Season 6 Race 7 China (Shangai) - Post Race Chat

I had yet again a fantastic race! Congrats to Reik for winning and Vincenzo for making Reik seemingly work very hard. I am impressed. Also Tim and Sean showed a very strong preformance. And also the rest of the point takers, the 36 laps finishers and indeed all that finished.

I did a new p.b. which earned me 12th position. I was really wishing for an odd number as I wanted to start on the right side (inside) of the track, but this was impossible to control as the times were very tight and qualify was very exciting to take part in. I think Peter got ahead of me towards the end of qualify and "stole" my 11th :)

Although starting on the left side of the track I manage to advance to 9th I think it was after the first exciting turns. As I was chacing the car ahead of me Valter managed to get past me and I was 10th. I was a part of a chain of 4-5 cars fighting and battling down the back straight. A lot of good racing and close battles. Especially Valter and Anthony springs to mind. Andy was also there for a long time in my mirrors, but didn't get past.

After going a bit side by side with Anthony he manages to grow a 2 second gap to me that more or less stays that way until he pits after 17 laps. I wonder if that was a strategic move to keep me behind or if he was changing from medium to hards... :) Anyhoo, somewhere something must have gone wrong, because when I excited the pits I was between Valerio and Anthony! Come to think of it, maybe Anthony "got stuck" behind Valerio when he exited after 17 laps and lost just enough time for me to be able to squeeze in between him and Valerio.

Anyhoo, I now have to get past Valerio as soon as possible (safely ofcourse) before Anthony gets past me. Exiting t3 (the last slow corner) I am quite close to Valerio when he suddenly spins the car. I instantly feared that I touched his rear, and I considered if I should wait or not. I was so much in doubt that I chose to race on, because it would be a shame to ruin my race if I didn't touch him. Anthoo, these thoughts filled my head for the rest of the race, I made a mistake and Anthony got past me, but I got past him later on when he made a mistake.

Towards the end of the race my mission was to close the gap to Sean who was 10 sec ahead of me. I was not able to do this as he was too fast for me, but I did get close towards the end as Sean must have made some major and minor mistakes :)

5th in the end was great, although not until I could confirm that I had not touched Valerio. Also, seeing what happened to Jim and Peter early in the race put a damper on my joy. Sorry guys, you both seemed to be very competitive for this race, it was a shame you didn't get to prove it :damnit:
Q 19th
Race 17th safe start and first 3 laps an intense battle with Bob, hard but correct mate, for 10 laps good concentration but in turn6 spin and lost many place was in 15th for 2 laps lost my concentration and spin again think in 2 laps I lost 20 or 30sec. Im a Champion:parrot:so I tried to manage my race for arrive at the end with dignity/fun so push for catch Kurt front me at 10sec but blue flag is mandatory:) and so lost again time Kurt is at 30sec too much Im an School-Bus driver not a F1 driver:D.

Congratulations Reik Vincenzo and Tim and all drivers including Jim:)

C U soon at Istanbul​
gutted, was running in 5th for all of the first stint, right on the pack in front ready to pounce should any of them slipped up slightly, had great pace and tyres, lap 18 i dont know what went through my head but i didnt pit, i looked at fuel when i went over start/finish line and it read 2.5l arghhhhhhh so i had to coast for a whole lap back to the pits, came out in 16th, made some great passes and kept up my pace, if i hadnt forgot to pit i wouldve been right up there on pace but it wasnt to be, seems im destined to have problems in every race this season.

9th at the end :(

good race all
Congrats Reik, Vincenzo and Tim. :cool:

Q 11th:
After a week of little to no practice, I was pleased to run a low 34.

R: 17th? [2 laps down :tongue::)]
I had a good start. I had to check myself going into Turn 1 behind Anthony, but held a tight line through the apex loosing a position to Nico on entry to Turn 2. Approaching to the braking zone for Turn 4, I had Nico and Anthony battling ahead side by side for position in front. Contact from behind damaged my suspension. I rejoined the track near last and crab-walked back to the pits for repairs.

I elected to fill up and fits hards. Unfortunately I exited the pits right in front of the race leader and so I pulled over to allow everyone past. A mostly lonely run to the end from there but I determined to never give up. I fitted softs with 15 laps to go and the car was fun then :)

Well done all who scored points.:doublethumb: Thank you all for the race and see you all next week.

P.S. I am a little disappointed to see drivers regularly run wide at the final turn, however, I accept that some view this differently.:)
Grats to you Reik, Vincenzo and Tim.

I realize how difficult it is to reach the top spots, it is not enough to be fast. The strategy, regularity, concentration are also part of quality essential to a good result.

Therefore, I also congratulated Sean, Nicolai is impressive regularity since the training runs up to this one, Valter, Andy who came in a very good place too. And Alex has re-acquired a reputation as a clean rider.

