Same as Valerio, this was going to be my best race so far, I was 10/21 in practice (and that is like a pole for me), then botched badly my q attempts , so started on the back, 19/21. No problem.

I lost the remainder two places on lap 1, trying to not have any incident, got them back quickly from people who was going off track here or there. After another lap I started gaining on the cars in front of me and getting ready for some fun... and then had a tiny slide behind Kennet, got Steve in the inside without seeing him, off track, lost wheel, lap 3, go home.

Very very harsh punishment for such a small mistake. I practiced like hell... for 3 laps.
Sorry have to make this short, preparing my vacations for the next 2 weeks

Q 8th
Strange for me to be so up in the grid

R 10th
A first 10lap stint with a full tank, pit for tyres, 12 laps then pits with 70l fuel and tyres.
Very smooth start and first turns, very good by everyone I think. My race was not so great, but I had some nice moments with overtakers in 130R and T1 (Nicolai, Steeve..). Some mistakes but I doubt I could have done better. Waited for the rain in vain.
I had a disavantage atm since I can't make my XD! work, probably a system update that prevent the DLL to be loaded (I think), so I feel a bit cut from the world in the race (no tyre temp, no pilot positions, no real time intervals...). I hope I can fix it before next race (round 5 for me).

CU on track!
Very good race and one the best events, surprisingly. Only trained with race fuel and only long distances. The setup i made fit to my style like a glove, huge confidence for the car. I could easily marry this one, it was so great.

Q: No qualy practice, first time car was under 60l and fresh tires. second attempt: 1,2s from pb. 14th place was a big surprise. Gonna continue that tactic.

Race: 13th. Nice, i'm satisfied. Followed my strategy to keep as far away from others as possible.. I really needed alone time with the track, it's so so narrow. It worked, no major or even medium mistakes. Some lockups, some cuts (compensated in the delta so i have clear conscience). Mostly defensive battles, two ended in rear end collision. I took last chicane really slow, i wanted to get everything out from the main straight. Short gearing, medium wings, understeering and lowered engine mapping: the car bolted really well from tight turns. Esses were easy, spoon was easy, even degners were easy. Got very nice straightline speeds, Vincenco had hard time trying to pass at one point. He catched me before R130 but the shorter gearing worked miracles so that was a no go, caught me at R130, had to back down, repeat on the next lap ;) All i had to really do was to take the chicane solid to get to turn 1 first and did not back down an inch...

2 stop strategy, lost a bit of time in the pits, stopping 2m before the line both times. With the time lost in the two collisions, maybe i could've got to 12th but i don't think Anthony was pushing like i was on the last 10 laps and i never really shortened that 10s gap... Half of the fuel was at the start with 45l on both stops. AI ran out of fuel on the inlap, last chicane so that worked out perfectly. Had comfort to switch to 1 stop if needed, basically first stop was because of tires on lap 12/13, second stop 10/9 laps before the end. Had easier time figuring out the pit game, chose plan A, which most likely was the best option for me. Horrible tires in Suzuka is too dangerous.
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P9:thumbsup::thumbsdown:...can't decide:)

Started practicing Monday eve with a few wet laps and then 1 stint last night...not enough really:O_o: so what more could I expect

Had fun in the early laps passing clouds of dust at the side of the track and watching the positions click over P13..P12...P11...etc...etc

Very lucky escape as Bob hit the wall and came back across the track... not sure how I missed him.... I had my eyes shut:p...unlucky for Bob & Vale...we were having fun till then

Strategy: 1 stop.. 97ltrs + slow and get to the end:coffee:

Grats to all that took part

CU next week

Q: Had 2 laps planned, thanks to David (I think) letting me past at some point I could do both timed laps. I was really undersestimating the grip in this "damp" conditions and both laps were to cautious, but still p3 which was nice.

R: Gone for 2 stopper, as I was hoping for rain as the only realistic chance to change the qualyfing result to something maybe better.

Had a good go off the line, but the entire road was blocked in front so no chance to pass and also Reik went past when I took t1 a bit too much on the left side.

Spend the first ~25mins of the race behind Sean, trying every single line I could think of to maybe pass him at some point, but it wasn't possible, so I've lost about a second per lap already here which meant only really racing Reik for a position at some point.

