds during or after the open beta?
If you believe you became a part of the rFactor 2 community too early we can arrange one.

Do you think GTR3 will do the same thing...(i would get rig of SKIDROWS)
Kartsim will also have a subscription based membership
Iracing is what it is
And before to long this will be the acceted way of gaming,
i am suprised we dont pay for mods already as a way of saying thanks...
Now there no way i can afford all 4 of these every year, maybe i dont have any money left for the smaller independant developers (these are going to be the loosers in all of this)
So ill choose what i want and enjoy it,
Dont mind paying for the game but I never play online races only lan so why should I pay for monthly subscription for something that requires no maintenance. I think Lan should be separate to online.
Wow many people here have a lot of silly principles and arguments why they shouldn't pay $13 for a game.
I payed $13 for my dinner the other day and let me tell you that I can skip that dinner to re-new my subscription for rFactor 2 for another year of intense simracing! :cool:
Some people...
I am with Senad Subasic, Sérgio Marques On this as are many around the net. So you all sit there and think it is ok for VLM to spend 2 years on a track or having EnduRacers spend what must be getting on for 3 years with the best mod there is and they get nothing but a thank you post. Sham on you.

Yes ISI make the game one of the best but they do not make the mods for so why should we have to pay to play on line when the stuff we are using is not theres. Ok if we use ISI cars and tracks then thats cool to make us pay its there work.

All ISI will offer online is a matchmake oh and we get game updates from your server that as you have said you can download and install your self if you don't want to pay for online. so then thats ISI charging for some thing that we can get for sod all in the first place.

As others have said how many laws are going to get done over here. Modding has to be free for the fact no modders could ever pay for the rights to make the cars or tracks. But yet ISI will charge for that same thing so how the fook does that work will it be like all the torrent sites around these days that say there doing nothing wrong as the do not host the torrent just a link to it..

And before any 1 posts it this has fook all to do with me paying for it I have pleanty of money I am just sticking up for us modders who are gitting a crap deal

And before any says you don't know what your talking about I do.....
i wonder if this will work for those who dont want to pay for online http://www.tunngle.net/index.php?l=en
[h=2]Free p2p VPN[/h]Tunngle is a revolutionary p2p VPN tool that delivers the best online entertainment experience.
Tunngle is specifically designed to allow PC gamers all over the world to comfortably play their games over the Internet while enjoying all the commodities of a Local Area Network party.
Tunngle is literally built around games. Each game has its own public network. Each network comes with its own chat! You can bookmark, list and search!
Tunngle comes with its own integrated messenger. Adding buddies, making friends is just a few mouse clicks away!

this is now being used on Grid after they dropped the servers.....
Wayne Reed;976166 said:
I am with Senad Subasic, Sérgio Marques On this as are many around the net. So you all sit there and think it is ok for VLM to spend 2 years on a track or having EnduRacers spend what must be getting on for 3 years with the best mod there is and they get nothing but a thank you post. Sham on you.

Yes ISI make the game one of the best but they do not make the mods for so why should we have to pay to play on line when the stuff we are using is not theres. Ok if we use ISI cars and tracks then thats cool to make us pay its there work.

All ISI will offer online is a matchmake oh and we get game updates from your server that as you have said you can download and install your self if you don't want to pay for online. so then thats ISI charging for some thing that we can get for sod all in the first place.

As others have said how many laws are going to get done over here. Modding has to be free for the fact no modders could ever pay for the rights to make the cars or tracks. But yet ISI will charge for that same thing so how the fook does that work will it be like all the torrent sites around these days that say there doing nothing wrong as the do not host the torrent just a link to it..

And before any 1 posts it this has fook all to do with me paying for it I have pleanty of money I am just sticking up for us modders who are gitting a crap deal

And before any says you don't know what your talking about I do.....

Again we dont know all details yet.
Maybe the modders get money for it. We dont know, so we cant make those assumptions yet. :)
I dont know what is "super cheap" about price 44$. Its normal deal for such a game, I remember GTL or Race series were never more expensive.