I have succumbed to lightning return of David Turnbull, in the penultimate turn of the last lap ... I steals the 9th place is fully deserved because I took over from 1 to 1.5 second a lap for several minutes. Congratulations David, you were irresistible.

I finish 10th, not so bad finally. Qualif 6th 1.33.8** was the better result i can wait.

"P.S. I am a little disappointed to see drivers regularly run wide at the final turn, however, I accept that some view this differently"

I admit being part of those. I believed, without being sure that it was tolerated, for the number of racers I saw it. But I try to stay on track even when much of period. My best time in qualifying is not tainted by this kind of overrun. All racers: excuse me please, and be shure that i will more respectful next races.
Thanks very much for your kind congrats guys! :redface:

Nico, is right. Everyone who finished deserves applause! Of coures a littel more of it goes to Vincenzo and Tim, who completed the podium. Very well done mates! You really forced me to drive one of my best races.
But also all point winners did a great job, because the field was closer than ever before (at least it felt like this). :cool:

From the event last week I knew it would become close again or even closer. But I felt well prepared after last week, so I didn't do any practice last week at Shanghai but at Istanbul. So when I entered the session 20 minutes before qualify, I was shocked about the different grip level and how much more sensibility it requires. I spun in each of the first 3 timed laps, which made me a little nervous. Not the best feeling to enter the qualify. :rolleyes: But a good practice start from 2nd position made me calm down a bit.

Qualy (1st):

My first timed lap resulted in a 1:33:8xx, because of slight mistakes. The second one was my pole time with a 1:33:467. I wasn't able to improve it anymore, because it was only 0,1 sec away from my PB. From the last event it was for sure, that others are also able to make this time and finally, to my surprise, David McCradic jumped in 2nd, also with a 1:33:486 only ~0,019 sec behind me followed by Vincenzo and David T., both with 1:33:6xx. Many other drivers did lap times under 1:34, which looked great on the time table!
I was very happy to see our new comer Fabrice in 6th with a 1:33:8xx! Dude, this is only 0,4 sec slower than me. Are you gonna catch me the next events!?!? :wink: (if you go on improving that fast, there's no doubt)

Race (1st):

Compared with other races, this one didn't offer any special moments. BUT it was one of the hardest races for me!!!

From the start to the finish line I can't remember doing any driving mistake. In other words I drove my cleanest race ever, but Vincenzo chased me all the race with a very small gap. Some times he was in a distance to attack me. This was very tough. GREAT job Vincenzo! :wink:
Especially the second half of the first stint, when my rubber got worse he seemd to have more potential. I had to give everything to make no mistake even with worn tires. Luckily I did well.

I started with medium tires and 85L fuel, so I was able to pit in lap 19 and to safe 2 seconds by refueling only with 63L. Again I took medium compound. Vincenzo had followed me into the pits very close. I enterd the road again in 1st and maybe because of my little shortend stop the gap to Vincenzo in 2nd was now ~4,0 seconds.

I pushed the new rubber very hard to get away from him and enforce an early decision. But even by doing my fastest lap with 1:36:200. The gap didn't increase! I'm curious about Vincenzos fastest lap time. Later the gap decreased to ~2,0 seconds. Finally I was able to bring it home with that gap and some very tired arms and hands! :tongue: :D

My biggest respect to the Aussie drivers, who doen't sleep much before the races, so they can have fun with us!

Also very much respect to Nico, who organizes our pleassure but finished in very good point positions the last races, even though he has less time to practice! Top work mate!

...I realize how difficult it is to reach the top spots, it is not enough to be fast. The strategy, regularity, concentration are also part of quality essential to a good result...

You say it! :) I was happy to see you in 3rd for a while. So you know you can do it. Next task will be to keep this performance through the whole race without many mistakes. I think strategy isn't that improtant in our 1 hour races. If you are unsure, just make 2 stints, each with mediums and fuel for the half race. (Of course if it stays dry)

"P.S. I am a little disappointed to see drivers regularly run wide at the final turn, however, I accept that some view this differently"

I admit being part of those. I believed, without being sure that it was tolerated, for the number of racers I saw it. But I try to stay on track even when much of period. My best time in qualifying is not tainted by this kind of overrun. All racers: excuse me please, and be shure that i will more respectful next races.

