ridiculous adverts

I'm happy to disable adblock to support this site, the auto playing video add that sometimes aren't even muted are pretty annoying, but this is ridiculous, I expect this from a torrent site but surely you can get your ads from a less malicious source
Not really sure at all if that would help you guys or if anyone mentioned it already but I had the same problems with my Android phone a year ago or something.
Randomly, on a lot of pages!

A few reads about it and what might help:

I quote:
"The process only involves toggling a flag in Chrome's settings to 'Enabled,' and it works on both desktop and mobile. Just copy chrome://flags/#enable-framebusting-needs-sameorigin-or-usergesture and paste it in the address bar (you can't click/tap on it due to security concerns). Then just tap/click the highlighted dropdown menu, change it to 'Enabled,' and restart the browser when asked.
Now you're protected from those nasty rogue ads. You can view a demo here to see it in action. You can enable it on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and Chrome OS."

"The next time you’re forced into an app store from a mobile website, screenshot the app, copy the link to the ad and send both to the publisher. Websites can’t do anything to stop these ads from appearing if they don’t know the ads are there.
Every mobile advertisement is tagged with a code, so if the publisher figures out the ad tag, it can go back to the ad network and tell them to kill the ad, or not run it on their site."

"Alternatively, you can disable JavaScript in your mobile browser. It’s not the best idea because it could render much of the Web useless, but it will effectively stop the redirect ads. You can turn off JavaScript on your iPhone by scrolling to Safari in the Settings app, tapping “Advanced,” and toggling JavaScript off. For Google Chrome on Android and iOS, find “Settings” in the Chrome menu, then select “Content settings.”"

I've sent this to the website via Contact Us but thought I'd place it here also.

It just started the other day but I believe you have an issue with at least one of your avertisment providers that are causing a popup to appear randomly when I go onto your website using an iOS device (both my iPhone and iPad) saying:

Congratulations! Google User! You've been selected as a winner for the free Apple iPhone X 256 GB, Google Pixel 2 64GB or Samsung S8! Please click OK to claim your prize before we give it away to somebody else.

The website it redirects to is: eu.rewardcenteramazongiftcard.pw/uk_google_iphoneX/index.html?trackid= then a bunch of numbers

Nothing I can do my end works, deleting all website data, nothing, from what I've read online this is an issue server side with an advert provider, so if you could pass this on to them or somehow find and block this particular one causing this that would be great as I have no way of using your website most of the time otherwise.

I don't know yet if this happening because I'm logged in via my Google account and if so if this will occur on other sites via the same issue and advert providers but thought you guys need to know.

After a bit of testing without logging in with my Google account and had no pop up it does seem to be linked to that, is there any way to transfer a Google log in on this site to a standard one without losing data?

After a few days of this not happening it’s started again with a different address this time, can someone please let me know what’s going on?
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Can’t go anywhere on this site without these popping up after not touching the page for 5-10 seconds. Cleared internet stuffs but still present.


  • B7CD4990-9A9F-4BBF-BA1A-489BC962FB75.png
    197 KB · Views: 200
  • 5FF59184-1A6B-488F-8D4E-5290144A0A84.png
    307.1 KB · Views: 189
Can’t go anywhere on this site without these popping up after not touching the page for 5-10 seconds. Cleared internet stuffs but still present.

Yep, that’s what I’m getting, the website keeps changing slightly though always starts with eu.

Just had it again about 12 times in less minutes

Deleted the links. Anti-Virus Alert !!!

Number at end appears to be date and time it happens though an hour early to my time in the UK.

Deleting website data won’t work as it’s either up to RD or their advert providers or Google to fix this.

This is making RD almost unusable and very very annoying to use, I just had it every few seconds for probably a total of 20-30 times, something needs to be done.
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Thanks for the info and the pictures. They should help in our discussions with our ad providers as we continue trying to get to the bottom of this nonsense.

Is there any update on this, I haven’t had it happen for about a week now, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s fixed because I had a day or two before when it didn’t happen but it came back, but this is the longest time so far, did you find anything?
Not sure if @Bram Hengeveld has had any fresh feedback from the ad providers on this.
I have meanwhile managed to prove to myself (as expected, sadly) that there's absolutely zero information in our own server logs about what ads are served to the users.
Seen several posts that are far beyond toxic to me... Being a web designer myself I can just confirm what Bram said over the 4 pages the topic has reached.
*NO* site owner has control over the Google AdSense ads that are being served, and if you don't believe it I highly urge you to use the aforementioned search engine to look it up.
Complaining is useful because it can help him to forward said complaints to the ad network (which he claims to have done and I have no reason to think otherwise), but it becomes useless and toxic when you just throw s**t at him when he's just trying to help. This applies to all the staff members really.
Also seen a post related to testing... Again, before speaking, please inform yourself. It is not possible to refresh the page so many times if you're the owner, unless you want to get yourself banned from AdSense altogether for watching your own adverts (Google ToS). Then again, good luck testing God knows how many millions of ads.
On top of all this there's the option to opt out from ads you don't particularly like, so Google won't display them to you anymore - rather efficient if, for example, you're happily married and you get asian dating website ads.