After the first pitstops, as soon as I got past Peter, I could finally do some proper laps.
Got some good ones in and had also a good second pitstop afterwards and came out in front of Reik.

On the last stint I catched up to David a couple of laps before the end, but at this point, even with maximum difference in tire-health and about 2 seconds per lap more in the car for me, I coudn't manage to pass him no matter what lines I tried.
I backed out of every single try as every single one would have ended in a collision, so I took p3 as Reik was for some reason not right on me anymore in the end.

-> q: 3rd / r: 3rd

Suzuka is pretty much my favourite track, but this race was very frustrating. With not beeing able to touch a curb anywhere, the track becomes very narrow overall :(

Also dissappointed with the weather, as I hoped for rain the entire time; apart from the slightly damp road in q, no water in sight...

Congrats to all racers today for a nice event, also for the lapped cars making it easy for me personally today.

See you guys next time, even though I hate Monza with a passion :)
qualifying - 1st

aborted the first attempt half way through the outlap as id noticed the on path wetness fall to 8% and hoped it would keep falling, it did and it was a wise move, i went out for a superpole lap with slightly higher front and rear wing and it worked out nicely.

race - 2nd

started well enough and managed to hold p1 into turn 1, tried to pull away but didnt have the pace to make any meaningfull gap, some good racing with reik until he had a small mistake, then he pitted early for his 2 stopper so me and sean and dino were out alone, i couldnt raise the gap again so me and sean went into the pits within 1 second of each other on lap 16, dino had pitted 2-3 laps earlier, i overshot my pit box and had to reverse so sean gained the time needed and passed me on the pit exit, i hoped to just stay with sean close enough to take advantage of any mistakes he made but the next lap he came upto someone at turn 1 to lap them, i was 1 second behind, when sean went for the overtake the lapper didnt let him past then decided to let him past mid corner exit, i had already adjusted my line to get past the lapper too, when he decided he wasnt going to let sean past i slammed on the brakes onto the kerb and got an almighty tank slapper on, i broke, came down the gears and turned away from the wall and just by luck the collision wasnt enough to damage me but it had cost me 5-6 seconds, anyhoo onwards i went trying to catch sean, managed to bring the gap down to 5.3 at its lowest point and then dino started catching me on vettel tyres, i had to defend hard every lap but as dino says his chances were minimal even with much better tyres, finished in 2nd place, quite happy although probably shouldve been a win, hopfully next time :)

honarable mention to sennas attempt at the chicane, and to dino for very fair, probably too fair driving at the end, i left you room at 130r, i was waiting for an attempt that never came, throw the balls to the wall in that situation dino, i wouldve :)

grats all finishers, cyas at monza :)
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^^ Saw you guys going in to pits, you had just lapped me. Had nice time watching that fight. It was tough decision to wait until esses to let you both lap me and i tried to duplicate it for the both. I had my own long distance race with 1 stoppers and couldn't afford to park to straight and get 3 second time penalty.. David hesitated a bit with me taking wide line at the T1 exit, trying to leave apex free, i almost run out of room there (had decided to go to gravel, if needed..). Sean saw what happened and was maybe faster to pass on the first righthander. In season 9 that strategy would've not worked, having to experience lapping race after race teaches one or two things. Letting people pass on medium corners is very very tricky but i know what i'm doing (knock on wood..)

Reik also waited a bit too much on the last chicance, my intention is to leave fighting pairs alone and i let both pass at the same time (he was racing bumber to bumber with someone..).There was no need to wait after the chicane but you got it in control early enough to avoid unnecessary waiting.

I have to say, looking at the replay, it's a tough track to overtake. And my consistency was thru the roof. And it's haaaard to overtake, watched from Valters view, that must've been frustrating to come so close every lap and suffering thru my braking distances.. But it was a good fight. And, again, driving in front of Vale in the first lap is relaxing, didn't mind at all losing that place, fair overtake.
Yea, I have a race report!!!! My strategy of asking people during warmup not to hit the green car until at least lap 2 worked :D

Q: 6 Made a few quick setup tweaks for the damp track that seemed to work. Best qual ever, very very happy.

