Round 12: Seriously Not Serious Club

Abdul Al-Amry

2011 RD Indy 500 Winner
That's is based on Abdul's idea from here. I will update the first post with everyone's laptimes. Each round closes on Sunday:) The server is set with 7hours of qualies.

You are allowed to change the setup.

Password: usual club password.

Cars:BMW Z4 GT Club - Willie Watt
Track: Valencia National - Peter Duivelaar
Weather: Dry

Basic rules:
  • Whoever is the fastest at the end of the week picks a car or track to run for the following week
  • Whoever finishes last picks the track or car for the following week.
  • The same person can't pick the track/car 3 weeks in a row. In the case that occurs, the 2nd line will choose the mod
  • Tracks and mods have to be either game default or located in RD's download section
Standings after round 11

  1. 1:15.792 - Reik Major
  2. 1:15.890 - Peter Duivelaar
  3. 1:16.118 - Ollie Wickens
  4. 1:16.285 - Sebastian Gumenius
  5. 1:16.740 - Nicolas Hamilton
  6. 1:16.810 - Walter Johnson
  7. 1:16.888 - Michel Salvador
  8. 1:17.692 - Rhys Gardiner
  9. 1:17.708 - Abdul Ahmed
  10. 1:17.754 - ollie chamberlain
  11. 1:17.801 - Bob Miley
  12. 1:18.093 - Michal Szabo
  13. 1:18.459 - Claudio Caferri
  14. 1:18.473 - Maurice Hurkmans
  15. 1:18.750 - Ariff Roose
  16. 1:18.929 - Bob Luneski
  17. 1:18.996 - Dustin Barton
  18. 1:19.149 - Kennett Ylitalo
  19. 1:19.255 - Karl Strömer
  20. 1:19.314 - J McGhee
  21. 1:19.572 - Joseph Edgar
  22. 1:19.619 - James Skinner
  23. 1:20.201 - Dennis Phelan
  24. 1:20.860 - Nick Deeley
  • Ariff Roose

Brilliant setup will do here. I raised the packers a little, lowered the gear ratios a knob, clicked a few times on the anti-roll bars and its quite good.

But I need more turn in!!!! ...zzz

And I wish I could mess around with the torque band. Just like GT4! So then I could make the highest torque hang around from 6500 - 8300rpm!!

AND! The chicane forces me wide every time I meet it. Pisses me off so bad.:hammer:

Just did a 1:19.107.
Found a secret that could improve my timing by over a second.
Sector 1 and sector 2 about -1.500 ahead of my 1:19 and i took it to the chicane and it forced me wide. GOSH I HATE IT
  • Ariff Roose

Ariff - you tried increasing the steering lock? That usually helps with tighter turns.

hmmmm... never thought of that. Thanks! just downloaded Michel's setup and hot lap. Im going to see how he cracks the 1:18 barrier and meddle with his setup :)


I'm using my own setup instead. I increased the springs (both front and back) to about 200-250 and increased the steering locks to about 20.5 it seems i get more turn in and better thru the corner. But over here itss still 11:39AM so I'll wait until my body and reactions warm first :)

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