Round 4 - Spa-Francorchamps



The business end of the championship means Spa could well be the most crucial race of the championship! So as we head down hill, attack Eau Rouge and give it everything you've got!

General Information
Saturday 18th July 2015
Server Name: RACEDEPARTMENT.COM Thrustmaster AFM
Start time: 19:00 AEST (09:00 GMT)
Virtual Time of Day: 14:00
Starting Track Grip: 93%
Fuel Usage: 170%
Conditions: 26C | Clear
Racing Laps: 18 | Standing Start

Technical Notes & Track Briefing:
Track Length:
7.004 km
Top speed: 250 km/h
Turns: 19 (9 right, 10 left)
Tyre Wear: High

Track Map & Red Zone:

The red zone for Round 4 applies during the first lap only, and covers an area from the start line, to the exit of Turn 4 (Raidillon). Incidents that occur in this zone will be looked at and scrutinized more heavily, and may be punished more severely. The objective of the red zone is to promote a clean start to the race so that everyone can get through the first lap unscathed. Erratic changes of direction, contact and crashes will be penalized more harshly if found guilty.


Track Limits:

Article 6.1 of the 2015 RaceDepartment League Regulations states that all drivers must maintain at least two wheels within the white lines of the track at all times when under normal control of their car. Whilst article 6.1 applies to the entire race track, the stewards will pay particularly strong attention to the following areas of the track. The cutting penalties outlined in the Stewards Notice Board thread will be applied to drivers who take liberties with these areas too often.

If you cut the track limits when under normal control of your car, then you must lift off throttle 100% for at least 1 second. If you are clearly not under control of your car, then exemptions can be granted. What is deemed to be "under control" or not is up to the discretion of the stewards. Spa-Francorchamps features many areas where exceeding track limits can gain you lots of time. The stewards will be paying very close attention to the following areas:

Turn 4:

Turn 9:

Turn 14:

Pitlane Exit:

Drivers are allowed to cross the pitlane exit line during the practice session only, so long as they do not impede other drivers. During the qualifying and race sessions, crossing this white line when exiting the pits is strictly prohibited and will be policed. You have been warned!

Don't Forget!

You are required to be present on TeamSpeak during all rounds of the league. Upon joining the RaceDepartment TeamSpeak server, you must set up your teams' Sub-Channel within the Assetto Corsa channel, using your team name. Once in your channel, the League director will send you a text message containing the password for the server.
Well that was one of the shortest races I've had. Tried to follow Noel down the Kemmel straight, not too sure who it was on the outside of us but I guess he didn't see me there and turned in on me going into the corner. Fred then hit me from behind and knocked me off track. Them for some reason I got beached. Blew my engine trying to reverse out :( All on lap 2. Gutted as I think I could have scored some points tonight.
Q = 16th (forgettable)
R = 8th

My race was mistake free & the main reason for me gaining so many spots. So again I'm stoked to make the Top 10 & gather points. :D
I also felt I was fairly consistent which was one good aspect of my drive tonight. As I was nowhere near the pace of the front-half of the pack tonight. That damn track grip is a PITA!!!
There are sure to be many sorry stories from some of the incidents I witnessed. I feel for a few who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, incl my team-mate @kedy89
Congrats to the podium places @RenZ_ @Sun Levi @Chris Stacey you guys were flying along with @Matheus Machado.

Replay available here:!qhEnzYTA!Pwt2GEmiP1b4ZVR0BPXJ-adLnFOg060raLwwnhjZsIQ
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Q: 10th
R: @#$%&

Felt I had the pace for a few points today, but the race was over early. Going side by side in Eau Rouge Noel clipped the curbs, touched my right side sending me into the wall. Engine was gone after that.
Really nothing good to say about the race today. Qualifying sucked again. Got through the first lap unscathed today (YAY!). Second lap I was gaining on the group in front, and was too optimistic to seek an advantage at Les Combes. I had my foot on the brake preparing for something to happen up front and it did....but ended up hitting Jeremy :(. Pitted for a new wing and tires, but those lasted two laps. Got a run on Jamie, looked like he was going to defend on the inside and I went out, he ducked outside, but I was already committed and we hit. Tried to see how bad the car was for a lap, and ducked into the pits again for more tires and another new wing. On lap 8 or so Michael had an off at Les Combes and clipped my rear when he rejoined.

