Season 5 Race 7 Abu Dhabi post race

Valerio Vinassa

PrestoGP Veteran
want say first this congratulations all really clear race well done guys:)

Q my position is about in rear but I have done my PB.

R Seeing the qualification it was easy to imagine how it would go the race so in first 9/10 laps we were near in groups I was with Valter Kurt Peter and Nico (a bit ahaed ) was difficult to ovetake here but is nice try, really amusing.After a few of laps Peter,that push hard, passed me was a little bit that I saw him in my mirrors after this a few laps later saw Kurt and Valter on grass Nico was ahead 6 or 7sec (maybe) tried push for catch no chance time was always the same after pit start Blue flag so when Mark passed me in last turn I try to make the same line ahahahah:D Im not able go in sand Nico was 30sec and no possibility to catch but in last lap look the xd and see Nico at 3sec push a bit and passed ( was in a sand ) so I finished in 10th position.
Im sorry for you Nico lost the car in last lap is not a nice thing, unluky.:frown:

Congratulations to the winners

See you all in Germany
Most excellent race tonight guys:cool:

Q, 1/2 a sec off pb so 7th, it was so close in that group behind the front 3

Race, got away well and settled in behind Andy and a line of cars as far as I could see in front and in my mirrors for quite a few laps

I then made a mistake under braking for T4? and lost the rear, cost me 3 places I think, got going again and made a few back, my rear tyres were done for after 10 laps so I just struggled on till the pit on lap 18

Re-joined into a battle with Andy in front and Tim n mark behind, it was wheel to wheel stuff, me n Mark, Mark n Tim, Me n Tim and a one point possibly all three if I remember correctly, Mark slipped past but I managed to keep Tim behind until my tyres where so shot I could no longer, I was also trying to save fuel and do some math at the same time

Later on Nico Rouge slipped by as well with a very well judged pass:cool:

So I finish 7th with just under 3ltrs of fuel left and a GCSE grade A in maths:tongue: in what was one of the most fun races I've had in ages, thanks mostly to the quality of the opposition and my soapy rear tyres:D

Grats to Reik again and all that took part, and to the Presto management for this damm fine league

Congratulations Reik and Podium!
Thanks to all for a great race. I thoroughly enjoyed it and especially the opening laps. :D

Q: 3rd last [15th?]
Had a few shots at it. Caught traffic on the first 3 attempts. 4th outing was a clear track and so I proved to myself that I was average to slow. J

R: 9th

Bogged down in 1st gear at the start and was last when braking into the first corner.

There were contacts ahead of me [at the hairpin?] on the opening lap which allowed me to close up. 2nd lap and more contact at the hairpin gave me a few places as I cleared a few stationary cars [big thank you for not moving gentlemen. :) Appreciated!]

The opening battles had begun and I chased Vale for several laps. Nice racing Vale. :)

I made a genuine pass [yippee!] down the second straight around lap 6 and then followed Nico.
Many laps passed until Nico ran wide around the penultimate corner. :(

Finally, I was on Kurt's tail. Nice driving there :) This lasted until lap 12 or so when a ½ spin gave me the position.

From there I pushed on without error. Reik lapped me during the second stint. I surrendered early there as I had plenty of gap to the cars behind and made it very safe and easy.

A great time for me in the opening laps. A little lonely from there on as I do not have the pace of the front runners to make up more ground. A nice track to drive though.

Thanks all, thanks Vale, Valter, Nico and Kurt for the battles and to everyone else.
Not much to say about this race. Even with quite a lot of practice the track is still unfamiliar compared to most Formula one tracks. That made it very demanding, requiring a lot of concentration.

Pity about the first lap incident, when Tim got sideways and of the 10 cars following only Valerio completely escaped contact I think. Valerio managed to turn outside and avoid the collision. Nicholai and Kurt managed to stop - well done guys, but got hit from behind, pity. Everyone else did not manage to stop or got involved in the collision.

After that with suspension damage I was lucky to stay on track to the pitstop. My already slow pace was reduced even more.

Still it was satisfying to make it to the end of the race.

