Tracks Sandown Raceway, Australia - wip

Bit of a request for any persons watching this thread with GIS skills. I have previously imported google earth terrain into SketchUp and imported this into Blender to use as a reference point for land height. Whilst the new Google Earth scans of Mebourne, including Sandown, are very detailed, importing into Sketchup only shows a low res mesh and image. If anyone can assist me in getting the latest Google Earth (LiDAR I think) into a format I can plug into Blender I would be v grateful. See below just how detailed the Google Earth is and how useful it would be...

They use some kind of algorithm to create 3D meshes from the aerial footage they shoot. It's not really a LIDAR system, more a parralax recognition system.
Anyway, I came across this Not sure if it can import these new terrains, but there's a free trial :D
You should take Sketchup to fetch the 3D terrain (File > Geo-location > Add Location...). This will be exportable to *.dae for instance and then you are able to import/use them in Blender then.
Please note the best detail will be at highest zoom level. New locations added to the same scene will be stitched to be already added location. It's not seamless (meshside) but with some work you will be able to clean the mesh in Blender and use it for your project!
You should take Sketchup to fetch the 3D terrain (File > Geo-location > Add Location...). This will be exportable to *.dae for instance and then you are able to import/use them in Blender then.
Please note the best detail will be at highest zoom level. New locations added to the same scene will be stitched to be already added location. It's not seamless (meshside) but with some work you will be able to clean the mesh in Blender and use it for your project!
Thank you Sven, have been trying this method though seems to use a much lower quality still then seen in Google Earth.

They use some kind of algorithm to create 3D meshes from the aerial footage they shoot. It's not really a LIDAR system, more a parralax recognition system.
Anyway, I came across this Not sure if it can import these new terrains, but there's a free trial :D
Thanks Nighteye, I will give it a look.
A few of my updates
- Refining process of the physics mesh, through trial and error process, including testing with different types of cars. A priority for this and some of the modeling, before terrain textures and kerbs etc are even thought about (note the very low resolution grass from a Satellite Image) [6hrs]

- Modelled the Wilson Security advertisement at the end of the main straight, and partly textured, bit more to do yet. [4hrs]

- Textured the Jim Bean advertisement bridge previously modelled. Really happy with this bit so far. [1hr..ish]

- Modelled different types of wall and barrier which appear at the track. Quite rough at the moment but will refine at this stage and soon add texture before applying them around the track [2hr]

More progress reports soon...
In the absence of getting the more detailed data into Sketchup/Blender I have used Sven's method, and actually the data is more useful than I had thought. I can definitely see 2 or 3 places where I hadn't appreciated elevation changes (in one instance I was 1.5/2 m out!), and I have compared these against Youtube videos to check too. Time to adjust the main bezier curve and get the improvements completed.

This is the Google Earth data (not the parralax recognition system but the lower res) in Blender.


Hi. If you follow me on twitter or check my blog you may have seen a trickle of updates, but for those here at RD I have been having fun recently working towards my rendition of Sandown. Working my way around the track bit by bit, this is the state of Turn 1. Have 'planted' the hedge on the far right, put up some billboards and fences, and the new railings (adapted from the AC content sharers page, many thanks @Nobby76) are holding back that enthusiastic placeholder crowd well. Next three things on my list are tarmac texture, grass texture and painted lines on the track.

Are we there yet... ? :)

Hi, not yet - still early days in terms of progress, however my studying is now complete (Yes!) so I should have more free time going forwards, and hence should be able to finally gain some momentum. No screens to show today but have used a couple of hours today fixing errors etc so that I can move forward with modelling. Thanks for your interest.
Hi, not yet - still early days in terms of progress, however my studying is now complete (Yes!) so I should have more free time going forwards, and hence should be able to finally gain some momentum. No screens to show today but have used a couple of hours today fixing errors etc so that I can move forward with modelling. Thanks for your interest.
Thanks for the info, good luck...:thumbsup:
The fall in elevation from turns 6-9 is so tricky to get feeling correct on this track! Providing a fun challenge. This evening has been trial and error on just this alone, probably 9 or 10 major changes and then more minor tweaking. The last adjustments made to the Bezier Curve on these corners are getting much better though.

Elsewhere I have kerbs in at Turn 2/3 and turn 1 has been lowered in elevation following watching lots of on board clips.

The elevation source of this track is turning into a mixture of Learies' original, Google Earth and a gut feeling from on board clips. Time will tell if I have got this mix right!

I'll keep developing as and when I can, and hope to share progress at the next reflecting point.
Last time I checked for some reason it didn't cover the SE districts of Melbourne. I will check again though as sometimes these things are updated part way through a project. Thanks.

Edit: Thanks. I have checked this morning but the track is just outside the covered area in the ELVIS GeoScience tool for LIDAR. I can download the 5m grid for the State of Victoria however either the file is too large for my computer to cope (circa 4.8gb) or I am missing something within CloudCompare. Happy for anyone with more GIS skill than me or a more powerful computer to investigate, though equally happy that I feel I am getting closer the correct layout with trail and error :)
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Just stumbled across this thread as I'm looking into getting into track building possibly myself Along side of skinning (currently part of a team that have done VASC liveries for a AC mod. Search Facebook for RNRs VASC skins) but I'm pleased to see your having a crack at redoing the track... tired of seeing conversions. Following your progress from both a learning and a looking forward to new track POV. All the best with this :):thumbsup:
it's not 'my' mod its 'A' mod all i have done is a few skins for it because someone else was ripping our stuff off... and i have had no involvement with any previously released V8SC mod in AC, so please dont tar me with their brush. get your facts right.
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