AC RSR Formula 3 @ Monza - Mon 19 Nov 2018

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Good race all, pretty lonely race for me after the first couple of laps but still enjoyed it! Did someone come flying through the first chicane on the 2nd lap? Also who jump started? lol
Well I was looking forward to this race but it was a blinking disaster. Thought I was racing raceroom there for a minute and totally jump the start like a idiot. Got a couple of bangs from behind in the first chicane but nothing worth complaining about no damage done. So naturally I had to serve a drive-through penalty but I'm knowing to me I decided to a pit stop change my tyres and what not to experiment to see if I had also serve the drive-through penalty this is not the case I drive through penalty is separate then I do know. So a pitstop and a drive-through penalty. Combine that with to track excursions just to put some more:poop: on the fan. We'll all that safely secured my position at the back of the grid:roflmao:. With no chance of catching up and the leader catching up with me I'm thinking I'm going to be lapped.And bloody tyre pressures standard couldn't keep the bloody thing on the road to save my life. So I decided to call it a day, sorry:(.

Also heard a lot of complaining about drivers not waiting after punting another off the circuit. Not even a word of apology which is the most disrespectful. Without a word being spoken this only makes me feel that it was done deliberately as who would apologise when something is done deliberately.
Some people I'm more concerned in getting in front of somebody else then actually having fun. It's either that or they just don't give a :poop: about the rules. Both counts are unacceptable.
Either way I feel this is not how one should conduct themselves in a club event that is meant and design for the purpose of having fun. Do I believe that every incident that punts somebody off that doesn't wait, that doesn't apologise, that doesn't put things right as and when it happens that should either get a warning or a ban, yes I do, including myself. If you cannot drive within your capabilities, patients and get the position without contact, then a ban is the only answer as a reminder that this is for fun, for everyone.
Like myself and many others we are here for fun and it doesn't really matter where we end up when the race is over. So if for some reason you cannot respect the idea of fun for all, go play on multiplayer servers where you can drive just the way you like, where you don't really have to make any effort whatsoever in treating others with respect and courtesy. Not that treating others with respect is an effort. Blah blah blah.

Anyway well done to the podium finishes well done to all it took part and lasted the distance.:thumbsup:
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Well, I had fun, yes I was punted and ended up last, but found this to be a racing incident.

The drivers that entered the event and did not show and could not even be bothered to sign out, shame on you...and yes there were 6 drivers in it really that hard to make a post saying you can not make it?

Several complaints were made on TS which I believe mainly came from some drivers, just driving too aggressively for club racing. Guys, you are all very welcome, you truly are... but let's keep it clean let's respect one another and let's have fun ...If you do make a mistake...say SORRY you are then at least acknowledging your mistake, if you knock somebody off the track ..then wait for them.

If you were walking along the path and walked into somebody and knocked them down on the floor, would you say nothing and just carry on...surely not I hope.

I hope to see you all next week and many congrads to the podiums
Who was the lunatic on I think the 2nd lap that ploughed into almost everyone at the 1st chicane? I was enjoying meself and In 8th when game crashed... Got called out for an Incident that was nothing to do with me on the 2nd chicane. Did enjoy my first race out of iRacing though.
Who was the lunatic on I think the 2nd lap that ploughed into almost everyone at the 1st chicane? I was enjoying meself and In 8th when game crashed... Got called out for an Incident that was nothing to do with me on the 2nd chicane. Did enjoy my first race out of iRacing though.

No problems with you Geoff, including the majority of you all ..once TS was sorted out mate you was flying ...hope to see you next week :thumbsdown:
let's not take anything away from @Jtshowden .. The man was on fire!!

He did very generously give me his setup, but I will not post it without his permission ..I can assure you all though, it is nothing out the ordinary, the man has bags of talent.
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Sorry, Craig, I had an emergency last night and by the time I got back the race was already started. I'm not usually one to miss races I say I'll be at :(

I actually was not including you, I have known you for a long time now Chris and know it would have been a genuine emergency. It is the members that regularly do it, it really is not fair on other drivers, especially those on the reserve list.
let's not take anything away from @Jtshowden .. The man was on fire!!

He did very generously give me his setup, but I will not post it without his permission ..I can assure you all though, it is nothing out the ordinary, the man has bags of talent.
Cheers Craig, thanks for your kind words :)

I do have a lot of experience in this car (although the last time i drove it prior to this must've been about half a year ago?) To be honest, i surprised myself with my times. Not sure how I managed to pull off low 47s :roflmao:
Who was the lunatic on I think the 2nd lap that ploughed into almost everyone at the 1st chicane? I was enjoying meself and In 8th when game crashed... Got called out for an Incident that was nothing to do with me on the 2nd chicane. Did enjoy my first race out of iRacing though.
HI Geoff, and hi to any others who join for an AC club race for the first time. All the regulars will tell you, that last night was an exception and not the rule. I think that there were a few of factors which led to a higher number of incidents than we normally have. I think a quick look back through recent event threads, would back up this statement.
So, please don't let this put anybody off. There may be one or two drivers who were new to RD, who could possibly benefit from a few words of guidance regarding etiquette and what is expected of them. I'm sure that Craig has this in hand.
This was the first event using these cars for many of us (including me). These things happen (occasionally), it's the nature of the beast. Please can we all rally around and do what we can (individually and as a group) to make sure things go smoother next time out. :thumbsup:
Thanks for hosting Craig and sign me up for next week. :D

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