rFactor Racing Club (Merged)

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Please Note this is for rFactor 1

Class /Cars: Lotus Elite '61 Vs Fiat Abarth 1000TC '65
Track: Watkins glen Nascar layout ( Download )

See Main Forum for Official Race Time Clock

Practice start time: GMT 20.00 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 20.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 20.30 (13 laps)
Practice start time: GMT 20.50 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 21.10 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 21.20 (13 laps)

Note 1: Only default liveries or the liveries that come with the mod please
Note 2: Odd Number Sign ups Race1 = Lotus / Race2 = Abarth Even number vice versa.
Note 2: 10 minute Superpole 3 laps (1x out lap 1x fast lap & an inlap )
but please use escape on the 3rd lap do not drive it

Server password: Click here
Racing rules: Click here

Entry List:
  1. Rupe wilson - lotus / Abarth
  2. Yves Larose - Abarth/ lotus
  3. Matej Lakota - Lotus / Abarth
  4. Jarek Kostowski - Abarth/ lotus
  5. Andrew Jarnell - Lotus / Abarth
  6. Jack Smith - Abarth/ lotus
  7. Tristan Clark - Lotus / Abarth
  8. Hans Sneep - Abarth/ lotus
  9. Steven Walker - Lotus / Abarth
  10. Mike Bishop - Abarth/ lotus
  11. Allan Ramsbottom - Lotus / Abarth
  12. Mick Martin - Abarth/ lotus
  13. Jacob Boonstra - Lotus / Abarth
  14. Krzysztof Babi - Abarth/ lotus
  15. Tim Ling - Lotus / Abarth
  16. Stig Bidstrup - Abarth/ lotus
  17. Roland Warmenhoven - Abarth/ lotus
  18. Hiroshi Awazu - Abarth/ lotus
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
If you have not entered the server and driven a few laps with fellow drivers before we go to qualifying you are to late for that session. Please think of your fellow drivers and get out on track with them, watch how they drive, you can't race with guys you have not seen drive.
We ALL brake a little differently and drive the corners differently, get used to how they drive and then we can all race more safely.
If you drop out of the server during qualifying you can return.

This is being held in our Club, using Club Rules, and should be driven in that spirit.

For info on HistorX 1.96 click me
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Yep, i didn´t know that either, because I never race offline and that was my first HistorX start ever. I appologize all to made a mess on start line, but I didn´t even know, what is going on at that point, otherwise I would hit "Esc". I promise, I will care about my engine on the start of second race.

Sorry again :(.
Brilliant first race guys, I had a great start to the first race battling it out with @Jarek Kostowski. Too many mistakes saw @Yves Larose Closing up on me and Jarek a few second ahead, towards the end of the race. So third it was to be.

Feel gutted for some of the guys not familiar with HX, and the burning engine's! I did not see them until I watched the replay. Feel for ya lads.

Second race had gone to the dogs for me as I took to the Lotus, I knew I was slow in this motor, but I got on with it regardless. In Q session I was tailing Jarek Kostowski, hoping for a bit of a pull down the back straight, He's damn.....consistent! I managed to stay within a sec or so, crossed the line and DQ!!! eh? 4 of 3 laps, don't make no sense, so I counted 1out, 1hot, stop. Yeah thats 2!
Cruised slowly by the major road block at the start. Finished 5th after starting last so I'm happy with no incidents either. :)
Well, my first night racing in rF multiplayer since the Caterhams, and wow what a night :thumbsup:

The HistorX cars are very different to drive than the ones in GTL. They drive like the old films you see, sliding round corners more than gliding. And you have to take care of your engine too!

R1 I was in the Elite. This is a well mannered sports car, and I felt safe driving it round the Glen. A reasonable Q after very little practice saw me around 9th I think, but...unlike GTL there's no obvious artificial start lights, you have to watch the race lights on the track. So my start was bad, but I missed the accident that happened in front. Some nice fights with @Jacob Boonstra (good to see you back mate :thumbsup:) and @Roland Warmenhoven and rolled home 8th I think.