"Why not simply raise the initial purchase price?
That wouldn’t be fair to those wanting to use only the single player or mod development mode."
- I think its only excuse from them to take more money from us, honestly. They know that this game will buy guys from communities like this, its literally made for community. I dont remember when I last paid for servers running OK, its always already in the price. In iRacing you get (what I've heard) really proper physics and for fees an extra maps, cars. I think those DLCs work better, because you pay only for what you want and what you use, but in rFactor those mods are made by community. You say you give more money to SimBin for their expands - but its right, you wont buy something you dont like. And imagine you would have to pay for servers to have them running OK. The price also doesnt consider how MUCH you play the game.

I am disappointed by this, I dont want to spend money on a "year" game, because who knows if I will be racing after that. University.
I have to pay around €40/year to have any online features for my XBox 360 games, I also pay monthly (€10 or so) for an MMO and often spend more than €10 on Pizza and Kebabs in a week, so the annual fee is not at a level that worries me at all.
Ondrej Kapal;976335 said:
I am disappointed by this, I dont want to spend money on a "year" game, because who knows if I will be racing after that. University.

And still you're bickering about $13 to renew it...
I'm a 3rd year university student and I bought a full year subscription for iRacing when I began my studies in 2009.
I played it very often in the beginning but after a few weeks I didn't because of time and lack of interest.
So I wasted $99 for something I played a few months.
So what I'm saying is that if I had bought rFactor 2 for $44 for a year it is still way cheaper compared to 1 year for $99 in iRacing.
This is the future of every online game out there,no matter if its a SIM or arcade or strategy.It will be inevitable.Better security in the first place,a better managemant of the situation and so on.The choice is on everyone hand.If one thinks the money are well spent than that was a win for him,or refusing to become a subscriber and not paying,will allso make him a winner.So,you think its worth it? Than go for it.Its not?Than use what makes you enjoy it.All the discution about money and what is and what was....its equal 0.Nothing will change and some of you should know that.So you can move on or stay behind.Your call.
Ondrej Kapal;976620 said:
Ok, I should have checked the iRacing offers and prices before I was shouting. I never tried it and never will. But it still changes nothing about what I am saying considering the rFactor fees.

Why dont you ask your parents or a good friend to buy you the membership subscription for your birthday or christmas or something... Your birthday comes every year. rFactor's $13 fee needs to be paid every year.... 1 + 1

Honestly, how do you PC sim gamers survive in the modern gaming world... World of Warcraft is $50 + $14 monthly fee. Xbox Live is $60 yearly fee. Final Fantasy XI is still a monthly fee game + the Xbox Live yearly subscription.

There's also your phone bill... your internet bill...

If you can't afford $13 per year then you probably need to straighten out your priorities. After all I'm sacrificing my World of Warcraft sub for rF2 and I'm saving a lot of money just by doing that
the charge of $13 isnt a lot but if all games do it, it will end up that the normal $60 games charge for online too, i think ISI should just put the price up to $57, everyone will still buy it without a thought and they will get all the $13's they would have to wait a year for all in the first year. what even justifies the $13? matchmaking servers? lol all the matchmaking server does is show the names, ip addresses, number of players, what mod and what track the servers are on and all these servers arent even run by ISI. charging for online is what's killing the xbox 360, causing the ps3 to get more owners and the reason why "games for windows live" flopped like a soggy sock.

Juen-Jen Wang
Those are MMO games, a completely different story. an MMO depends completely on the online aspect. for rfactor and 90% of all games the multiplayer is just an extra mode to use.
and even the xbox 360, thats $60 for the all of your games not $60 in every separate game.
if we had to pay $13 per year for each game we play whats that for an average gamer? if you play 10 games in a year that have online modes thats $130, seeing the bigger picture now?
for me in england atleast that £80 is nearly enough to get me a graphics card that will last 3 years of playing all new games at high graphics and maybe last another 2 years than that of playing latest games at any graphics settings.