Excuse accepted from my side. :wink: It's an important Race Department rule that you allways have two wheels inside the white lines. In this league we all agree to try our best to follow this rule, without getting killed, if we sometimes break it by mistake, without gaining an advantage. We don't suppose anyone here to leave the white lines on purpose. :wink:

Maybe it was by luck that every time you saw drivers going wide there, you saw a driving mistake. :tongue:

btw: I understand Peters point of view and hope it only happend by mistake... (I tryed my best to avoid those wides)
(...)But even by doing my fastest lap with 1:36:4xx. The gap didn't increase! I'm curious about Vincenzos fastest lap time. Later the gap decreased to ~2,0 seconds. Finally I was able to bring it home with that gap and some very tired arms and hands! :tongue: :D

You should get the answer to your question here Reik, I think it is as you suspected :)

Have a look at Anthony I's best lap time as well, but don't look at mine... :)
Thank you very much Nico! This made me able to correct some things in my post. This shows how bad I remember things some times. :)

Wow, Thony did the fastest race lap! Nice one :)
It's an important Race Department rule that you allways have two wheels inside the white lines. In this league we all agree to try our best to follow this rule, without getting killed, if we sometimes break it by mistake, without gaining an advantage. We don't suppose anyone here to leave the white lines on purpose. :wink:

This is correct with one tiny exception; officially we do not follow Race Department rules but our own. I am not aware of any differences except for the white line. We have always defined the white line as part of the track, therefore it is enough that at least two wheels touch the white line.

This is "obviously" inspired from football, where there has to be air between the line and the ball for it to cross the line.
Congrats Reik, Vincenzo and Tim and all others to:D

Q: 17
R: 16

I had a decent start and it felt good until a got hit in T4 and spun off.

However, I had some battles with Vale, Bob and Eliezer it was great thx guys.

After my pit stop it was a lonely race and I just tryed to keep me out of the way for those faster guys

Thx to all for a roaring evening in China:D

C u soon in Turkey
Congratulations to everyone, it was a great race.

Q 15th

Didn't reach my PB this time, but Q was not my priority

R 13th

Tried uneven stints like last time but it went wrong. I started with hards/meds and 100l, trying to make laps as fast as I can in my first stint. I didn't manage to follow the group of pilots in front and I lost time laps after laps. Reik exited the pits just in front of me, and was followed by Vince and Tim a few seconds later. I let them pass since I didn't want to interfere with their chase. I pitted at the end of lap 22 for 40l fuel and meds/softs tires, and then I was much more comfortable and faster. I had then some good fights with some other pilots, especially Eliezer. Thanks for the fight !

When battling with him I came to the conclusion that my race strategy was wrong : my setup had more wings than the rest of the pilots, in order to dimish tire wear and to have more grip at the end of the stints, so I was faster in the corner, but in the straight it was impossible I overtake someone, unless I brake and exit the turn better. I was as fast as most of the fastest pilots in my second stint, and won about 10sec in the pits because I fueled less, but I lost too much time in the first stint. I also did too much mistakes (3 spins), when in the first race I only did one, so it didn't improve the overall result.

I think strategy isn't that improtant in our 1 hour races. If you are unsure, just make 2 stints, each with mediums and fuel for the half race. (Of course if it stays dry)

Once again our champion is right! Anyway, I tried something different and it didn't work, but I've got no regrets. I hope I'll be better next time.

CU in Istanbul
Thank you for your encouragement Reik.
I realize that I'm progressing, but the missing few tenths are the hardest to win now!
This is largely thanks to you and all the other drivers who share their settings, I can try and edit later. I think especially my teammate Anthony, Nicolai, and Cristian and others who took time to help me. Brendan helped me a lot in the development of Motec i2 Pro that I am only beginning to discover is exciting. :pray:
I am proud to use my own settings (of course inspired by yours) for qualifying and racing.
True, I was in 3rd position during the first three rounds, but only after an unfortunate accident in front of me. This was very stressful right place, I did not keep very long and jai do one of two errors in my race. :frown:
Honestly, I do not think being able to play the podium before very long months, but I work for, the hope is to live! :tongue:

Nicolai, you need not be ashamed of your best lap ... is the same as me! And it is clear that your impressive regularity, is one of the key to success. So well done mate.
For rules, I'm usually quite respucteux. But, cons, try to be totally respectful of people, and therefore the drivers of the league. I hope everyone crowns this little sprain starting for the first and last time.

Anthony... the best lap of the race! Full respects mate and... Keep as I showed you my friend! :rally: :D:D
Grats Reik, Vince and Tim, and well done everybody.

Q: 16 my regular spot.

R: 6. A great success for me. I‘m enormously proud to have beaten so many good drivers.

I chased Nicolai many laps and at some point I was ahead. But he was too fast for me and eventually he overtook and rapidly got smaller and smaller in my field of view. Thanks for a very hard, fair and fun duel.

During this time I had Andy behind me. I managed to keep him behind me a long time with all the dirty tricks I could think of. I guess he didn’t have a perfect setup because it took him many laps to pass me. I went in to pits on lap 17, my laptimes was slow and I needed new rubber. After the stop Andy and me got on with the duel and I could pass him after a small mistake he made. He and Cristian, or was it Alex, was fighting behind me after that and it saved me from being overtaken again. It was a pleasure to fight with you Andy. Never a hard touch or anything. You could start a driving school.

