rFactor Better FFB Tutorial

DOWNLOAD UPDATED!! (Oct 8th, 2011)

I recently got hold of a friends iRacing account because he insisted I needed to feel this "incredible" "amazing" and "realistic" Force Feedback that he and other iRacing enthusiasts have been touting on-infinitum. I had no doubt that it would be better then rFactor's as rF's age has put it at a disadvantage. I tested with every car in the account on several tracks to get a "feel" for what the iR ffb was actually doing.

I was confident in my ability to duplicate it in rF, I spent the next week searching, tweaking, tweaking and then I did some tweaking to rFactors default Controller.ini, Realfeel and Leo's FFB.

With this concoction of a modified Controller.ini, modified default RealFeel (Thanks goes to this guy's tutorial for the original modification ideas http://www.eoaa.org/phpbbforum/viewtopic.php?t=338) and the painfully difficult editing of Leo's FFB settings. I was finally able to settle and do some testing (and more tweaking).

What this FFB will do is... Well you have to feel it. I think this feels better than iRacing. You will need to adjust every car with realfeel's numpad hotkey's, but with these settings I feel every crevice and bump in the road. I can feel the brakes lock up and the steering goes numb. A locked up tire will pull the steering wheel. I can even feel the slight pressure difference on the steering as the front of the car goes up and over hills and then gently lands again.

===TUTORIAL START================================

For all the Fanatec users, remove the PorscheWheelPlugin.dll from your plugins folder as it interferes with this!

I am using a G27 with a larger wheel than stock and used both 900 and 720 degrees of rotation for testing. Some forces may be set stronger for me than you would like but adjustment is pretty simple.

1} Download this zip. (Updated As of 100811) It contains all the plugins you need with the default settings set already. http://www.mediafire.com/?4f1r9k5oiyqbdxo

2} Move the files to their appropriate location Overwrite or remove any previous versions of Leo's or Realfeel!

3} Change the lines in your rFactor\userdata\yourname\Controller.ini There is a copy of them in the zip but I will post them here as well. http://paste2.org/p/1263317

4} Go to your Driving wheels control panel and set it up as follows. Even if you aren't using a logitech the spring, damper and strength setting should still be somewhere.

5} Change the "Front Wheel Lock Angle" line in rFactor\plugins\LeoFFB.ini

The very first line should be changed to your preferred steering lock used in "most" mods. Sometimes this won't be correct if a mod limits the angle but use an average. I use 22° if on 720° of wheel rotation and 28° if running 900° and the mod allows it.

6} Testing Once in-game you will not have to edit anything. Load a car such as HistorX or the Lotus23's or any mod that works with realfeel. I RECOMMEND USING A REAR WHEEL DRIVE CAR FOR A FIRST TEST!! When you go on track you WILL NO LONGER hear a voice say "realfeel is enabled" This was disabled in the newest realfeel. While sitting still you should find it difficult to turn the wheels and the steering wheel should stay where you turn it. This means that the Leo's is installed correctly.

** If you have severe oscillation when not moving simply lower the "Stiffness of Stationary wheels" value in the LeoFFB.ini

7} Adjusting the FFB
This is the hot key config used by RealFeel. The only things you should be concerning yourself with are the "Reverse FF", "Stronger FF", "Softer FF", "Decrease RFP mix" and "More Smooting" options.

A} Immediately in every new car you use set the RealFeelMix down to 90% (RIGHT CTRL + NUM 1) it will allow the Leo's road bump effects, rumble strips and grass effects to be felt. If you forget to do this the following adjustments will be off.

B} Drive the car at a decent pace turning back and forth. Once rolling ~25 mph you should be able to feel if the FFB is in the correct direction (Pulling to the center) or if the mod has the geometry backward (your steering wheel tries to go all the way left or right.) If it is backward you need to press "RIGHT CTRL + NUM 8". This will reverse the FFB for that particular car and you can continue.

** Note, when rolling forward for the first time around 12 MPH you should feel the Leo's stiffness fade and realfeel will take over. With some mods this transition is transparent in others there is a slight wheel shutter.

C} If the force is too strong you can use either (LEFT CTRL + NUM 9) to lower the FFB strength by 1,000 or (RIGHT CTRL + NUM 9) to lower by 100. Use NUM 7 to make it stronger. Drive for a while at high and low speeds, braking hitting rumble strips etc before finalizing this number.

If you notice your steering wheel vibrates alot when there should be no reason OR if you have to set the strength divider set under 1,000 it is recommended you use a smoothing level of at least 1 (RIGHT CTRL + NUM .)

A SPECIAL NOTE!! The RealFeel plugin's force is most dependent on the suspension CASTER of the car you are using. The higher the caster the stronger the force you will have straitening the wheels out at speed. If you find a car has severely low or high FFB. Instead of putting the Strength below 1000 or raising the divider above 8-9000 and risking over/under modulation try to adjust the Caster in the advanced tab to ~4-8 degrees. An example of Caster being an issue is the V8 Supercars use 15° of caster which is VERY HIGH. I set it to 7° and it was much easier to adjust the FFB correctly.

10} A Note on four wheel drive/ front wheel drive cars. You may find cars like the Historic Rally Cars or the HistorX Mini feel "funny". This is due to the front wheels being powered. What you will feel is, when coasting, it feels perfectly normal but when on the power through a corner the steering force will go light and even pull to one side. This is an effect known as torque steer. It is realistic for cars of this type and I have never felt it with any other FFB setup so that is a bonus.

That should be it. Now for every car you load the calibration procedure will be repeated and the adjustments will be saved automatically to your "rFactor\realfeelplugin.ini". It only takes about 20 seconds once you get the hang of it. I have included as many mods pre-adjusted as possible to help everyone with the transition. The following cars come set up by me.