R:11 I left the setup changes in place since I anticipated some rain sometime during the race. This turned out to be a bad decision since it made the car a little more squirrely on a dry track. But I still had good enough pace running in 7th to keep up with Alex and Tim through 8 laps and slowly distancing myself from Nico 3+ seconds back. In lap 8, I accelerated too early and spun coming out of Dunlop. I hit the wall and bounced to the other side of the track with suspension damage.

Waited for to Nico pass me before reentering the track and he graciously gave the position right back by going off into the dirt on Denger. Very nice of you Nico :thumbsup:. While my suspension damage wasn't terrible, I did loose some grip and pace allowing Nico to catch me by lap 10 and passed me later in the lap. Pitted on lap 12 in 8th, decided to fix the damage which took an extra 30 seconds because I was still convinced it was going to rain LOL (hey I'm from Oregon it ALWAYS rains here).

Came back out in 15th and spent the rest of the race getting a few positions back and thought I would finish 12th, until Vincenzo had the bad luck to run out of fuel giving me 11th.

I had a lot of fun and hope everyone else did too. Grats to the podium, all that participated, and to Nico for all his hard work.
Gratz Sean, David and Dino!

Q: 12th (i think)
Very disapointed Quali for me. I went out with rad at 2 and fuel for 3 laps. 1st lap i drove carefully because of the rain, but i found out i could be more agressive. Had a big mistake on 2nd lap so 1:46:xxx was my time. I was expecting something between low and mid 44.

Those who watch my incident report video got a good recap of my race. Mistakes, distractions, bad feelings for Alberto, many things that lead me to errors.

Only positive thing, i got the 2nd race fastest lap behind Dino. which is 1:44:697.

Like Alex said, i have the speed, now i need the consistancy. As for practice, i think i am among those who practice the most. All my free times are spent in this game. I really think my problem is only concentration.

See you "maybe" at Monza. The one i hate as much as Dino.

Q 5h
R 6th

Lessons learned:
1. Tim seems like a guy with similar pace, fun, fair fight-able bloke. But idiot, dont count on keeping up with him if you spin out of the track
2. Keep distance to the Aussies.
3. Consider 2-stoppers for more fighting, Especially if Tim decides to.
4. Keep laughing at watching Alex flying past in panic due to missed brake-point :roflmao:
5. Consider hiring a pro racedriver-teacher to become such an alien as the faster guys.

Thanks for the race guys. Looking forward to other lessons at Monza, espcially considering the curbs
Like Alex said, i have the speed, now i need the consistancy. As for practice, i think i am among those who practice the most. All my free times are spent in this game. I really think my problem is only concentration.

I can confirm your consistency as you demonstrated it very well in our duel on Monday or was it Tuesday. Iow I agree it is a matter of concentration at race night.

Being mixed up in something early in the race is a killer for consentration for me as well. My mind wants to think about what happen and wonder if everyone got away from it or not. What I am thinking is that your doubts about your revs and setup started a chain reaction. Without it you could possibly have had a great race.
Q 9
Best result in this season :)

R 8
Very good start, I gained two positions before T1. I was following Peter and Tim and had some tough moments with them before Casio :notworthy: Happy that they both stayed alive after my mistakes :D
1st pit-stop on Lap 11. I returned on track right behind Valter and Kennett. And I had incidents with both of them :( I was very eager not to lose any time behind slower cars (they had not pitted yet)... I am really sorry guys! There's no excuse for such a rush from my side. I had just to wait for a better opportunity.
Later there were nice battles with Nicolas and Vincenzo :thumbsup:
I made a stupid mistake before Dunlop and went wide on Lap 22. Nico and Jim passed me.
After my 2nd pit-stop on Lap 23 I was 2-3 seconds behind Nico. I was chasing him for many laps, the gap was decreasing lap by lap, 0.1 by 0.1, and probably we could have a nice battle right before the finish line, but I went wide a bit in Degner on Lap 34, lost about 10 seconds and just brought car home on my best finish position in this season.

