only two things Race2 just 3 or4 sec before start im was like disconnection alone on track no time no red light :O_o: so i push a bit the throttle if something happen and suddendly whole grid it appears and i hit April
sorry for this hope no damage.Lap 8 the turn before long straight Martin touch mine rr tire for me nothing happen but i saw him spin hope not my fault I do not think i have closed too the door .
Race 2
The start was crazy due to this timeout issue. I was very distracted when we actually did start then.
Lap 1 Turn 1 - I went backwards to get out of a pileup and went right into Vlad who tried to go around the pileup. I did not expect an other car to be there Vlad. Sorry was my bad. Good that it all was very slow speed.
Lap 7 Turn 1 - Martin Floeck was in front of me and lost his rear while I was taking the inside but had too much speed and was carried out. Martin who regained control went back to the inside and we touched and spun. This was my bad, I was distracted by Martins drifting action and was a little too fast and ended up 4 wheel drifting into the back of Martin
Lap 28 Turn 4 - Tom Tombaerts spun and was rolling backwards out of the way for me, however he went back on the racing line and I had to avoid him and spun out.
Sorry for late report, I took the time to make some videos (sorry for the bad edit).

Race 1
No incidents to report

Race 2
lap 2 : incident with @Martin Vindis in last turn, I was in his blindspot.

lap 9 : small incident in lap 1 with @Artyom Aslamazyan (wheel touch) and @Vlad Dogar (he went off track when avoiding me). Close racing is very hard, especially in this kind of turn!

lap 22 : incident with @Blauweke who had hit @Artyom Aslamazyan when trying to rejoin the track after a spin. Please Tom take some time to check who's coming before rejoining the racing line, unless you know there's no one coming in the next seconds.
lap 22 : incident with @Blauweke who had hit @Artyom Aslamazyan when trying to rejoin the track after a spin. Please Tom take some time to check who's coming before rejoining the racing line, unless you know there's no one coming in the next seconds.

It was in the heat of the moment really, I had a good competitive pace and when i spun i just wanted to get going as soon as i could.
Realy sorry about that.

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