So yeah, the post is just to ask people in here not to be incredibly rude while reporting stuff. A bad advert won't really kill you or steal your wife would it?
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99% of the ads on the internet (minus Facebook) are served through google directly or indirectly. So no they aren't Google's own ads but ads served through Google Adsense, DFP, or another other network using their ads.

Rock solid post by @Flavio93Zena explaining how the web works and it receives two disagree's, typical.
Thanks for the message of support :thumbsup:
(I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you meant to include the word "not" in that sentence! ;) :p)
LOL that typo, yes. Fixed :p

@dud the ads inside the footer, at the bottom of the page are very much likely sponsored ones. As in not from the AdSense network but coming from direct sponsors (and you can tell because /A-they don't change when you refresh the page /B-inspecting the page html they are inside a defined list if you're a bit tech-savvy /C-there's free slots :p).
I don't think that the hwcdn people are in any way connected through google, such as for this one:

Could you answer more directly whether you have ads from companies that are not owned by and are not delivered by Google?
If you receive any ads not served by Google, it isn't coming from RD but from something you are taking with you. Either way you are premium, so you should not get any ads (from RD) at all.
Obviously the bottom ones are an exception, they aren't served by Google, but also those should not be there if you are premium.
If you receive any ads not served by Google, it isn't coming from RD but from something you are taking with you. Either way you are premium, so you should not get any ads (from RD) at all.
Obviously the bottom ones are an exception, they aren't served by Google, but also those should not be there if you are premium.

Either way, if there is Javascript that breaks out of the confinement of the ad that isn't Google-served, and obviously dangerous. Whether I see them or not isn't quite relevant.
FWIW, I'm on PC and get a really annoying problem here in RD, supposedly related with adverts. (no, I'm not a premium member).

Any thread or post I click, there's always the same issue with the pop-up "RaceDepartment - we value your privacy"....
Even after "refusing all" (or even "accepting all") and saving the privacy settings (at bottom right corner), the freakin pop-up comes up at center of the screen, every single time (gnngnhg!!! :mad:).

The only way I've found to deal with this annoyance was with, yes, Javascript filters (ScriptSafe my current favorite), otherwise I'd have quit this website/forum long time ago.
So, for those annoyed and giving up this place because of it, give ScriptSafe (or equivalent) extension a go on your internet browser.
With that extension ON once I'm in RD, I only have "allow" on these three:
- racedepartment.com
- googletagmanager.com
- googletagservices.com

...and life is good (or seems so) again.
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So, for those annoyed and giving up this place because of it, give ScriptSafe (or equivalent) extension a go on your internet browser.
With that extension ON once I'm in RD, I only have "allow" on these three:
- racedepartment.com
- googletagmanager.com
- googletagservices.com

...and life is good (or seems so) again.

But such an extension is a security problem in itself. First, it is one of those that can read and modify all your web surfing. Second, there could be a security problem in the extension that allows a third party (not the extension author) to hijack those permissions.
FWIW, I'm on PC and get a really annoying problem here in RD, supposedly related with adverts. (no, I'm not a premium member).

Any thread or post I click, there's always the same issue with the pop-up "RaceDepartment - we value your privacy"....
Even after "refusing all" (or even "accepting all") and saving the privacy settings (at bottom right corner), the freakin pop-up comes up at center of the screen, every single time (gnngnhg!!! :mad:).

The only way I've found to deal with this annoyance was with, yes, Javascript filters (ScriptSafe my current favorite), otherwise I'd have quit this website/forum long time ago.
So, for those annoyed and giving up this place because of it, give ScriptSafe (or equivalent) extension a go on your internet browser.
With that extension ON once I'm in RD, I only have "allow" on these three:
- racedepartment.com
- googletagmanager.com
- googletagservices.com

...and life is good (or seems so) again.
Don't browse with incognito mode and allow cookies. This is not a website problem, it's on your end.

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