rFactor 2 Update Released

Paul Jeffrey

rFactor 2 Update - jayarrbee36 Screenshot 3.jpg

rFactor 2 has today received another new update, adding several fixes as well as the long awaited support for multiple GPUs...

Studio 397 have been hard at work bringing both large and small updates to the title on a regular basis since introducing the substantial DX11 and Virtual Reality update back in April, and now another new update is available for immediate download, and it contains plenty of interesting fixes and additions.

Noteworthy for the majority of players will be the seemining innocuous real road shader artifacts updated, with should give a little visual boost to the title, plus a very welcome addition of controller profiles for several key Fanatec products.

July 6th Build Update Notes:
  • Fixed artifacts on old real road shader.
  • Fixed screen capture in TTool.
  • Fixed multiple controller profiles so JOY1 is default controller mapping....
  • Added controller profiles for Fanatec wheels: Fanatec CSW v2.5, Fanatec CSW v2, Fanatec CSR Elite, Fanatec CSL XBOX, Fanatec CSL PS4.
  • Added support for mulit-gpus and multi-monitor selection, available via drop downs in Laucher config.
  • VR Added re-center view now assignable to a key (default is Backspace).
  • VR Fixed Track loading screen.
  • Lower input latency

To give you a quick catch up on what's happened behind the scenes these past few weeks, check out the more recent update notes below -

19/06/2017 Build ID : 1899371
  • Fixed: VR trackside cameras.
  • Fixed: VR Showroom is now rendering properly.
  • Fixed VR Monitor and replay working in-game.
  • Fixed: Multi-monitor selection now available.
  • Fixed: Minor issues with UI font.
  • Fixed: AI way-points now show in Dev Mode.
  • Fixed: Zoom and out of focus elements in track-side cameras when in multi-view mode. (Triple screen)
  • Fixed: Focus on UI elements in Viewer.exe
  • Fixed: Real Road rendering issues.
  • Added: Brand New High resolution “Hangar” style showroom to better showcase cars.
  • Added: VR Improvements to the Post processing effects by disabling the Depth-of-Field.
  • Updated: Minor performance and video memory improvements.
  • Updated: Showroom post process preset.
  • Updated: The graphics engine now renders ambient shadows while in the showroom.

21/06/2017 Build ID : 1905199
  • VR : Fixed issue with scene rendering
  • VR : Fixed issue with Onscreen names and black UI screen
  • VR : Disabled head tracking in monitor mode
  • Fixed dual gpu integrated/dedicated issue

27/06/2017 Build ID : 1915820
  • VR : Improved UI and loading screen
  • Performance improvements
  • Improved multiview gizmo
  • Fixed reflections displaying wrong dynamic objects
  • Improved font system cache

rFactor 2 can be purchased from the Steam platform right now and is available exclusively for PC.

rFactor 2 Update - jayarrbee36 Screenshot 2.jpg
rFactor 2 Update - jayarrbee36 Screenshot.jpg
rFactor 2 Update - RoWo Screenshot.jpg

Check out the rFactor 2 sub forum here at RaceDepartment for all the latest news and discussion with regards to the simulation. You can take part in lively debates with fellow rFactor 2 fans and take part in some great Club and League racing events..! Head over to the forum now and share the love this simulation so very much deserves...

Tried the new update yet? Please with the progress so far? Happy with the direction of rF2 since the big DX11 / VR update? Let us know in the comments section below!

Picture credits - jayarrbee36 and RoWo
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Hey, does anyone have some recommended settings for my graphics setup? I have a 1080 with AMD FX8350 Processor. Should I let rFactor 2 do all the graphic or tune the Nvidia Control Panel?
Hey, does anyone have some recommended settings for my graphics setup? I have a 1080 with AMD FX8350 Processor. Should I let rFactor 2 do all the graphic or tune the Nvidia Control Panel?
It's not recommended to use the NVidia control panel or NVidia Inspector. I've tinkered myself but never found any advantage. I've never had problems either but I've been sticking with game settings.
There's been a number of threads regarding this over the years, here is one in particular:


