Season 7-Race9 Hungary Report Race

Valerio Vinassa

PrestoGP Veteran
not much to say Im maybe too on eggs this evening on wet track. After start a good series of laps with Bob and Kurt front us DavidMc we are all near after a bit of lap David spin so Bob and Kurt pass him Im stay back
but next lap David lost again the car so I can push for catch Bob and Kurt but in one lap happen this fornt me Bob spin in same lap Kurt spin Im in front but spin me too so lost car Bob and Kurt repass me.
Managed my 2 pits and was all ok 19laps with rain-tires is limit but is possible.In last laps Kurt think a bit unlucky I saw him in grass ( boy today is not a good day for pic-nic:D ) for a moment i wait him for do a bit of battles we can play the last place but I see him rejoin the track slow so I decided go ahaed after 2 laps Kurt (see my XD ) push for catch me but my time of advantage is good so I managed finish line.

Congratulations Helder Tim Sean

Thanks PrestoGP for race

PS someone have random problem of lag/freeze along race? for me more than usually.( rain effect? )
Congratulations Helder, Tim and Sean.
Awesome drive Helder

Q 9th but started 8th after Jim's engine expired on the grid [sorry you missed it Jim]

R: 8th I had a lot of fun but also a lot of nerves and apprehension many times throughout the race. Always I seemed to be in a long battle with Andy and Vincenzo, but also many others including Reik?? :)

I made two off track errors that cost me [and David T sadly] and I completely missed noticing Sean and Tim close up to lap me; apologies guys. Andy slipped passed me there too; nice one Pace :)

It was a long and punishing race. I chose three stops, 4 sets of inters and saw Reik in the lane several times.

Thank you all. Apologies to some. CU at the finale. :)
Congratulations Helder, Tim and Sean.
Awesome drive Helder

Q 9th but started 8th after Jim's engine expired on the grid [sorry you missed it Jim]

R: 8th I had a lot of fun but also a lot of nerves and apprehension many times throughout the race. Always I seemed to be in a long battle with Andy and Vincenzo, but also many others including Reik?? :)

I made two off track errors that cost me [and David T sadly] and I completely missed noticing Sean and Tim close up to lap me; apologies buys. Andy slipped passed me there too; nice one Pace :)

It was a long and punishing race. I choose 4 stops on Inters and saw Reik in the lane on three occassions.

Thank you all. Apologies to some. CU at the finale. :)

Yeah Peter, we had some nice fights there, and i did sneak by in the tow of Sean and Tim.:)

Just at the end of Q seesion my pc crashed (Blue screen) then restarted, I managed to get steam launched after it had updated itself, I tried to relaunch RaceOn but it froze again as the MMG video intro started, ctrl alt del would not work so I had to press the power button on the front to reboot again, I managed to talk to Nico on the forum via my smartphone whilst all this was going on (and Vale via Facebook:) )

I've got the pc up and running now but I think there my be a physical problem with the video memory, according to windows error report
which say's something about "video memory degredation" at 20:08, I've been experiencing some graphic stutters recently and Solidworks was very slow rebuilding assemblies today so it all points to something with the card, I'll have to get it sorted quick because this pc is my livelihood as well as my gaming platform

Hope you all had a good race and big thanks to you all for waiting so long for me to try and make it back in:) sorry if I messed things up a bit

You're all legends

My PC did something similar to Jim's earlier in the week. Fortunately it was only time to disassemble, remove the accumulated dust storm, reassemble and with a couple of "taps" of encouragement, all good. :)
I think an ATI FirePro V5800 might be heading my way very soon, my current HD4850 is not suitable for 3D cad work and looks like it may be on it's last legs

I'm hoping a cad spec card will still run the game?

First of all my biggest congrats to Helder for his second victory in his second race! You didn’t make any mistakes in these tricky conditions and therefore you are the well deserved winner! (I’m getting worried now!) ;)

Also congrats to Tim and Sean on the podium and of course to all finishers for earning well deserved points.

If I had to summarize my race in two words I’d choose “fun” and “disaster”. The “fun” stands for the cool racing in the wet conditions with many fine maneuvers. The “disaster” stands for the silly mistakes I made. :rolleyes:

Qualify (1st):

As an opposite of the all wet practice session the qualifying was completely dry. So it was very difficult to find the required aggressiveness within one warm up lap. So the timed lap was clean and a very average one. I missed the optimum turn in point for the quick chicane a little bit, so I had to break much more into it and down shift one more gear not to cut it. I watched the replay to be sure and I slightly got away in a legal way.