Thanks Nicolai for the league and thumbs up for your excellent close driving.

CU on track m8s
Grats THE CHAMP, Vincenzo and Tim! Very strong perfomance!

Q = 10th

R = 8th
After few starting laps I was 6th, but 2 spins pushed me back to 12th. This race was rather calm for me after my spins, and I've moved up to 8th after others' mistakes and problems. There was very close battle with Andy for about 10 last laps. Sometimes I was very very very close, but overtaking was impossible. Too short 7th gear disabled slip-stream for me. Thank you Andy for this good racing and fair play! 0,2 sec at the finish line - that's impressive! :)
This was one of the toughest race for me this season, it was almost impossible to drive China track with auto gearing and one arm ( i learned from the previous race) especially the first part of the track so i decided to do this race with both arms and normal gearing like before , i did some training couple of days and i thought i was ready for the action :)...

Q 9 th : i joined the server 4:40 AM with couple of hours sleep.. , but honestly the lap times were very impressive from everyone.. .. well-done to Fabrice,very impressive ...

R : 11th ... Mediums, 68 L, wings 5/36 ... ( i was going to do 2 stops but changed my mind last minute )..

i was a bit nervous at the start this time but everything went well and i was side by side with Nico for couple of turns until i managed to stay ahead and start pushing the car to increase the gap but Nico and Valter were showing a strong race and were in my mirrors " mainly Ncolai" for most of the first stint, i lost lots of grip around lap 17 so i had to pit for fresh Mediums and most important to rest my arm as it was killing me .:tongue:

i went out behind Peter and Valerio then i was engaged in a little nicefight with Valerio during that lap so i did not have that clean lap to be ableto stay ahead of Nico and he came out just ahead of me & behind Vale. The battle started again with Nico and lap 20 or so i passed him when he did amistake at the back strait but at this stage of the race my arm start really annoying me and i start losing performance and could not push anymore and couple of laps later i did a mistake on the same spot and Nico passed me to 5th as Nicolas Rouje pitted .

lap 25 and after i lapped Vale on the long strait i did the same mistake at the same spot and received that contact form Vale so i had to pit again for repair but i decided to throw on a fresh set of softs , i went out in p15 and start chasing the guys in the front relying on the softs, " i believe it is at this time when i'v done the 1:36.00 on softs and not on the mediums , so honestly guys i do not deserve the glory, Vince and Reik deserve it and not me :)..."..After that i made couple of passes with some nice battles with the guys and finished my race in P11 almost dead with very sore arm:tongue: ...

well-done to Reik , Vince and Tim and to all the guys , it was a very toughtrack... Thanks Nico for the fun and thx to RD guys .:).
Yeah Valter,Alex and Cristian, it was an entertaining race with those close but fair fights. :)
I realy enjoyed this race, me and Valter had some classic textbook overtaking actions :)
I had some suspension damage from fighting with Cristian( no problem mate, sometimes happens with very close racing) thats why i couldn't push towards the end of the race.
Alex and Cristian were always very fast drivers, but you Valter, have improved allot the last seasons, keep it up mate.
And offcourse grats to Reik, Vince and Tim and all of the presto gang.


Grats podium !

Q: 7th

Great racing again really good pace, but my setup was basically jeres high df with slightly less rear wing 6/31, this ment really good lap times and mid sectors but was extremely hard to get close to over take straights. Me david and tim were really close battle most of 1st stint tim obviously low wing setup i could follow easy enough but really hard as i said to line up pass, i thought i try and pit 1 lap early and get a chance of over lap ( from last race me and tims pits was almost identical time ) if i could push the fresh tires and then would be down main straight also when tims exit but i came out behind slower car and compromised stratagy, i think i lost about 6 to tim. i then tried to chase him down got to 4 secs then i made a small error 2nd last turn half spinout and gap up to 10 secs again so with 5 laps to go i settled for 4th and bring it home watching gap to nico.

So 1 small error and 1 wrong decision for pit overall im quite happy will have a error free race day im sure lol.

Cyas all Istanbul !!!:cool:
Congrats!! Reik one more time win the race, and Tim for the podium :)

Thanks you so much every Congrats, welcome! and so happy for this result..

Q; 3rd

R; 2nd.. Mediums, 79 L / 59 L , wings 5/32..

My best race for the Season 6, the most important "Practice", we had one week more :rolleyes:.. Very good start 2 place, was a surprise when I drove very close to Reik, tried to catch hin, but, he is very strong consistent driver.. Thanks :D Reik for very very nice Race, I enjoyed a lot..

Thanks and Congratulations to all participate in PrestoGP

see you at Istanbul

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