Race 1:

Lap 1 at T1 (TS 86): Minor contact with @David Turnbull on the outside of the turn. We both keep position and nothing happens :)

Race 2:

L1 at the uphill hairpin (TS 134): I overtake @James Andrew but had to correct a little oversteer and we have some contact. I think without the oversteer and the following little correction we would not have had contact. I'm sorry for that James :(

L3 at the exit to the main straight (TS 388): very little contact with @April Dillon but nothing happens. I think we both had space :thumbsup:

L4 at T1 (TS 401): @jego hits me (I am on the outside of T1) after an late braking overtake. Minor damage on my side. In my opinion that's just a normal race incident between two drivers fighting hard for position :cool:

L20 at turn before backstraight (TS 2190): I locked the rear brakes and drifted in front of @jego. No contact between us. That was a mistake from my side for sure :(

L21 at the fast chicane (TS 2293): I had to brake to avoid hitting @jego and lost the car. Another mistake from my side :cry:

L28 last turn of the race (TS 3046): Fighting for the last podium position with @David Turnbull we had contact but nothing serious happens as we keep positions. I consider that also a normal race incident :)
Race1 lap1 T2 ts:94.563
incident with April
Miguel hit April that spin and across the track just front me :rolleyes:
no big damage:)

Race2 lap1 T9 ts:138.925
incident with James
in exit of turn 9 i push a bit James, was a bit slow on exit but he had just received a couple of shots from Mario
lap4 T4 ts:431.192
incident with Tom
I was defending myself from Tom, I was inside turn and he was on my left but a little touch from Kyran and Tom spin just front me and I hit him:rolleyes::)
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Race 1
Jump started, oops, sorry. TrackMap was blinking too much, I misinterpreted a blink as the start signal :(
Don't gain an advantage since I lifted at once..

Race 2
Sandwiched between @MOOOOOOOOOSCHT and @jego at the start. It seems I thouched Martin first, not sure if it would have changed something if I would have been some centimeters more on the right..
That sent my car sliding, collecting @krusti and Francisco. Got a terrible flatspot so had to pit at the end of the first lap:(
Race 1
Lap 2 T2 - Vidimari was infront of me and moved to the left and I took eavsive action because I thought he might spin because he was on the curbs, by doing so I gave Peter a scare as I was suddenly right infront of him. Normal incident in my eyes.
Lap 9 T4 - Small contact with David, I don't think I even noticed it during the race, just saw it on the replay now.
Lap 11 T11 - Kyran passed me in T9 and we were side by side until T8, where I slide into him.

Race 2

Start Finish Straight - Martin misjuged the sandwich I think and his right rear touched Nicolas' left front, which made Nicolas hit me and make a mess. I managed to get out of it. But yea, unfortunate for Nicolas who was clearly sandwiched.
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Guys, thanks for submitting incident reports. It would be greatly appreciated if you always try to include a timestamp (TS) for each incident - it makes the revision process a lot easier, thanks :)

Keep the reports coming, remember that we ask everyone to submit reports even if there hasn't been any incidents.
Race1 lap1 T2
incident with April
Miguel hit April that spin and across the track just front me :rolleyes:
no big damage:)
TS 90, this was the only incident I recall.

L3 at the exit to the main straight (TS 388): very little contact with @April Dillon but nothing happens. I think we both had space :thumbsup:
I'm glad you brought this up, I actually felt nothing in this one. Though I was right on the edge of the track, so I'm glad you aren't upset, because I couldn't really have budged over much more. :p I just thought we'd both been greedy and used up every last cm of track width at the time, cuddled up as much as physically possible. :D
I'm glad you brought this up, I actually felt nothing in this one. Though I was right on the edge of the track, so I'm glad you aren't upset, because I couldn't really have budged over much more. :p I just thought we'd both been greedy and used up every last cm of track width at the time, cuddled up as much as physically possible. :D

I also felt nothing in the race but just saw it in the replay and wanted to report just to know your and stewards' opinion regarding if I gave you enough room at the exit of the corner. It was for sure good close racing in my opinion :)
R1/816: I got a tab from Kyran, no problem and no real disadvantage for me :)

R2/Start: After start I was left of Nicolas, and I think in this situation I was not aware that I`m the bread of a sandwitch. When I remember right, after start I was paying more attention to the left, because Daniele was in my mirrow. Then I was driving almost straight ahead, when my RR and Nicolas FL touched, that deflects me to the right. That starts a chain reaction that also Nicolas and Joahnnes let them hit and finally also Johannes and me came together and then some more. In replay I saw I was driving very very slightly to the right and Johannes very very slightly to the left. When I knew that Nicolas beside me has no space I would have pulled to the left.
I think that was quite unlucky but in the caos of an start such things happen, anyway sry guys :)

R2/336: David hit my rear when I lift the throttle. The corner before David lost the rear, but however he managed to handle that. I tought he spinned around, but he didn`t, in my view he appeard right before the next corner in my mirrow. There I pulled immediately left to give him space, but to much, so I came on the curb, where I had to lift the throttle. After the touch I was hardly sliding, but however I keeped control, David passed me and carried on.

