Season 10 - General Discussion

And I've been accused of not being too bright (often by my wife).....together we could rewrite The Who's Pinball Wizard...."those deaf dumb and blind old guys sure drive a mean F3000"
I have the same experiences Bob:cry: And Nicolai, you are one of those drivers I feel comfortable to do pralell-slalom with on the track;) you have that skill.
1:47.000 for now, well some mistakes and laps when i can left 0.500 or so, first impression, love this Silverstone layout [even if before isn't on my list of favorite circuits] with Formulas is so nice this fast corners.

Later post the setup, with some improvements.

And i dont know but sounds like 46/47 it's slow...lool well too soon for it, let's training and wait for some results.

EDIT by Nicolai: Sorry Helder, but only one post each in the setup thread, to help clean up the forum and make it easier for all :) (See the top of the first in the setup thread, it was added later so I guess you never noticed it :))
i complete a 22 min race. Made 13 laps, best was lap 11, 1:47:5 and tires was still in very good shape. So if its still 1x tires wear, forget about 2 stop strategy :)

Steeve (your volunteer test driver) ;)

Mate, you are number one at :thumbsup: (I just updated the site to display Silverstone times from the 2011 version, which we never have driven at PrestoGP with F3000)
Yeah I know, but my pit arrow only half showed so I thought it was further than the parked car, went through the car, realised it was behind my, reversed past the car, realised it was in front, had brain freeze and confusion, drove on top if the car, but this was wrong, reversed but too far, drove 3/4 into the car, ah just right and in all that messing forget to acknowledge the pit preset. lol. So by the time the pitstop finished I felt lucky to escape with my life.
Looking promising, i managed to fix my pedals, they should now hold for 1000 miles. It's was just wear on the axels, by removing all that gap, the curves are smooth.

Did first tests and tweaked controller FFB config and managed to do 1:49.0 offline (1:50 online) in Silverstone 2011. The sensitivity needed the most adjusting. I had it previously in 1.0 (default), raised it to 0.75 (it's inverted, lower number higher sensitivity) it should help around the numbness on center (more info on low range, less on the max range.). 0.75 grip/body factor and 0.5 front/rear balance felt really good. but as always, i'm still searching.
This video shows something amazing. This was one of the highlights of F1 2012 season. Did we have even one race when this didn't happen (not talking about faster-than-light-reactions, we got up to 200ms latency so this applies to us 150%...).

What i mean is that we have acquired a special ability, respecting each other and not giving up. While we are judging things in these time frames, our attitude makes the decision before we have made our petty little minds. We make room when there's need to, in the same time that all of us (even me) wants to win. (this is kind of omen, my playlist advanced to a line "I'm gonna win" from this song:: ( playlist on shuffle with 400+ songs on fitting, i'm acting here in behalf of gods of racing "insert irony quotes here". And forget the lousy video, this was the first album mix i found)

So it's not being in vain to practice those skills of respect and safety. They become embedded in to our subconscious and boy is that thing fast! Our normal conscious reaction times is in range of 100ms, we are dealing with latencies and the unpredictable world of living in different universes so our reactions are mostly subconscious.. We act BEFORE the bad thing happens. And it's still comptetitive, cut-throat honest-will to be better than the next guy.

We act before the accident happens. (are we psychics?) How's that for a small miracle?

This thing is bigger than any one of us.
David, Peter and everybody else. I think it is a good idea that we take the discussion on Sean's post in the drivers meeting in this thread, and once a conclusion have been reached Sean can edit his post accordingly. (therefore I moved David and Peter's reply to this thread).

This to make sure that everybody should get all the info that is in the drivers meeting thread :)

I moved them back and give up what I am trying. The fact that it killed the dicussion and received minimal feedback tells me it's not working, and I'm better of to Laizzez-faire.

It is a very good idea to have only the essential information available in a short, concise thread.

Perhaps a Locked Thread for each race where you transpose/ copy all of the essential information? Otherwise, I am never quite certain what we have agreed on, as opposed to simply discussing/ proposing ideas.

Now about the one move along the straightaways guideline...:giggle:
I saw that Nürburgring servers are now opened. But when I try to enter server, I get message: "Incompatible game version". I have RaceOn, which includes Race07, but I dont have GTR Evo. This track version is probably from that, right? I could not find a link from forum for downloading this track. So, does anybody know, from where can I get this track?

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