Does anyone know what this box is the clear box ?
I been thinking about it for months I want to make it but dont have a clue what its for.
Case for mandated ballast? Clear so that stewards can easily check it?
I just said the same thing in Discord I wonder if its Ballast related,
was checking all the kunos cars over and saw this which was clear must be ballast,
seems like a lot of hassle lol :D
I think that what we see is probably a glass on top of the ballast. Look, we can see the stems that hold the ballast through the glass.
Is there any chance that RSS would make manual gearbox cars from 1990s or older? There is more than enough GT3 cars available across all sims right now, but RSS kind of quality in historic cars would be something fresh.
Where do you find refe
Where do you find references for all the cars? Is it close to the real cars or do you have to improvise a lot?
I would like to make something realistic for my next project, but I have no idea what to make and how painful it is to gather the reference images for such projects...
Where do you find refe

Where do you find references for all the cars? Is it close to the real cars or do you have to improvise a lot?
I would like to make something realistic for my next project, but I have no idea what to make and how painful it is to gather the reference images for such projects...
I think this one I started after xmas collecting reference also photomatching 100,s of pics and parts + looking at other games models this car is in about 5-6 games maybe more its quite common car in general,
not sure exactly how close it is what we made but imagine within a few mm,
quite tricky to find everything you need, might take 1hr to find 1 nice photo but take 10 minutes to make the parts X that by 100,s of parts and soon adds up to a lot of down time. :)

We try not to improvise too much if possible maybe the floor pans in places just impossible some areas to see anything even with several hundred pictures so just have to try your best.

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