Race was already toast, so I did a 3rd pit for tires/wing. Got a few good laps in towards the end, but the good times were mainly due to having tires 9 laps fresher than everyone else. Because of all the damage NFI Racing is scraping for cash. Will start a GoFundMe campaign for a few spare wings and sets of tires for the final race.

Its been frustrating so far. I know that stuff happens in races, but aside from the stuff that has happened, I feel that my skills are regressing. In the FA league, I kinda felt like I was a competent mid-packer, this league I feel kinda lost. I may just be treading water while the competition has improved, and are getting better. Dunno.
Sorry to hear it was no fun for you @Fred Locklear. Hopefully you can have a clean race at the final round at Imola, and hopefully score some good points because your pace in the last few rounds has been competitive with the mid-pack. Stick with it mate, and you'll notice some gains :)
Q: 3rd
R: 3rd

Qualifying was good, although I was not able to hook up an entirely good lap. Seemed to struggle through Les Combes with low fuel, but was happy to take 3rd behind the two freaks of nature :)

Didn't have the best start, got bogged down after having a small brain-fart. I've got the starts in this thing down to a tee, but I mucked this one up today. I want to congratulate everyone on an incident free first corner, absolutely great stuff guys! Spa is no doubt tricky, and you all drove exceptionally cleanly and respectfully.

The first half of the race was incredibly tense for me with @Matheus Machado applying pressure from behind. Good driving mate, I'm sure you'd have been within striking distance towards the end if you hadn't had a small lapse into concentration, because you were gaining a tenth here and there on me per lap, it seemed.

@Sun Levi and @RenZ_ were way too quick again, however I'm pleased that I managed to close the gap somewhat in qualifying, and finished a littler closer in the race. Great drive fellas, Imola will be an interesting race with the championship still mathematically up for grabs. Should be great! Bring it on!
Congrats @RenZ_ for winning :alien: Actually thought I had you covered in qualifying but you and your sneaky 2 tenths got me :whistling: Was a great race, it was fun just trying to stay with you :D:thumbsup:

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Well done to @RenZ_ , @Sun Levi and @Chris Stacey on your podiums.
Enjoyed the challenge of one of the the classic race circuits of the world. For some reason I couldn't hook up a quali lap tonight. Was on the pace ( the division 2 drivers pace that is) in the first half but kept getting too nervous about running wide at all those corners in the second half and dropped a heap of time.
Got a decent start although pretty conservative. Ended up with a couple of incidents which hampered my progress but as always enjoy my RD AC races and the gang we race with.
congrats too the pods ,and well done matheus ,really sorry too toby tried too take a tight line through eu rouge with toby but hit the ripple strip, thought the race was over for me but amazingly the car still drove but a bit slower , kept it going till the end of the race , but sorry again toby ,i have not hit anyone in a league race for years , cheers too chris and tony again
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Was a really steady race for me, congrats to the podium guys just way too good

Had a reasonable quail session but could not put a perfect lap together, great last quail lap by Justin put me back to 7th.
Had a steady race and by lap 3 Evan and I were looking at just keeping our positions as the front runners were just too quick and the guys behind were far enough back for us to keep in front by keeping a steady pace. Justin was pushing and got within 2.8 seconds but held him off after a few slipups by Justin. I feel sorry for the guys that had accidents as I know only too well how that feels.
Well done to Evan,
Spanelli racing moving up the ranks!
I want to give a special shout-out to the Spanelli Racing boys for their exceptionally clean driving. Neither of them picked up a single cut during the race (and Tony remembered the pitlane exit!), however, Evan did cut twice, but he lifted off significantly both times and so he wasn't pinged for it.

Great stuff, and it's exactly the standard of driving that needs promoting :)
congrats too the pods ,and well done matheus ,really sorry too toby tried too take a tight line through eu rouge with toby but hit the ripple strip, thought the race was over for me but amazingly the car still drove but a bit slower , kept it going till the end of the race , but sorry again toby ,i have not hit anyone in a league race for years , cheers too chris and tony again
s*** happens, just sucked that it ended my race. We've enjoyed clean duels before, we sure will again :thumbsup:

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