R2 and I was in the Abarth. This small car is insane :confused:. The short wheel base of this pocket rocket means it slides round every corner sideways. It took me a few laps to not spin every corner, then a setting from @Yves Larose setup (front ARB to 28) to make the car driveable, then by half way through the race I was having fun :D:D. I think I was 7th, and I managed a lap 2 secs faster than in the Elite :O_o:

Now, you may have noticed I'm not too sure what position I finished in, but it doesn't matter. This was pure fun, even the Abarth, which terrified me at first. Just as important, I never crashed, and I stayed on the road :laugh::cool:

Thanks to @Rupe Wilson , @Steven Walker , @Yves Larose & @Jarek Kostowski :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
More please!

On a side note, I had problems using the GID plugin (http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=38183). Every time I tried to start rF/HistorX, it crashed. This was because I had the "TeamSpeak 3 Overlay" plugin activated, and the d3d9.dll that GID uses must have conflicted with it.:whistling:
If you're having similar issues, make sure that the "TeamSpeak 3 Overlay" plugin, OverWolf or any other similar program are de-activated
Thanks to everyone on track - never regret getting up early to race these days!

Couldn't really get much pace out of the Lotus "understeer" Elite in the first race, but had some fantastic racing with @Mike Bishop and @Steven Walker - both were much faster. Early in the race I was throwing the kitchen sink at keeping Steve behind me, and Mike's tiny little Fiat came flying past without notice. Obviously plenty of horses hidden somewhere in that car! Given my history of blowing these Historx machines up, was really happy to have the thing in one piece at the end.

The Fiat proved to be a real handful and I couldn't quite believe I put it on pole (even though it was the faster of the two cars). Apologies for using a bit too much of the exit kerb on my qualifying lap, the thing was out of control so I probably gained a few tenths out of that and should have backed off. Lesson learned!

Couldn't believe I was pulling away at the start. Was lucky enough to be able to manage the oil/water temperature for most of the race, but @Matej Lakota had the thing hooked up and was closing up really fast in the end. It was absolutely balls to the wall on the last lap, and he just had too much pace and took a thoroughly deserved win. Props to you for those incredible lap times!

Huge thanks again to @Rupe Wilson , @Yves Larose and everyone I've missed who helped to set this up. I will be on Teamspeak from next week when a member of the family moves out, as I know that's the place to be on race day! Congrats to both podiums, and see you all soon hopefully.
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A few anxious moments in pre-race practice as different people had some issues, but cool heads ( staff) prevailed and a successful race began. I think most of us realized that there would be several little issues to deal with as some were very new to this game and others with a bit more time put in , but a bit confused as how to do a few things. We were not without incidents, mainly due to years of GTL conditioning. I myself was listening to last minute details about not over revving the engine on the start ...... watching the time count down...... waiting for the 3..2...1...Go, which didn't happen ...so I was caught off guard which resulted in a sloppy start.

Maybe that is when Hiroshi hit me... I don't remember any hit so not to worry.

I was doing surprisingly well for a few laps, making gains after that poor start when the Abarth began sputtering and soon died.... still enough fuel for 16 laps, engine health was at 84% which confused me as to why the engine died.... I believed that I was doing fine but apparently not.

I had a very descent qualie for Race 2 and knew about the start count down but I was over cautious with the revving this time and I stalled the engine ....... had trouble getting it started again. I went from second to last in about five seconds, plus causing people all kinds of problems due to my poor start... sorry about that. I had a good experience making up ground with a long fight before edging past Hans with Stig hounding me to whole time.

Time will tell if people will give this sim time to prove it's merit. Hell GTL is great, solid as a rock, and feels like an old shirt.... maybe a little worn and torn but fits perfectly. However, Historics may be greater, but what I am mainly concerned with is racing with the same core of people that I have been dueling with for the last few years. If they decided to go one way or the other ...I'm in.
Keep GTL ... I'm happy. Go to historics ... I 'm happy.

