RFE Update for rFactor Default Tracks

Misc RFE Update for rFactor Default Tracks 1.2

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Whills submitted a new resource:

RFE Update for rFactor Default Tracks - This addon will make the original tracks support the RFE plugin.

This addon will make the original tracks support the RFE plugin.

Move all files in the 'rFactor' folder into your rFactor installation folder and allow overwrite.

Extract the backup file and overwrite the updated files.


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The RFE plugin is a really good developement for rF1.
I have the problem, that the dry and rainy-racing line isnt visible.
Sunny - Rainy - Monsoon - Script are with their function in the Game.
Thanks Whills very much, that you do more for this plugin in 2020, hopefully in 2021 .
The plugin have a lot of potential and was 2012-2013 the main reason for me, to stay on rF1 against rf2 or iracing.
I am experiment with the tyres from slicks to intermediate to Rain Compounds for the AI also.
Thank you for the update.
Had the problem in RFE to noticed a difference between the try-groove and wet-groove.
Hope it will be now better for my grafic-setting. - Thanks you Whills for your developement.
Realized that your updates are amazing.
"Move all files" is possible after - have the files - IMO Steu search the Files, mods have the Setting-files .ini for the RFE-plugin folder only (and the mods need reworking Grafik-File, reworking Tyres Grafik, reworking every Driver-Files to see the different compounds etc.
There is a long and good description from the producers (Possible that rF1 User dont read it :) )
But a link for the "basic-RFE-plugin" Pack ?
I have only from trippteam a link, and dont know - if this will be allowed here ??
After my experience sind rF1 Release and RFE release 2012:
All Tracks - running under rF1 - possible to update to RFE !
Important read all pdf files from the developer (i cant look into a installation or pack-data-file here, because this are in a separat oder SIM-PC for private-time.
Best is experience with different track-temperature, tyre-compounds, behavior from the AI , the Moving clouds to Raining making with the tracks (main disadvantage will be the missing grafical-effects at huge raining (Reflection etc., till today this isnt implementation in rF1).
Using the Tracks for Whills update 1.2 is senseful
and than look futher more.