Good event at a challenging venue.
Abu Dhabi

Well done :trophy:Reik:trophy:Mark and :trophy:Anthony and thanks all for a pleasant evening.
I was far back on the grid, had a little trouble finding a q lap, but at last I got a lap in.
:frown:It was a disappointing race for me. I am used to a slow but consistent pace and this race was slow with many big and small mistakes. I need to stay on track to get a point or two.
I hit Kurt a couple of times, but we have arm wrestled to determine who the guilty party was:eek: Sorry for the contact Kurt. I’m glad we got no mechanical problems from it.
First part of the race was the best. Close racing with Valerio, Nicolai, Peter and Kurt.
I had a lot of fun despite all the ditch runs. Thanks guys:drink:

Last but not least, thanks Nicolai for the countless hours you spend managing this excellent league. You should be very proud of your achievements.

I look forward to meeting you all in Germany

So long,
Everything went wrong for me in this race, and yet, I really did have quite a lot of fun.

Practiced late into the night and finally managed to beat my PB with a 1:35.5. Got up early after three hours sleep and could not put a decent lap together. Ended up qualifying 9th with a time over a second outside my pb from only hours earlier.

I might edit this later after I've watched the replay, but I though I should get to it on the day of the race for once. My start was decent, settled into 8th place. I decided to take it nice and easy first lap and just let the race come to me. Taking it easy on the throttle on cold tires into the tight left hander which I normally trail brake heavily into turned out to be a very poor move. Without any external help I turned it around Schumacher style and waited for the field to hit me. I do apologise to all those effected especially those who got suspension damage. I too suffered susp damage, though it was quite drivable.

From there I was quite confident the podium was out of reach, though I did notice on the track map that everyone seemed to be lapping together, with the obvious exception of Reik. Sorry again Reik, we will catch up to your pace soon and let you have some fun too.

As Jim mentioned already, the next few laps turned into a very interesting and quite enjoyable exchange between Jim, Mark and I. I thought I had managed to put a move on Jim only to have Mark streak through having taken the racing line as Jim and I held each other off. After a bit more fun Mark and I made contact and I ended up facing the wrong way. I gathered it up and proceed to chase Jim for the next 20 laps or so. I thought I had him in the pits, but he just squeezed out in front. Finally his rear tires seemed to be giving up and I got a good exit out of the chicane and I managed to make the move stick. There was some really nice racing through the chicanes side by side with plenty of room being left, thanks Jim, it was like the good old days.

After clearing Jim I had 5 laps to make up 13 seconds on Janek. Somehow, it became apparent that I might just do it. I caught him with half a lap to go, maybe he was just toying with me, but in the excitement the back got a little loose, I lost half a second, and that's how we came to the finish.

All in all fairly happy with 5th after everything I managed to do wrong.

Congrats to Reik, Anthony and Mark. Well done guys.

Thanks to Nico and the team, particularly our faithful Race Director.

Race Report: Reik Major - Mc Laren / BRM

Congratulations to Mark (2nd) and to Anthony for a very good 3rd! Well done guys! :D

Of course also grats to all point winners! :D

Special thanks go to Jere Heikkinen!!! I came home late on tuesday from a little vacation and had no practice at all. I only had one hour time to test on race day, so I just took Jere's setup from the forum, made small changes and was able to drive quick immediately. Thx for this great setup mate! :cool:

Qualify (1st):

The lack of practice made me worry before this event, but the small test showed me, that I had the pace. The circuit is long and has many tricky places, so it took a while to drive a 1:35:0xx. Finally it was good for pole.

Race (1st):

I was very nervous before the start. One thing was, that I had a very long 1st gear and second thing was that I had no long stint experience this time. I could only use the qualy setup with meds, more fuel and two more clicks on rear wing (4/25).

Lights went green and I hit a good start with slightly wheel spin. First corner came early, so I was able to take it on the ideal line and open a little gap to David in 2nd. When I left the hairpin in Lap 1, I already had a little gap.

I couldn't find a good rhythm the first laps, because I thought more about the things, that seemed to happen behind me (for example Mark dropped out of the leader group). So I missed many apexes, but surprisingly increased the gap to David.

From the beginning it was a lonely race for me, so the challange was to drive smooth, quick and to explore how the car balance changes during a 18 laps stint. In the middle of the stint, the tires seemed to be rubbish, but they stabliced again. Only the last two laps were tricky again. Finally I brought it home without any major mistakes.

I want to say thank you to everyone I lapped. The awareness was extremly good. Guys, you're also allowed to drive your race and let me through when it's ok for you. There's no need to wait next to the line too early. :redface: But of course I like to get passed safe and quickly, so thank you very much!

thx to Nico, MMG and RD for making another good race possible!

