And this week we are of to Spain and the Circuit of Catalunya
The Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya is a motorsport race track in Montmeló, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. With long straights and a variety of corners, the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya is seen as an all-rounder circuit.
Length: 4655 mt
Wait? What is this?
For this event you need absolutely nothing special. A copy of Assetto Corsa, keyboard, console controller, or steering wheel it's all fine. Today we are going to focus on getting you on the online track (for the first time) and giving you a great experience and making you a better driver.
Make sure to be on time for the extended practice session and have teamspeak installed and be with us for the full length of the event. This is the longest session of almost an hour to get familiar with the car and the track. That's right, you don't need to practice offline first. You can come by fully unprepared
After practice we skip to qualification to decide the racing order and do a short fun race of only 30 minutes so everybody can return to their wives, girlfriends, mom in time.
Who can join?
All premium members can sign up for this event and a maximum of one server available for this event. Sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge!
Not a premium member yet but interested to race with our group of friendly drivers? Click here for more information and learn how you can participate as well.
Server and Teamspeak Password: click here (TEAMSPEAK IS MANDATORY)
Teamspeak Installation Guide: click here (Handy guide to setup teamspeak)
Racing Club Rules: click here
Cars: Mazda MX5 (Japanese Car Pack)
Track: Barcelona GP (Dream Pack #2)
Fixed Setup: Yes
Live Stream: Yes, on Twitch TV
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)*
Qualifying: 19:30 GMT (30 minutes)
Race: 20:00 GMT (30 minutes)
*Note that daylight savings are active. 19:00 GMT = 20:00 BST = 21:00 CEST.
Entry List Server 1
- Paul Jeffrey (ask me anything)
- Tymon Douglas
- Luan Garcia
- DeadHead24
- FeltHat
- terrazi
- TaknMdwN
- Footwork84
- Paul Glover
- Jintonix
- Devon Peak
- MirNet
- PfzFantaribo
- m_mirk
- PurgerUK
- Quofeous
- pr0xx
- tatadado
- simon nicholson
- Simon Hodge
- DustKart69
- Peer Gynth
- Tobias Röhner
- eatyoubrocookie pending full name entry
- Rupe Wilson (Ask me anything)
- Eddy_J1*
- vanson77*
- f1wheelnut *
- Steven Walker*
- JamesK_Fiddy*
- Arcon*
- hape*
- Allan Ramsbottom
- Eraze*
- RasmusP*
- T_rac3 *
- Lars Rystedt *
- Schwud Nelsh
- Partisan *
- nafnaf *
- Nickl561
- PietervE8
- MTBR2001
- Lars Hansen
- Peter Stokman
- LUkAa996
- sanguinerose1985
- Franklin Stegink
- Free slot
- Free slot
- Free slot
Remember you can request to stay in server 2 if you like.
* keep in server 2 please, but faster drivers will not have this option
Any driver not on Tspeak with there real name will be kicked
Any driver in game using a false name or nickname will be kicked
Crashes do happen, its what you do after the crash that's important
So a Reminder to all drivers...
If you crash, Do not just pull back out back on track and spoil another drivers race.
Wait for a big enough gap and get back up to speed off the racing line!!!!
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