Finally, Some mods simply DO NOT WORK with this FFB. I would point out the Saleen S7 Turbo mod as one. I couldn't for the life of me get that or the Mazda MX5's to feel "right". I tested as many mods as I could but if you find one that doesn't work or you are having issues, please post details here and I will take a look. Good luck and Happy Driving.
Oh.. I should change that.. The RealFeel creator disabled the voice on startup when he last updated the plugin since it annoyed him. You won't get the voice unless you change something.

You should only be using one Controller.ini If you have multiple that you load change the lines in all of them.

The ini in the root folder should be the one used to store your data.
I have had this issue.. It is a leo problem.The setting you need to change is "Stiffness of Stationaly Wheels" (I think) it was a while ago. Try lowering that down a bit.

Hmmm... I tried tweaking it and several other possibles too, for days, with no luck getting a perfect blend.

Going back to vanilla RF and Leo's (and reversing other changes) works so it must be a combination of changes to different files?
Oh.. I should change that.. The RealFeel creator disabled the voice on startup when he last updated the plugin since it annoyed him. You won't get the voice unless you change something.

You should only be using one Controller.ini If you have multiple that you load change the lines in all of them.

The ini in the root folder should be the one used to store your data.
I will try again.
I am using a fanatec CSR and in truth have not really felt much if anything at all so far either with the standard game , with Real Feel or with the mod.
To emphasise this point, when I go back to F1 2011 on Xbox I think the FFB is awesome. so somethings wrong:(
Any hints on settings for my wheel are welcome.
I am using a fanatec CSR and in truth have not really felt much if anything at all so far
Any hints on settings for my wheel are welcome.

After my brief testing of the Fanatec CSW wheel I can finally say I understand your problem. Try turning the FFB Force in the Fanatec software up to 150%. That is how I tested and it was the only way to really get the detail I wanted out of the sim compared to my G27.
After my brief testing of the Fanatec CSW wheel I can finally say I understand your problem. Try turning the FFB Force in the Fanatec software up to 150%. That is how I tested and it was the only way to really get the detail I wanted out of the sim compared to my G27.

Thanks Steven.
Where do I do that (get 150%) As far as I remember on wheel and in game 100% is maximum
Actually I am not sure where it is on the CSR or if it can surpass 100% but since every wheel I have ever seen has that option I assumed it did too.

Check this out Make sure your driver / firmware are also updated.

Well these last words triggered one of those "Oh yes thats a point" moments.

See I purchased my CSR for F1 2011 and months later just connected it to the PC, mapped some controls and started driving.
I guess the PC treated it like a joystic.
Amyway tonight I installed the drivers (still old firmware) and jumped in the GP2 2011.
WOW! I have FFB. The hot keys are working/tweaking. rumble strips are rumbling and causing deceleration. I have FFB and the car feels real, I feel the rears letting go and the feel combined with the other visual cues now are awesome.
I got in the V8 Supercar (BTW I have had hotlaps with Dick Johnson but I digress) and it was wrenching the wheel from my grasp. Bit more tweaking and it will be there.

So a very very pleased and embarrassed PC sim newby says thanks:redface::thumbsup:
Nice write up and support !

However I don't think I can get this to work properly with my fanatec GT3 RS V2 wheel.
Have severe issues with it which i'll explain, however behind all the extreme forces I feel I do feel correct FFB settings underneath it so it's there but filtering out the bad seems impossible.

Go to track...car is still no engine running. Wheel will shake like crazy and turns to one way.
This stutter / shaking stays there when driving straight and the force of the wheel is extremly strong.

90% mix with CTRL NUM 1
Turning of dampening Strenght in Fanatex settings doesn't help.
Lowering the Max FFB effects in Leo.ini doesn't help
Lowering stiffness of stationary wheels doesn't help
FFB Steer force input lowering doesn't help.
Ingame setting FFB strenght to low doesn't do anything
Setting the Strenght value ingame to 0 does work but then you don't have any FFB :)

Come to a point which got me thinking what the hell am I doing here spending hours sorting a FFB out while all I wan't is to finally get some laps in :S In that sence iRacing works a treat be it a non superb FFB neither or not.

Seems I will have to go to a Rf FFB with Leo or sumtin...more fiddling argh.
I remind everyone that the steering lock in a Car set-up is the degrees of rotation ? 360 Degree's of wheel movement and is COMPLETELY independent of the degrees of rotation set for the controller BUT is interactive with it and the sensitivity.
Which mod? I have experienced that in only a handful of mods. It isn't the rfactor ffb engine idle still coming through right?

Turn you steering Damper on will have a dramatic effect on vibrations etc. IMHO far too many people Don't set their controller's properly and this includes Damper and the additional settings in rFactor and GSC RRE and so on . Oh and in EVERY game set a Button for FFB reset as this WILL define the feedback profile and allow reset while in game without the need to recalibrate or anything else.
I installed this mod and I couldn't get it to work properly. I just can't feel any feedback at all in my G27 and my wheel response is everything but linear. I know this mod can be amazing but I can't it sorted out. If somebody can suggest some settings I would really appreciate that.
Only use effect settings of low or mid, anything higher generates constant "canned" effects (all that shaking and jolting) which have little to do with actual forces and usually masks what you want to feel.

RealFeel was a gimmick which worked well with some cars, was horrible on others, and seemed to have no discernable effect on some. Its cfg file, which could grow to mammoth proportions, often had duplicate entries which must have confused the program. I played around with it for a couple of years, but after it went crazy in two different rf installs I removed it completely and found I got decent, and more consistent, FFB from the default system.

Recently someone delved into the RealFeel dlls and noted they hooked into parts of the code "they had no business".

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