Race (4th):

My scheduled strategy was to go for a 3 stopper, using intermediates in all 4 stints if it rains on, or to change to softs if it gets dry. Finally I needed 5 stops in this race. :confused:

Both practice starts went well, so I was slightly optimistic to do well again. But this time I early had some more wheel spin and Helder didn’t show off all his cards in the practice starts but now he did. He quickly appeared on my inside, so T1 was for him. I settled behind him and wanted to stay close but when accelerating through T3 onto the straight I unfortunately had a huge power over steer, which I didn’t expect that much. The counter reaction sent me on the grass and after a careful rejoining I was 5th now.

I followed Tim and Sean and in lap 2 they both ran wide. I drove next to Tim on his outside line before the long right hander in the middle sector. It seems like he didn’t notice me and changed his line late before the turn. So he pushed me off the track and I lost one position to Anthony. (It was no problem Tim, just a little racing contact.;) )

I now had some nice battles with Anthony and David T. to work myself back in 3rd position. Tim had a little off in the meantime and was close behind. I closed the gap to Sean in 2nd but made a mistake again, so I was 3rd with 9 seconds behind Sean when pitting for the first time in the end of lap 15. I don’t know in which position I rejoined, but some drivers like David T. didn’t stop that early and where in front of me.

Being on fresh tires and not very happy about my first stint, I tried to push hard to end the race hopefully in second place behind Helder or even better if he made a mistake (but he was too good this day!). But in the end of lap 19 I had the huge torpedo impact on Valerio (see incident report), who was “parking” (waiting) on the outside of the second last turn after a spin. The racing line was clear to pass the scene, but I was a little bit distracted, so I missed the braking point and crashed into Valerio. I’m very sorry for that!

I went on without the front wing to see if this was an option until the next scheduled stop in lap 30. But that was hopeless with too less front grip. I now thought about making the 2nd scheduled stop and take more fuel but being still in lap 19 it was much too early and the inters wouldn’t make it longer than 15-18 laps. So I had to make an extra stop to just get new tires and repair the wing.

I came back in 11th position and was now pushing even harder than before. Driving this way was very much fun and overtaking some drivers, which I didn’t need to do often this season, was adding to the fun even more. I only hope I didn’t overtake in a too aggressive way as I didn’t wait long until making a move. From my point of view it was all under control. :p

In the end of lap 30 I made my second scheduled stop. When I stopped I got a big shock because my crew only changed tires! I forgot that because of the extra stop for repairs I still was on preset “inters+repair”. My only luck was that I always carry 5 extra liters fuel to make one more lap if needed. :D So I had to do my second extra stop one lap later.

I think I reentered again in the region of P11 or so and again I had some nice racing with nice battles. From now on I knew that podium was out of reach but I wanted to get as much points as possible not to risk the championship at all.

The finest and longest battle I had with Anthony lasting for some laps before the third scheduled pit stop had to be done. Anthony was very quick and my tires weren’t the best anymore. So it was difficult to put him under pressure but also driving safe. After 5 laps chasing or so, he missed the slow chicane a little bit and had to take it very slow to prevent from cutting it at all. (thx for not cutting it straight and going on quickly!). So I left the chicane much quicker and was able to pass Anthony on the inside of the next turn. That was really big fun, mate!

After my last stop I was in 5th approximately 12 seconds behind Vincenzo in 4th (Anthony had stopped with me I think). I closed up quickly and some laps later Vincenzo let me through without defending hard, because he seemed not to have best grip anymore. Thank you for that!

Finally I finished in 4th with a gap of 51 seconds to Sean in 3rd. After all the disasters I’m happy about the result and I’m also happy I had some extra racing pleasure.

For the last event I try to be an equal opponent for Helder but I can’t promise anything, because he seems to be a little bit quicker. :cool:

Thanks to Nico, RD, MMG and all the fine racers here!!!