Juen, the main problem I was aiming is that you dont know how long the game will be enjoying you...

What I love about racing is that you can race anytime you decide. No matter if you race two times half a year or every day. The fees are the same if you jump into race once a week and once a day and thats I dont like. I dont want a game, which after stopping my pays wont be playable - GTL, RACE, rF stay forever. Thats why I didnt purchase iRacing too. Why I dont play such a games.

They just should have risen the price - the content is worth it. I think this will only deter people from buying it than earn more money for that.

According to bills, its more problem than an argument. I have to pay that bills, another year fee doesnt make it better. And for those "13$ is not that much," sorry, not an argument too.
When you have a principle against spending as much money a year on a hobby that you´ll spend within seconds in a bar by getting a couple of drinks - you REALLY need to re-evaluate your principles.

What stubborn people need to realise is that Everything costs. Everything. There is no such thing as free. I know it should be a given but after reading 3 pages of this thread I´m not so sure anymore.

If you´re gonna pull out an argument about how you didn´t have to pay subscriptions back in the days, then I suggest you don´t. Nowadays games come with online content that is more than often hosted by the company that has created the game. For ISI, there are monthly costs for running online services that you´re going to use. So what kind of a business would run on "holy water" ? You better start getting rid of your gaming equipment and start thinking of new hobbies if these VERY inconsiderable costs are an issue to you.

Robert Woodward;976733 said:
charging for online is what's killing the xbox 360, causing the ps3 to get more owners and the reason why "games for windows live" flopped like a soggy sock.

First of all that's actually not why the 360 is starting to slump a little and that is certainly not the reason why Games for Windows Live has failed.

Robert Woodward;976733 said:
Juen-Jen Wang
Those are MMO games, a completely different story. an MMO depends completely on the online aspect. for rfactor and 90% of all games the multiplayer is just an extra mode to use.
and even the xbox 360, thats $60 for the all of your games not $60 in every separate game.
if we had to pay $13 per year for each game we play whats that for an average gamer? if you play 10 games in a year that have online modes thats $130, seeing the bigger picture now?
for me in england atleast that £80 is nearly enough to get me a graphics card that will last 3 years of playing all new games at high graphics and maybe last another 2 years than that of playing latest games at any graphics settings.

Fine, then buy rF2 and dont pay the fee for online services then. You dont have to pay the subscription fee if you just want the offline content. AFAIK, you pay a fee to use their online service. Their online service. Pretty much exactly like an MMO that requires a fee. If you just want to play offline you can just buy the game and ignore the fee which is something that iRacing and most MMOs don't offer.

Ondrej Kapal;976749 said:
Juen, the main problem I was aiming is that you dont know how long the game will be enjoying you...

What I love about racing is that you can race anytime you decide. No matter if you race two times half a year or every day. The fees are the same if you jump into race once a week and once a day and thats I dont like. I dont want a game, which after stopping my pays wont be playable - GTL, RACE, rF stay forever. Thats why I didnt purchase iRacing too. Why I dont play such a games.

They just should have risen the price - the content is worth it. I think this will only deter people from buying it than earn more money for that.

According to bills, its more problem than an argument. I have to pay that bills, another year fee doesnt make it better. And for those "13$ is not that much," sorry, not an argument too.

You can still enjoy rF2 offline if you dont pay a fee. But lets say that you do pay the fee and you only end up using rF2 like 3 weeks then you stop playing it. You lose what? $13? Would you really be that upset if you paid the $13 and you decide to quit rF2 early in your subscription? Again, you can enjoy rF2 all you want WITHOUT the fee cause the singleplayer will not require a subscription...

Again... it's a yearly fee... So why don't you just ask for it for a birthday or christmas present?... it's pretty much how I've been paying for my iRacing fees and I didn't pay a single cent out of my own pocket when it comes to iR's yearly fees.
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