See you all for my home grand prix in germany... :cool: :D
Sorry again Reik, we will catch up to your pace soon and let you have some fun too.

I have no doubts on that. :wink: (...and I never said I had no fun :tongue:)

I'm very optimistic, that we'll see even more close racing in the future, also on the top. If as much guys as possible stay here for another season, we'll see top racing and have very much fun.

This season is the best base for it, because Nico did a perfect job to increase the commitment here to a great amount. I mean look where we are now! We all exchange our setups and hints! :D I never saw this before and I'm sure that the learning curve for many racers here is very big this season so they can benefit of it soon. As a result we'll have many solid racers in the next season and also new comers will be introduced much quicker...

I hope this all (the guys, the mod, the challenge) keeps going on for the next season, but maybe it's a bit too early to talk about it here.
First of all, congratulations to all finishers and in particular the podium with Reik, Mark and Anthony.

This is a bit different race report, but I think it is honest :)

This was a strange and disappointing race for myself. I started out the race-week with doing lots of sensible practice, soon being able to do stints with 18 laps all in the 1:41:xxx (and a very few in 1:40:xxx). I felt very confident that I would do a great race.

As the race day came closer I became aware that my pace acctually was 2-3 seconds slower than the faster group. I started to look at other people's setup to see if I was way off, but could not see any reason for the big gap. I tried a couple of setups a few laps, but I am very reluctaint to change to a different setup than the one I have practiced lots of stints with. I could risk loosing my consistency! In the end I changed a very few things on my own setup based on others to try to rule out the setup as an element to my slow pace. Rumors that there were setup secrets circulating in the group made it harder for me to focus on where I lost my time on track, maybe it was a secret setup trick unavaileble to the public after all?

By this time I had lost lots of motivation. If I can be 100% certain that the problem is with my driving and not the setup I have no problem motivating myself for good practice to find that time I am missing. But as soon as doubt enters my mind, wheter it is the setup or my driving, my focus starts to get blury..

Anyways, with some slaps from some good friends I snapped out of my self destructive thinking and decided to accept the pace I had and enjoy my race around the guys at the same pace. After all, that is one of the good sides of the merger, without it I would be left totally alone far behind the second slowest. And I would ofcourse not use any of the "black market" setups, after all I was the one trying to implement the sharing of setups, so it would be wrong of me to use a setup not availeble to all (or basically the same).

I qualified 11th I think, which was promesing for an enjoyable race with lots of battles. I loaded my race setup, the same as the one I posted in the forum, and was ready for 60 minutes of fun.

Start went well, although it could be that I made soft contact once with the car ahead, but if so, it wouldn't have any consequences I think. I'll have a closer look of course and report it if needed. After a few turns, when the race started to settle, I was not able to find my rythm. What a disaster, I had practiced this so much, what had happened? After 18 laps my best lap was 1:42:7, and I had only one more lap in the 1:42's, the rest was 1:43 and onwards.

Btw, Anthony I pited after 17 laps I think and came out behind me. I decided to wait until he was on my tail, then to make a controlled move off the racing line and let him through, kind of like a good example on how to do it controlled where the both car lose a little time, but not much. Anyways, I realised too late that Anthony probably was pitting early to try to make a pass or something, if I had known this I probably would have let my good friend through without the timeloss on his behalf. Sorry mate!

Btw2, I did have good battles with Valter, Kurre and Peter. Unfortunatly I did not get to enjoy them too much, because I was struggling to find a rythm. But it was good to race among such fine people.

I had no clue what had happend. For some reason my gearing seemed different. Stuff like reaching the end of 5th gear on the s/f moments before entering the braking zone, it had never happend before! Was it the slightly different conditions than the practice server? Had I somehow messed up the setup, picked the wrong one or something?

I slowly adapted to the new situation, and in the second stint I did see the 1:41:xxx once or twice, but at the same time I grew more and more disappointed about my own race, how all the practice and reliable driving was out the window. Towards the end I had almost half a minute up and half a minute down to the guys around me. Mistakes were made toward the end and I lost my 10th place to Vale and ended up 11th.

I will however do as the pros and rather look forward to the next race, at Hockenheim

EDIT: I do not blame anybody for setup stuff, it is just that the group gradually and naturally are moving away from executin it's purpose, namely removing setups as an element of competition. One reason for this decition was that the setup on this mod is flawed.