PS: Sorry for blowing up the thread! :p
For the last event I try to be an equal opponent for Helder but I can’t promise anything, because he seems to be a little bit quicker. :cool:

No, no Reik...check the qualy lap was for you! Ok one lap is hard but you did it better...even more you did the fastest lap in race, and i believe was a difficult race for you contrariwise i'm getting more confident lap to lap, of course i'm also careful to ensure the safety of my car / race but i push hard some parts of the race, and what i think and the justification i found for it maybe is, i'm super motivated for each Presto race, and you know what it is, win all here, so i'm waiting a very strong Reik in Valencia which is not a track that I very much appreciate :rolleyes: but i'll "work" to do it well again and try to win again :) but the idea i want to leave is i'm very motivated and you are my big motivation because i know who are you and how much good are you! And right now like we did in practice sessions pushing one by another and we down the laptimes, so now i hope to up a little bit your motivation to come back to the victories in the last round, so what is a "bad new" for me if you put in your head i will win, you do it. ;)

my race was "simple" i did a good start what not happen in practice starts :confused: so I understand that this was a sign that things could go well with a good start and found myself inside line beside of Reik car, in a good position to address the first curve, 1st place after that! Now hoping that everything goes well in driving and especially in the pit-stops, when i was very bad in others races with pits too slow on it lool. But really was my day and everything runs well for me, so stop 3 times, in the last one just for tyres changing, and the tactic was good in my view finish the race with about 15liters...Was perfect and i'm very happy this is racing sometimes everything goes well sometimes everything we do not result, and therefore we say "there are no champions, without luck" :)

See you in streets of Valencia for another hard race like we like...:)

ps: just to say i finish te race and can't move my neck loool too much G-forces :p :D
Congratulations Helder, Tim and Sean!
Sorry about your mechanical problems Jim.

Q: 10th. No cuts. Like a train.

R: 10th
I had a two stop strategy and used only inters all the way. That was not a good choice I guess. The final laps of the stints was very slow. I did not have enough energy to create all the presets I needed to cover all eventualities.
I followed Vincenzo the first five and a half laps. Then I went off in that winding middle section and lost a couple of positions. After that the first stint was pretty lonely.
In the beginning off stint two Nicolas joined me...

Thanks Nicolai, RD and all involved.
qualifying 5th - gained a place due to jim's misfortune.

race 9th - started well gained a place or 2 from the start into t1, then took advatage of reik going off track and i was up into 2nd, i had started on a 2 stop strategy so i was slower than the guys behind and it wasnt long till they caught up and passed me due to a mistake i made, i tried to let folk go by easy without to much defending as i felt later in the race i couldve challenged for a decent points finish, i made my first pit on lap 20 hopeing to goto lap 40 then the end with intermediate tyres.

the incident with peter was just that an incident, on my side i thought i was far enough alonside to go side by side with peter to the next corner, then the dreaded sync issue, i certainly felt it and saw the contact between my front wheel and yours but clearly on replays it shows there was no contact and yet again its reared its ugly head, tbh now im starting to think something in my setup is to blame, im been the victim a few times of the sync issue and starting to think it could be me causing the problem, next race im going to experiment with a few things to see if i can minimise this problem at least on my own end.

the rest of the race i ended up having to pit a few times due to suspension damage from contact with the walls, looking at my overall pace even if my strategy did work id have been out of the podium and no higher than 5th so looks like i need alot of practise on changable weather to be able to keep up with the front runners. good race from all though and grats to the podium.

cut/wide report -

qual - cut t4 by turning in way too early, i took my foot off the throttle on the run down to t5 so as not to gain from it, rest of the lap clean and decent so im pretty unhappy with myself about the cut.

race - i think i had one slight wide at the problem turn all race, i was ultra carefull to avoid going wide there, but i had a number of wides on t4? i noticed a lot of others have the same problem, i ended up taking it in 3rd gear to try be safe and well inside the lines but im still sure i went wide a few times after that too, im sure youll all agree that t4 was more of a problem in this race than the corner we all thought would cause problems.
Once upon a time and now in the distant past, I read a post by Gunthar Rowe where he suggested better online racing could be achieved by adjusting the 'Bone Spring' settings in your 'username.plr' file.

Here are my settings:
BoneSpring Threshold="1.00000" // If latency is below this threshold, the spring is disabled
BoneSpring Min Constant="25.00000" // BoneSpring(TM) constant at collision threshold
BoneSpring Max Constant="125.00000" // BoneSpring(TM) constant at spring enact latency (should be higher than constant min...)