Grats to podium and all the finishers!
Thank you guys for very exciting race.
And I am sorry for such a big ammount of incidents. I will do my best to avoid it in future.
Q. 2nd
R. 1st 85 90

Managed to get good start but still not good enough to pass David into t1, I then had to focus on just doing my laps with faster Reik behind I made a bit of a mistake braking into last chicane defending from Reik nearly having a accident but I decided to let Reik passed and get over chicane.
Then I had Dino being faster right behind to so I had to do same just concentrate on my line, a few laps later Reik made slight mistake out of last turn allowing me and Dino to get by, I was still unsure what exact strategy everyone was on until Reik pitted lap 12 I think. Dino I was still uncertain with him pitting around lap 15 I thought he was aiming for under cut to pass and still on a 1.
Me and David pitted same lap and with his slight mistake I just managed to squeeze by exit of pits which was very nice.
I then got a gap to David behind with his mistake at t1 so I could just try and focus on my own race again still thinking in my head if Dino has 1 stopped he has it in the bag but as his gap steadily increased I started to believe it would be a 2.
After Dino pitted later and realised I was in 1st place I just concentrated on gap to David and not pushing to hard with this track sometimes pushing can lead to slight mistake and off. Also at the end When I seen that Dino was struggling to get by David I could take it a little easier again and just bring it own without incident.

Thanks guys !:), cant believe I won another when I was thinking id miss most of the season ill still be taking it race by race should make Monza I think :thumbsup:
Grat's to David and Dino yet again and all finisher's cya's all on the server's:cool:
I think one of my best race but finished in lap 5:( big incident.I did a nice pass on Kennett nice drive mate in lap1 at last chicane and then a Great battle with JIM was very fun:thumbsup:
next time guys

I thought the same, i just knew that if i take the left lane, you will line up on the right and we'll brake side by side. i didn't even need to check before turning in, just made sure there is exactly one car length between me and the car in front: either you are in that space or you're safe behind. I just hope that i can keep up the speed in Monza to get more acquainted with more drivers.

I do have a sore throat and feel fever creeping in.. Fingers crossed, fortunately the track is extremely familiar and we had those practice races off-season, drove a lot on that track offline at the time. It doesn't replace on-season training but i have a good semi-comfortable setup ready, unless i need to test different engine mappings. That understeering nature could suit me better, i can see what (i think) David suggested off season: to go understeer in to corners, feel the grip and then get really early exit. Also the article i posted sometime ago of looking more ahead: braking in to the entry, look for the exit, not apex. It has increased braking distances even more but helped a lot getting a good line for the exit. Those two advices has helped, don't feel so frustrated..

With understeer, there's a definite limit how fast you can turn, period. Finding that grip is easier, the car start giving different feedback when you are close to that maximum limit: hit that speed, turn in with grip and the results are always the same. It leaves a feeling of consistency: i can be within 1-3km/h in the same turn, every lap. With oversteering car, apex speeds fluctuate much more and the racing line isn't as precise.. The idea that you can correct that line IN the corner creeps in... If car doesn't seem to turn or brake too deep = more throttle, i can always kick the rear and i don't think that is the right way of thinking.. It's essential skill, mostly found off season in country tracks (warning, extremely off topic bable follows..)..

It's extremely fun thou, i have my own test track this season: I take a few laps before race practice on this track.. DryGrip 0.97 with lgroad grooves that has DryGrip0.95 and bumby as hell... Makes one think and react fast.. It's my warmup routine to go drifting with F3000 :) This example is R8 wet but it IS fun... (and that BO is not body odor, it's bobs buildoff, sort of non-competition we did with few builders..)

Sorry for not posting a decent race report but free time is so short to the next event this time.

My biggest grats to Sean for a very well earned victory and to David and Dino for completing the podium.

Qualy (4th):

Was happy with my performance when doing 2 timed laps in a row. Was very close with P2 and P3.

Race (4th): 12 laps 64 liters / 12 laps 64 liters / 11 laps 58 liters

Was fun to battle with Sean (nice moment in the chicane) and to chase David for a while. Then a mistake dropped me in 4th. I simply drove my 2 stop strategy to the end being a few seconds behind Dino, who later in the race opened a bigger gap and was able to fight David, whilest I was only able to hold my 4th.

I'm not satisfied at all, because my own mistake in the beginning hindered me from possibly overtaking David and driving a bit away from him and Sean whilest they could've blocked Dino for a while, which could have influenced the race and also positions a bit. But that's without a prove and finally just useless crying :cry: so I focus on getting quicker and more consistant as soon as possible. :p :mad: :laugh:

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