Thanks to all for the event. Let's give this sim a chance before we give up on it. Time will expose the real truth.
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Great evening with completely new expirience, which started very bad for me.
Engine blow on the start of first race, then somebody spinned his car infront of me in qualy lap with Abarth and then of course I did the same thing and as a cherry on the cake, I was involved in massive crash right after start of second race. So, I was a bit "not happy" at that moment, but then bad luck finally turned away from me and I started to drive as I can. In last lap I cought @Tristan Clark (it never happened, if you had not some troubles with one of back makers, as I saw), who is a really gentleman racer and left me enough space to make clean overtake at the end of straight. Doesn´t matter first of last, after race like that, I went to sleep with smile on my face :).
Thanks all and I hope cya next time :thumbsup:.

I would like to mentioned only one thing.
There are some drivers, who don´t care if you are on fast lap, they come straight out of the pits and even they see blue flag, immediately starts race with you (happened two times yesterday), and of course, same thing happening during the race when you catch them for a lap, usualy from same people. Please, don´t do that no more.
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17 in last night! (inc admin) good turnout for these motors, I reckon a couple more of these races (maybe going up the power curve a little by little) and we'll be ready for a league eh, what do you guys think? It seems everyone had a real good time even though some burned their lumps! they still sound happy, gotta be a good thing.

It would be nice for some of you GTL guys to share some thoughts of the changeover to rFactor I never took to GTL, preferring rFactor mostly.

Lastly forgot to say last night, Thanks to @Rupe Wilson & co for putting this together & I would be happy to help testing/setup for the next one.
I had a blast yesterday, managed to stay out of trouble, had nice battles and a good bit of luck.

Race one in the Abarth, i qualified second, had a very good start and was in the lead by turn one, with Mick breathing down my neck. On the straight bit i noticed Mick had better acceleration, that's when i realized i forgot to shorten the gearing on Yves' set (I didn't like it so i ran shorter gears in practice and qually).
Ironically, after a close & clean, back & forth battle with Mick i learned to adjust my driving and it was the gearing that got me an edge over him (thanks for the set,Yves).
As i managed to get away a little bit i hoped for some time to relax but Yves quickly made clear he wouldn't let me. No matter if sloppy lap or one that i thought was pretty good, he was coming closer slowly but steady. Being aware that he'd eventually catch me, i started sweating and counting the remaining minutes in my head, the closer to the end, the sloppier my driving.
By the last lap he was right on my back but the race ended in EXACTLY the right moment.
For me, that is :D.
Gotta admit i was shaking like a deer on a highway when the race was over.

Race two in Lotus, started second with Tristan in front and a bunch of angry Abarths in the back. Mediocre start but managed to stay in second place, i had high hopes Tristan would pull me along in his slipstream but quickly it was clear i couldn't keep up.
Then it just became a game of keeping as many Abarths behind me as possible. It went pretty well as i managed to hold a small gap to Jacob Boonstra behind me, but soon it was pretty obvious that Matej (2 cars behind me) was kind of in a hurry, as the time gap between us was indicating.
He flew by a few laps later which put me in third, where i stayed until the end. Another great race, me happy with the outcome.

Shame some of you had trouble, but i guess that's hard to avoid when starting something new. I watched the replays and in my opinion it was just bad luck, noone to blame.

Thanks to everyone who raced and to Rupe & Yves for organizing this fun event :thumbsup:.
I'm already waiting for the next race!
After a long Day with a few issues here and there from my side i did not get to race.
but that's not a problem (plenty of time to race) I had time to watch and see how it was all working, turned out to be a good idea.

As with every start of a new club there are the odd teething problems.
So for me all went good considering it was on my server we had no lag and all seemed very stable, the server rolled over good no adverse effect. every thing worked as planned.

overall the race was a success. felt sorry for the guys caught up in the start line incidents and at the first turn, this will get better,
A couple of guys blew there engines at the start :(. Well we cry out for realism and we have it .
it bad when it happens to you i know, im not trying to make fun off anybody, but if you think about it you don't rev the nuts of a old cars with no limiter without consequences.
we had a couple of guys with blown engines while racing, im sure you will get the hang of it,
be smooth in how you drive the car especially in your gear changes up and down the box.