Quote from Tuttle (ISI Dev)
Starting from a clean installation, with a clean player/config file, the best way to proceed with graphics settings is to JUST use ingame settings, pushing on high AA levels and anisotropic filtering x8 or x16 (and of course good track/car quality settings)...and that without overriding anything via inspector and/or CCP.
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rFactor 2, especially since Studio 397 has taken over, has ruined sim racing for me :confused: Well, not ruined if I stick to rF2 :) I'm having a hard time in all of my other sims, they just don't provide the same feel as rF2. With rF2 the cars react like I would expect, with an excellent "connected to the road feel". Maybe it's my wheel (TM TX) setup, maybe I haven't found setup nirvana in the others, maybe rF2 just checks most of my preference boxes, just saying :D.
And for the OSW too, very frustrating when u play in VR to back windows and change the rotation for every car in the Mmos profiler. please S397 add it would be great, Iracing can so i think its possible.
Apologies for the stupid question I don't know how OSW's work entirely... But in controls do you have "Vehicle Set" ticked?

Apologies for the crude picture and condescending arrow...
For me AMS has surpassed rF2 bigtime. Especially the bumps in the tracks are done very well which makes car handling a challenge. I wás very exited to see the radical entering rF2 but after one lap i started AMS again. DX11 and VR mean nothing to me.
What's not to like? They're really pushing out the updates and it improves with each update. I'm curious how many devs are on the team? They're also committed to VR support and realize the importance of implementing new technology.
I'm torn whether I should buy into the VR headsets that are out today, or should I wait to see what comes out this year. I just purchased a new sim rig, but I don't have a monitor to run with it yet. I figured I could spend the $600+ on a VR headset, or a nice triple monitor set up. Any thoughts? I've heard that the current headsets are not that great in terms of resolution or detail.
I'm torn whether I should buy into the VR headsets that are out today, or should I wait to see what comes out this year. I just purchased a new sim rig, but I don't have a monitor to run with it yet. I figured I could spend the $600+ on a VR headset, or a nice triple monitor set up. Any thoughts? I've heard that the current headsets are not that great in terms of resolution or detail.
I know the dilemma. For me I'm waiting for VR hardware to improve and pricing to drop. For my rig, I went with 3 inexpensive 24" monitors ($365 for all after rebates) for triple screen but will most likely move to VR in a year or two. In the past I've always jumped in immediately for cutting edge technology, age has taught me to wait for the sweet spot of tech and cost ;)
I'm a VR guy and the biggest expense is not the goggles (when compared to price of triple screens), but cost of graphics card and CPU. You need at least a 1070 for good frame rates (unless you like getting sick) and a good CPU. Those two account for a majority of the cost. That being said i'm totally underwhelmed by the VR in rfactor2. The colors are pale and it hasn't come around yet. Still hoping there's more.
I'm torn whether I should buy into the VR headsets that are out today, or should I wait to see what comes out this year. I just purchased a new sim rig, but I don't have a monitor to run with it yet. I figured I could spend the $600+ on a VR headset, or a nice triple monitor set up. Any thoughts? I've heard that the current headsets are not that great in terms of resolution or detail.
I would not go for tripples, VR is the future, you should try at a friend to see if current headsets are acceptable for you, if not I'd wait out for next gen. But they might not come this year, hopefully next year...
Hey, does anyone have some recommended settings for my graphics setup? I have a 1080 with AMD FX8350 Processor. Should I let rFactor 2 do all the graphic or tune the Nvidia Control Panel?
I disagree with William Wester 100%. With Nvidia Inspector, I have all my games crystal clear & they weren't before I tried it. Even NR 2003 is so clear, it's like DX9, NO sparklys on anything & it's all because of Nvidia Insp. You just have to play around with it. Here's a link, over at NoGrip Racing, DurgeDriven shows pictures of his settings in Nvidia Insp. which I copied & a few I changed. You just have to experiment. It's really awsome how it clears up a game. try It. https://postimg.org/image/6p6ujgyff/