Has it not been so throughout racing history, in any series? Even just "recent" history in F1 - in the late eighties McLaren won everything, then they faded and Williams had their turn at the top in the early nineties, Bennetton ruled for a while, then Ferrari, Red Bull, Mercedes. Who will be next? Easy - who's spending the most money.
There is an old adage in racing - "How fast can we go?"..."How much do you want to spend?" Even attempts to control costs are irrelevant; you cannot negate the experience of years of engineering and testing behind the largest teams. Newcomers have little chance unless they have a startling new innovation, which will only last one season before either being banned or being adopted by all other teams.
Sadly, drivers have less and less relevance. Sixty years ago it was considered the driver was 50% and the car was 50% of the equation. Consensus today is the driver is 20% and the car 80%. Thirty years ago Frank Williams stated he did not hire the best drivers because he wanted it known it was his cars, not the drivers, winning races.