EDIT2: I do believe my pace (when I practiced, not in the race) was due to my driving and not the setup, but I guess the small doubt got the better of me :) The fact that there are 20+ turns amplifies the difference in skills I am afraid :)
I do believe my pace (when I practiced, not in the race) was due to my driving and not the setup, but I guess the small doubt got the better of me :) The fact that there are 20+ turns amplifies the difference in skills I am afraid :)

Hi Nicolai,
I tested your race setup and I can assure you it was a good one. I could reach 1'41"xxx easily, and some 1'40"xxx, but it was a little too oversteery for me. I think having a good pace on that track requires a lot of concentration, since a mistake can cost a lot. What you experienced happened to me at Suzuka : my practice sessions were a lot better than what I did during the race.
Abu Dhabi

Grats to podium and thx all for good racing:)

Apology to Nicolai for hit and to Andy didn't make it easy when you lapping me.

Q: Back behind Valter.

R: Overall it was a good race, First 12laps was really fun, I was chased by Peter,Nicolai,Vale and Valter.
But two 1/2spins later on L12 they all passed me.

The rest of the race was a bit lonely until my team mate sneaked up and started chasing me like a mad dog:) and made the last 7-8 laps great fun.

I was Fortunate to make it to the flag before him.

And Valter NP it was just a nudge

Thx to Nicolai for all the time you spends on this extraordinary league of racing gentlemen

Hope to see you all in Germany
race report:

qualifying.......... excellent p2 on the grid, my best qual this season.

race........ totally and utterly dire, yet again i cant turn a good qual into a good result, its starting to get on my nerves.

good race to all who finished, cyas next race

... Rumors that there were setup secrets circulating in the group made it harder for me to focus on where I lost my time on track, maybe it was a secret setup trick unavaileble to the public after all?

By this time I had lost lots of motivation. If I can be 100% certain that the problem is with my driving and not the setup I have no problem motivating myself for good practice to find that time I am missing. But as soon as doubt enters my mind, wheter it is the setup or my driving, my focus starts to get blury ...

I'm not sure if I realy understand what you want to say. What do you mean with "circulating setup secrets"?

I thought that we've changed so many setups until now, that there can't be any secrets. Or do you mean special setup tricks for Abu Dhabi? But even then I don't understand what you mean, because when I started my first tests late on raceday, I found many good and different setups from many good drivers.

From my experience I immediately knew, what to expect from Jere's setup, so it took me only some laps and some adjustments to reach a good pace. Only for curiosity I took a look at Mark's setup and saw, that he prefers more downforce. In terms of downforce I finally ended up somewhere in the middle of Jere and Mark. So besides different downforce variations, I don't know about other "setup secrets".

Could you please explain? :wink:

btw: In the past I had had a single fun race, where I suddenly was a little slower, than I expected to be. It was a long research until I noticed in the controller options, that under full throttle, the bar sometimes doesn't max out. Not allways but very often. So in every acceleration phase I lost some kph's without realising. I fixed it by cleaning the inside of the paddel electricity.
Could you please explain? :wink:
Ok, I will :) (don't blame me for this looong post :))

First of all, as most probably already know, i know the Race Director. The RD has eyes and ears everywhere. he can see every lap that has been done on the servers, he can see all the chats on the servers, he can look at all the log files etc etc. In addition he has a lot of practice in observing a group of drivers so he is often able to "smell" stuff before everybody else are aware of it :) He knows when monkey business is taking place, although he cannot always prove it.

I worded myself poorly, because I tried to say something without pointing fingers, because this is in my eyes natural group dynamics and not really anybody’s fault (except perhaps me who was responsible for communicating this idea). At the same time my post became so long, so I tried to be brief.

Anyhoo, my point was and is the following: The whole idea was that setups should not be an element of competition. Both because the setup on this mod is partly flawed, but also because learning to drive this car well is demanding enough, adding the fact of learning to handle these setups makes the workload even higher -> less pure race practice.

I am not saying that everybody have to post their setup every time they make a minor change. But the general intention is what is important. The moment drivers start intentionally holding back information I question if their intentions are in harmony with Presto GP and the decision about sharing setups.

The smoking gun is that I know about several setups not shared publicly for the reason of staying competitive/having an edge. Those setups might be shared with a small group of drivers being close to the one that made the setup. This is a dangerous path in my eyes, probably a path that was started several races ago. As soon as one driver gets the feeling that his greatest competitor is holding back information, he might do the same to stay competitive. This snowball will most likely grow bigger the longer this stays un-discussed.