The sim seems to allow good racing with cars moving in a predictable manner when driven correctly, yes we can all make mistakes that's racing, I saw guys that for a better word can struggle in GTL really shining in the car control pulling of some lovely turns with a nice drift.
yes you can over cook it with things but it looked good from my view point in the pits. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

the same guys that were close in GTL were still close in HistorX, and a few of the slower guys hot on there heels. Well done guys.
as we have said before fast guys always seem to be fast, but for me the big bonus was some of the slower guys were doing better now than before..

Now the bits that need addressing:

As with any new sim the car control takes a bit of getting used to, but our rules don't change..
We have a simple set of effective rules at RACEDEPRTMENT.

things to note:
The white lines of yellow that run round the outside of the track are your track limits.
  • Do not deliberately cut the track. The white (or yellow) lines mark the edge of the road. Do not cross them with more than two wheels.
If you do go over the lines which does and can happen you nned to lift of the gas to show respect to other drivers so no advantage is gained. i saw a few guys just keeping there foot in in an attempt to keep up or catch the guys in front.
This will stop for the next race or i will be pm'ing said guys.
so take a look over the rules please found HERE
We are a gentleman's racing club and driver should drive accordingly.
in the GTL club we did had expanded this but i dont want to start having to push the rules again..
So ill make it quite simple Drive to the rules of RD or don't bother signing up plain and simple.
if we have a exception to the rule i will post it in the race thread..
So show respect to your fellow drivers at all times. Because remember without drivers it can get lonely on the track.

And to end on a nicer note::inlove:
So a big thanks to all that signed up and raced, sorry to the guys that it did not quite go as planned, im sure with a bit more
practice and getting used to the sim it will all fall into place.
just think how it was when you first started racing an ew sim GTL for example how strange it was and the
learning cure getting up to speed, stick with it because i think its worth it.:)

You know you can tag me or the guys any time for help.

Roll on the next one and next time were now up and running on the RD server we have lift off...:barefoot::O_o::thumbsup:
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A couple of guys blew there engines at the start :(. Well we cry out for realism and we have it .
it bad when it happens to you i know, im not trying to make fun off anybody, but if you think about it you don't rev the nuts of a old cars with no limiter without consequences.
we had a couple of guys with blown engines while racing, im sure you will get the hang of it,
be smooth in how you drive the car especially in your gear changes up and down the box.
Do not understand me wrong. I like this realism, and I am always for the rule "get real". So it was something new and I can only regret I wasn't aware of this danger. I got used to GTL too much :) So for sure, taking into account realism, is a big plus. Next time I will be smarter. So do not treat it as a complaint, only remarks after first race here.
no worries mate, :)
Both me and Steve have blown engines in testing trying to see the limits of the cars,
im sure we will find other little things in testing also,
you can push the cars just as hard in places as GTL but also caution is needed when recovering from a spin or trying to set off..

Some have had many weeks to test and try, And some guys are just starting we have all been there at some point, and will probably blow a engine or two more over time..

But there is nothing more depressing that it all going wrong on the first outing.. ( i think we have all been there at some point)
i sat there on tender hooks the whole 2 hours hoping form my side the pc did not freeze, blue screen, stutter or go wrong, i was sweating and i was not even driving, just watching was a roller-coaster of emotions.

Friday in rFactor 2 3 hours of testing driving and setting up the event, well the whole day in fact of trying to sort out problems for a 1 hour race. i lasted just one lap and my pc shut down...
what a bummer and a downer.. all that work for 2 mins of fun..
so you could say by now ive wrote and read the book of things that can go wrong, i feel for all guys when this happens...

and to a certain extent feel responsible for my guys racing were one big family and im the mother hen:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
if only ive said this or that it would of been better, but as they say you learn by your mistakes
again not wanting to rub salt into a wound...We all learn more from our mistakes thats life..
but we dont feel it at times i know
To bigger and better things with a greater understanding in life, this only happens from the mistakes we make... I wrote that along time ago it for me it fitting.

See you all next time:)
The worst thing is, I can˙t make XD to work with rFactor (GSC XD works perfect). I found some solutions on internet about difference between "G" and "F" version of 1225 build, but even I tried both version, upgraded and non upgraded, with or without No-DVD check, still no success http://www.nogripracing.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1530645 .
It is really difficult to care about engine, if you don˙t know how healty it is at the beginning of the race :(.
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