R2/525: I tabed Tom. He was braking earlier that I expected because traffic was in front of him. I think he had no disadvantage, anyway sry :)

Still I`m not able to drive with VR because after 5min I feel queasy :sick:
I also tried ginger tea, like I do the first days when I go sailing, but no improvement :D
I have 3 monitors, but the overview is not quite well when the cars are close togehter :)
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The only Incident I can remember ( Ive not had a chance to check the replay yet) is the Incident mentioned by Martin.

R2 - TS336

I was close behind Martin and had been catching him very quickly since T1, i thought he had damage or some other reason making him got a bit slower than usual as hes usually very quick, coming to the fast left right chicane Martin suddenly slowed and I hit the back of him, I carried on not knowing if Martin had spun or held it together, I maybe should have waited but I thought he was already damaged at that point and was struggling to take the turns.

Sorry Martin

PS regards VR martin, I also felt the same when driving with it, I had oculus rift for 1 week and sold it again so have been back to the 1 monitor where I dont have to deal with sore heads or motion sickness, its hard to get used to and some people just cant get used to it, seems I was one of those people :(
Not 100% sure if I have 90fps but I think yes, because it is judder free and the computer performance is adequate. But I haven`t checked, so I´ll do this, thx for the tip :)
But there are some more things they make problems or are annoying:
  • eyes are drying-out, because the displays are heating
  • bad resolution of objects far away
  • the actual horrible implementation of switching between normal and VR
    (plugins, seat position, mirrow settings, ...)
The experience is great, so I`m open for any tip :)
Well, for drying eyes I have eye drops which I use before a session if I am tired from a long day. Also don't forget to blink :). I have my keyboard in front of my wheel so I can just lean forward and look out of the bottom gap of the headset and type fine.
Regarding the resolution, I run Supersampling at 1.4-1.2 (depends on the track) with a GTX980. It makes the objects just a little clearer and sharper.
The FPS thing is very important to keep an eye on. If you are using the Rift, it has a feature that sort of simulates 90fps when you drop below 90. It switches to 45fps and interpolates the rest, this can be very uncomfortable for some people. (Can be checked with Oculus TrayTool).
Besides that, some just experience nausea from VR, apparently it gets better with time.
@April Dillon : you wrote in the result thread "Race 2, TS76 Martin Floek is awarded 2WP for causing a large accident on the start/finish straight through excessive aggression. 4 other cars suffer contact because of this."

I can`t understand that decission, because I was driving straigth ahead.
Look at my onboard, the wheel is centered and I also steered a bit to the left before I overtook Nicolas to have more gap.
And where is here the "excessive aggression" ?

Please explain that, I want understand it :) Thank you !
after reviewing the incident from all angles i wouldnt say it was excessive aggression that caused this incident but a combination of you and johannes moving into a space occupied by nicolas.

as you an see from the video nicolas doesnt move from a straight line but you and johannes both sandwich him in the middle so he has nowhere to go. even though the steering wheel shows no obvious movements on your part, the line to the right of the track shows that you were getting closer and closer to it so the gap between you and the line was decreasing. this was all made worse by the fact johannes started edging to the left into the middle of the track and contact occurs between the 3 of you.

in reviewing this i personally have come to the conclusion the fair way to deal with this incident is to award you and johannes 1wp each, but lets see how the stweards deal with this.

"Excessive aggression" was the wrong way to word that, my mistake there. I summarised the feedback I got from the other stewards kinda badly. My mistake. :whistling:

David's already posted his feedback on the incident, but here's mine and Kyran's to fill things in a little more. We all agreed with you being the left-most car of the three, it was up to you to not close the gap on your right so much that the other two wouldn't have enough space. And gradually creeping to the right is exactly what we all felt caused that.

April said:
3 cars are squeezing over to the right edge of the track. Martin Floeck pushes this too far by prematurely moving to the right before getting his rear clear of Nico Rouge. This causes an accident on the start/finish straight at the race start which results in contact for 4 other cars.

By 'moving to the right' I am referring to that gradual creep to the right side of the track visible in David's video.

Kyran said:
From onboard, all three involved with the sandwich are driving straight and no visible input suggests they squeezed anyone. However from an external view, M Floeck is the one who appears to ever so slightly move right and to be fair, has no reason to do so. The track to his left is completely clear. The result of which is a multi-car crash.