So for me, any setup that I hear about or is presented to me that is not publicly available is a black-market setup. For the Abu Dhabi race I was aware of 3-4 setups like this which quite honestly made me very disappointed. For me personally, struggling to find out why I am lacking pace, and then suddenly learning about all these black market setups, ruined my focus. It was my weakness that I let this affect me.

The way I would like to see the setup-sharing work is like this:
Every driver should have their own post in the setup thread. In this post they should upload the setup they are using. When they feel it has changes enough that it is worth updating it then they should do this. The closer we come to the race the less important this is I think. It does not make sense to change setup and the feel of the car shortly before a race. If you are using the setup of anybody else, one can simply say this in the post.

The main purpose is to eliminate setup skills / friend relations between drivers as an element of competition. I want all drivers (in particular the less skilled) to be allowed to focus purely on their driving. Even though it is wrong in 95% of the cases, it is so easy to allow yourself to start thinking; it could be the setup and not me!

I think out setup sharing rule works a bit like the no team order rule in f1. It is very hard to regulate and one are dependent on all the participants agreeing and being honest about it. (Personally I think no team orders in f1 is a stupid rule, because it simply does not fit the way the sport works, but that is a different story. Besides, we don't have 100's of million $$$ to blur our minds).

The sharing of setups guideline differs from all other rules and guidelines at Presto GP in the way that this can not be controlled. It is only based on the drivers willingness to work together. Normally I would never have such a rule, because it is bound to lead to problems, but in this situation I felt we had to if we were to stick to the mod we are using.

This is not meant as whining from me because I did a poor race. I probably see the situation different from the rest, because I know in my head how I intended this to be, while everybody else only have my communication to base their understanding of this particular guideline on.

I thought that we've changed so many setups until now, that there can't be any secrets. Or do you mean special setup tricks for Abu Dhabi? But even then I don't understand what you mean, because when I started my first tests late on raceday, I found many good and different setups from many good drivers.

Practically speaking I agree with you. I do not think that more setup openness would have directly helped my or anybody else's pace. It is the psychological aspect I am thinking of. If your time is the best in the group you would obviously not have any reason to question the setups, you would be happy with your situation. But if this isn't the case, if you are 2,5 seconds slower than the guys you matched the pace to 1 week ago, there is suddenly room to let your mind put irrational obstacles in your path to improve.
Thought I might weigh in here...

I have been feeling a bit guilty for not posting much about what setups I've been using. The sad fact is, I actually haven't mastered the setup art in any way. For the past few seasons I have been racing very competitively with setups kindly donated by team mates and friends. Between Anthony and Arno I had been doing very well for setups, and this season Marks setups have been extremely important in any race I've had success in.

I think Nico is right that it would have been helpful of me to post at least which setup I was using for my fastest times. I certainly suffered in Abu as a result of again spending too much time on qual setup and not enough time on race. And when I talk about working on qual setup, I generally mean deciding which one works best for me.

So in conclusion, thanks heaps to Arno, Anthony and Mark for the setups, and sorry I haven't been more transparent about which ones I've been using. I hope this issue is one we can smooth out with a bit more communication. I've been struggling to find as much time this season, but still really enjoying the racing and being part of the community.

I don't think the laptimes are working for Hockenheim, but I'm sure it will get sorted at some point. Thanks!
I hope this issue is one we can smooth out with a bit more communication.

Yes, that is my point in a way, that nobody is really doing wrong here, but it needs to be discussed to make sure everybody are on the same page :)

Presently Rune is the only one that knows how to fix the Hockenheim problem, and I think this will be done very soon. But it is a bit out of my hands. I will try to learn how to do it myself so I do not need to bother Rune all the time :)
im going to start withholding my setups, i dont want anyone else using them.

p.s only because youll have to suffer the same displeasure as i have every race when i have a great qualifying session then absolutly crap race, so im actually doing the presto community a favour :D

only joking, ill still upload my q setups but im extremely bad at judging the tyres aspect so ill keep my race setups out the way until such times i can make a set of tyres do what the hell they are supposed to in a race situation.

only joking, ill still upload my q setups but im extremely bad at judging the tyres aspect so ill keep my race setups out the way until such times i can make a set of tyres do what the hell they are supposed to in a race situation.

I think you should post both, come with any description you feel relevant and let "the people" decide.

