RSRBR 2012

ive never had to enter that.. as far as i can remember.. certainly not with 2009 / 2010 / 2011..etc
Im not good enough to play competitively.. half the reason is I dont have a wheel/peddle setup, so ive always used rscenter to play offline.. I use it to to play different tracks mostly.. either that or use the rxplugin and load btb made track using the default rbr and going thru options/plugins/rxplugin..etc.
the only trouble with that is , btb tracks seem to be a bit thin on the ground, and/or are hard to find. The rs centre always has new and interesting tracks, + the ability to change the surface for every track and night/day really appeals to me.

Right now ive been stuck with rbr default and about 20 btb tracks.. but as i said ive been using the same things for 3+ years, and im just sick of it.

Is there anyway way to use the tracks from rscenter and load them via default rbr options/plugins/..etc etc.

More then anything i just want some new tracks to play with.. im not too bothered with cars and other things... arg

thanks you guys for the replies and suggestions anyway..

in short i dont think its anything to do with the guest,0 thing.. because of 2 clear reasons, 1: ive ran rscenter successfully for years without having to do that
2: rscenter 2012 is actually loading.. and running, its just when i press the "go" button, on average the load bar gets to about 10% then either just sitts there, or completely freezes the window and makes it un-responcive... a few times it got up to about 20/25% but.. its not loaded and started rbr for 3 years.
ive never had to enter that.. as far as i can remember..

in short i dont think its anything to do with the guest,

As far as I know you have to register RSRBR before it will work. My advice would be to go through the Registration procedure, even if you don't plan to Race On-Line. It doesn't cause any new problems anyway.

If you do that and it still won't load correctly, then something is blocking it (AV, Firewall, etc). I'd recommend contacting RallyeSim and running their diagnostic program. It's designed to help them help you.
well, i went ahead and registered... logged into rscentre, with new details, still same thing happening. I did try firewall/virus checker things many times in the past so its defiantly not that.
I didnt know there was a diagnostic program.. i might try it tomorrow,, getting late now.
i guess this isnt going to work any more.. its just a shame there is no other realistic rally sim game on the pc or another other format.
Perhaps its finally time to put rbr to bed.
well, i went ahead and registered... logged into rscentre, with new details, still same thing happening. I did try firewall/virus checker things many times in the past so its defiantly not that.

Did you re-enter the new Registration details (username, number, password) into the top left hand section of RSCenter? Usually you have to re-enter it once more after registering. Also, make sure to enter it exactly, it is case sensitive. Just want to double check some basics before you give up.
heya folks.
Ok i tried re-entering my driver number, name and pass a bunch of times really slowly and with care. Still same thing is happening.

I also spent an hour or so trawling the web for that diagnostic program but cant find any reference to it whatsoever using google apart from 2 search results one linking to this very thread, and the other linking to:
there is no link or suggestion on that forum thread to say where one might attain this "diagnostic program". Yes i did try search on rallysim also , but cant find anything or cant see it as the whole site seems to be in french or something with only bits of it in english, its confusing.

anyway, as i could have predicated its nothing to do with the user/login details, nothing to do with rbr itself (since rbr runs perfect), nothing to do with my pc, nothing to do with my system (even after 2 win reinstals)... nothing to do with virus checker or firewall, and no I dont have any viruses or malware of any kind.

Im really stumped.. see ive already gone down these roads before many times..
is there anything else i can try? I might format my hd and try reinstall windows again..arg
this is gone beyond a joke now.

I am utterly gutted.. the only game ive only ever really enjoyed playing, and its been taken away from me

is there any other rally game similar to rbr in terms of realism???? I often check online to see if there are any in production or have been released, but there seems to be nothing,
like ffs, rbr is almost a decade old now, and theres been NOTHING to replace it, NOTHING.:mad:
cheers warren.. ill defiantly do that.
fingers crossed i can get this to work again eh!

thanks everyone here for the time and initial help.

well as it happens i had a bit of luck.. if I choose "Play public".. i can access everything and successfully run it. (still the play offline dose not work)

I do thankyou for the "register" suggestion, without registering I certainly wouldn't have been able to go in via "play public".. and thus discover a working way of using rsrrbr.
I feel xmas has come rather early this year.

thank all again
Weird issue indeed.

But at least you got it working. You can set up your own rallies, and password protect them, so it can still be kinda like single player.
Or you can join us in online rallies :p
yea.. its great, dosent bother me too much about the public play.. as long as i can play the variety of tracks im happy.
Sure cant wait to play against ppl, but I need to get myself a good wheel/peddle setup.. right now im using a 360joypad.. its not really ideal, and there one major problem with it, I cant left foot break.. ie use break and acc at the same time.. its tricky and on loose surface its often a pain. but i "think" i am good enough to play online when i get a wheel..etc

I cant get the track pack to install for love or money.
The rallyesim site is so slow, the HFR link doesn't work, and the seperate links are no longer there.
Found a rapidshare download of the 2012 tracks and that didn't work either.
Strange re the Racing HFR Server? (The one listed in the RallyeSim download location). I just tried it and got reasonable download speed.

If you can't get it, I can try uploading mine into Dropbox for you.
Finally got the HFR server file, guess what, it doesn't work :)
All the files keep crashing at "cannot load Maps\track 41 M textures.rbz". Says files do not exist.
Never mind, I'm downloading the other file now. Whether I get it working or not, thanks very much for your help.


I just copied my original RBR map files into the 2012 installation then ran the file and it went right through this time.

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