I think I only adjusted the first line. It was suppose to stop those extreme lag spike collisions simply knocking your car into oblivion. Perhaps this might help someone.
Q : 8th then 7th when we lost Jim ::(
R :6 th

Strategy: i did not have time to practice on the wet server before the race so i had no idea what to do but last minute before the race when i was with Tim on the practice server he suggested to do 3 stops on inters if it was 50% wet and it did work well ..( thx Tim). , wings 10/ 55 ... yep lots of wings :)..

i started ok and could pass Nicolas for 6th but at turn 2 Nicolas made a small braking error that damaged my susp ( all fine Nicolas :), i could not find the right balance after that to push the car to do quick laps but it was fun battling many guys on track with Reik, Tim, Nicolas, Nico, Peter and Valter . i was quick on the twisty part of the track and slow on the strait , and had a nice battle for the first time with Reik for couple of occasions as he described it in his post.. thx for the fun M8 :)...

I uploaded a video to summarise my report...

Well done Helder and nice job Tim and Sean..

Cu at Valencia


Thanks guys great race and grats Helder! , Tim! and all finshers !!
Q 3rd difficult to adjust back to dry was good fun tho:) .
R 3rd 3 stop 61 54 54 0 fuel inters all the way.

Race was great fun throughout race , :oops: 1st couple laps i made a couple mistakes t6 i went off, i would have let Tim and or Reik by but when i checked mirror we had all went over line lol so decide to keep position i was well on and inside of track. I got passed Davie when he made small mistake t6 also and was into 2nd this was me upto pit stop lap 16. I managed to lose abit of time in stop and came out just ahead of tim and behind Reik. I was back into 2nd lap 20 wi people pitting and manage to hold this to 2nd pit lap 30. I added rest of fuel for race so jst option of tires stop for last. I came out just ahead of Reik and Tim i knew i may also be heavier at this point but longer i could keep them behind me the better. Reik lost his fwing, i also seen him come round last turn so knew he would have another lap without fwing and then to pit(unlucky Reik but good result for troubles you had).
Later in stint made a mistake lapping Kurt sos again dude, this let tim get by me and tim really close at this point so every lapping of car was important i misjudged it and cost me i knew i still had a chance to get Tim in last stop aslong as he wasnt doing same as me and just tires. I pitted lap 43 to try and undercut tim i knew it be close with about 9 sec lead to Tim and with my fumbling in pit menu for just inters lol. I got passed Tim with stop just with gap 1 or 2 secs as he exited pits and knew i just had to make no mistakes in final laps. Alot of pressure in thes laps from Tim and also we were lapping a few cars to was great racing with pressure on at end of race, unfortunitly for me i got to deep braking t1 lap 50 and Tim was ready to take the place from quite a small error, great racing Tim through all way through race :cool:
Overall really enjoyable race, weather and mix in pit stop stratagy and great driving !

Nice vids guys i like rainy replays :p

Cyas back in heat at valencia :rolleyes:
I never got around to writing a race report! The quick version...

Very enjoyable race. I was on Wets all 4 stints which I didn't regret at the time, who knows though.

Great racing with Sean at several stages of the race.

I really enjoyed the wet conditions. I feel like the rain adds a level of realism not just in the weather sense but also in the driving. Rain means you have to find the grip, real racing is always like that. A different day, different temperature, different rubbering of the track. The wet brings us closest to that goal. And its just a lot of fun.

I got suspension damage on lap 3 and decided to drive on with it. Annoying, but my own mistake.

I thought my final stop had been so bad that I lost 9 seconds to Sean who undercut me, though now I see that he also didn't take fuel, that makes me feel slightly better!

Not my best race report, but a very enjoyable race.

Conrats to Helder who drove a perfect race and to Sean for a fine 3rd. Also big conrgrats to Reik our new Triple Champion!

Looking forward to the finally (and hoping for some serious rain!)

Q 19th
I made a mistake and spun, I really wasn't careful.

I started slowly and after a few minutes I started to attack Eliezer, Valerio and Jim, but I was caught in an accident in lap 3 (see incident report) and got suspension damage. My car was having handling trouble and I was losing some time, so I decided to change my initial strategy (2 stints with 70l fuel and soft/medium + 1 short stint with 40l fuel and super-soft/soft) and to pit earlier, at lap 11.
After that I spent the race mostly alone and finished 13th, behind Valter (again!).

Thanks Nicolai & PrestoGP for organizing this league, congratulations to David the winner of this race and to Reik the champion.

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