I also think it would be good if one started posting setups after first practice run. Even though it is in it's making, those without a clue about setups needs to start practicing long before setups usually are out, and what would make more sense than to use the setup that later on will turn into (the basis of) their own setup. And what an interesting experience it must be for them to "feel" the evolvement of the setup :)

I haven't started to practice yet, but when I do I'll make sure I'll make a post where I attached whatever setup I ended up with after my practice and write a little description of the setup. I'll keep updating my post as progress goes by. If I suddenly use Anthony's setup, I will say so in my post, and then perhaps those who used my setup (Nicolas :) ) will do the same. Or perhaps they'll rather develope mine and post the result in their own thread.

Another good thing about this is that everybody will get knowledge of which setup the different guys are using, resulting in both recognision of the maker and more information for those who think it is hard to choose.

One might ask, if everybody can use my setup, what is the point in spending lots of time developing a fast setup? The answer would be, there is no good point in doing that, practice stable racing instead ;)

I am guessing it will take me one minute to make/update my post each time :)
Btw, Anthony I pited after 17 laps I think and came out behind me. I decided to wait until he was on my tail, then to make a controlled move off the racing line and let him through, kind of like a good example on how to do it controlled where the both car lose a little time, but not much. Anyways, I realised too late that Anthony probably was pitting early to try to make a pass or something, if I had known this I probably would have let my good friend through without the timeloss on his behalf. Sorry mate!

Thanks Nico for letting me pass, it was a gentleman move ,you had all the right to stay ahead and race with me because we were fighting for position right at that moment. i was fighting with Janek for second place for many laps and around lap 16 my tires were gone and i was loosing time to him so i decided to pit early for fresh tires to try something different on Janek , then I came out on lap 17 in p11 right behind you I was on full fuel and could not close the gap enough to make a proper move , and i thought my strategy to catch Janek was overcooked but then I saw you moving and letting me pass at the start of lap 18 so i pressed hard and finally i was able to come ahead of Janek when he pitted ...

my race was great and full of fun, at the start of the race Mark made a spin and fall behind , Riek was already flying at the front so it was me , David and Janek fighting at the front , i had a good battle with David for few laps , then he made a mistake and i passed him to third, then i spent he rest of the first stint chasing Janek , it was really hard to pass on this track , the more you get closer to the one in the front the more harder to pass, then i passed Janek after the pit and held the second position until lap 27 or so, my race pace start dropping , i think i was too tired to keep my focus on doing proper laps, i was doing 141xxx when Mark start closing fast on me and tried a well judged move on the hairpin , well deserved pass Mark . so after that i was focusing on bringing the car home in once piece ...

by the way , my race setup was the exact qualy setup with more rear wing , it was 6/ 29 and i raised the rear springs a bit to make the rear stable, so i was racing with 6/29 , i have mentioned in the forum that my qualy setup is ready for race by adding more down force, i have been doing this since the beginning of this season, i was turning the same qualy setup into a race setup by adding more wings or maybe changing a bit the springs, i keep all other settings the same so i do not get too unfamiliar with the car , that was it and nothing else , i believe the racing wings is a personal liking, no one can recommend the exact wings for race setup , some people like to race with more or less wings than the rest depending on the way of driving with full load of fuel, but in my opinion the most important part is to come up with a good setup that works very well for that particular track.

After reading Nicolai post i could see how hard he is trying to make this place as transparent as possible like an open field , nothing is hidden so we all could have a clean competition , and i believe his invitation to all of us to be more open and honest in our setup participation / donation to eliminate all the elements/ barriers that make a person having the advantage over another , he is looking to have a pure racing based on our racing skills and not based on the secret subject called " setup", and I believe he is expecting the same participation from all the members in the league..

i would like to mention here that i personally have nothing to hide, i have no secret formula in my bag or receiving any black market setups that I am using to my advantage , i have been transparent since the start , i was freely posting and sharing with all my friends the exact qualy setup that I used on the qualy day and I kept the wing setting of the race setup most of the time for myself or I shared it to spice up the competition which is normal in my opinion, and sometimes I recommended some wing settings for some guys at the back of the field just help them enjoying their race but that is it , i still believe that there is nothing special with the setups i make honestly and i am still surprised how positive the feedback is from the majority , all my setups are really very simple and the same boring one for every track with minor wing tweaks and that is it , anyone can do and copy that so i really wonder why the setup participation is still so dull in the forum !!!?

Well-done Reik for another super race, well-done to Mark and to all finishers.


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