Season 8 Race2 Silverston Incident Report

reiks situation is totally diffrent im my eyes valter, as the guy ahead reiks hardly ever had to pass anyone except cars hes lapping, the rest of us are allways chasing someone so the possibilitys of mistakes are more prevelant, one example is sepang 3 seasons ago (which i think is the last time reik made a mistake lol) he made a small mistake that put him back in the group, he accidentally rear ended me which ruined my race, now that was a total accident and just used as an example to clarify when i dont think reiks situation is the same as others here (myself included)
The way i look at it if my race is ended by sum1 elses mistake, i like to think it was unintentional and a apology etc and we simply can move on. One thing i think gaetano was probably frustrated with losing some places t1 and looked impatient behind anthony not giving enough room following, we have to try and race with good intentions and not hurry to much if feel hard done by in the race. Afterall no-one is trying to cause incidents and racing with this in mind would have made gaetano more patient, also his reaction after the race confirmed he was a little angry.
Nicolas rouges at end of video seemed alot easier avoided in future, nico could have seen anthony coming out of pits and been expecting a slow corner speed ahead for anthony and his most likely and safest opportunity to lap would have been hanger straight and a clear move from racing line from anthony then would been signal to nico to pass trying to always maintain a safe enough distance when following.

Bottom line dont give up Anthony :) hope to see you on track again next race, it is very frustrating when a race ends from someone elses mistakes etc but knowing they werent intentional and they feel sorry for this, you will get some good racing next race always keeps me going:)
I mainly do most of the race preparation close to midnight or after midnight after work when I am already exhausted from a long day at my restaurant, that is the only free time I have , all that to follow the rules to be safe enough to be on track and when the race day comes I expect some decent racing to enjoy some of the hard work while preparing for this race to find out that things doe not go as planned and i have to deal with it in a pro way , but the problem is that the same things keep happening race after race and What is worst than a motivation- destroying !? Therefore guys I wish you all the luck in the coming race as I am not finding enough motivation to join you in this race and I will see if things gets better for me or I call it done for the season

I don't practice much at all anymore Anthony. Mainly because of a few uber-competitve drivers several seasons ago and who probably no longer drive the Presto Servers.They won! J

You've always been quick. Perhaps do as I do and re-learn/ practice the track during the practice session on race day. That is all I have done the last two seasons.

Too many uber-competitive drivers in the field and every race start will be a disaster every time; similar to David's disastorours 5 DNF's in one season. Now all of those "problem" drivers are not with us and it is back to the usual suspects every time up front.

Anyway, I still enjoy a good race once a fortnight early in the morning. thank you for allowing me to race with you. :cool: Hope to see you there Anthony. :) Finish on the lead lap and with no incidents and you are a winner; let others say sorry and dream about the next race where the luck is with them. :)
Please do not bother with this. No good will come of it. I have a good memory. :)

I think you are missing the point. Our major problem is that those who have many more incidents than the average are not aware of this themselves and they continue to cause incidents almost every race. (Or they are aware of it but still do not cool down in the race) This we have never solved, because nobody have the balls to point out that the king is naked/without clothes
I think you are missing the point. ....
You are correct :), I often miss the point, but I never miss a race.:cool:

To be clear, I didn't want you to put in the work required to compile the data. Also, I was thinking that you may have to assign blame to one party or the other in some "cold cases".

I'll search my own posts latter on to relive any on-track problems I have caused over the years and then take a cold shower. Apologies if I cause any problems here in the forum with my ramblings.
Well, i agree with you Peter, it is a lot of work that I doubt I will ever start on, and yes, it will be hell to categorise all the incidents :) However, I would like to see something said from those we all know are on the upper half of such a table... (aka naked kings). I cannot see another race where they take much larger risks than the rest, it should be opposite.
i dont quite understand your term used nico but im imagining im one of the guys whove been involved in a higher than normal percentage of incidents than others, silverstone was a one off for me i think, i lost the groove i was in, nearly killed peter twice by misjudging braking (although peter was alive to the situation) i also didnt pay enough attention to what was happening in front which caused the incident with vale, until silverstone i feel ive had a decent run of toning it down, ive not been involved in any collisions since tim at interlagos last season and before then it was a while before too, i had many problems in the first 3-4 seasons of presto but since then i feel ive been a lot safer on the track but still probably the worst on the forum which ive tried to tone down too.
I am sorry guys for all the troubles i caused you , i did not mean to bring all this up when i posted my race report, i was only thinking to share with you how de-motivated a person can easily become when constant incidents that could be easily avoided kept ruining a drivers day and decided to give myself a long break , i even went on today and bought the rF2 as i thought i will have something to get me busy until this season ends if we get to shift platforms. but now when reading all your posts it got me on my head and it proved to me that i was wrong , I am honestly touched by the strong friendly bound that this league got together, it definitely got me an encouragement boost and made me realise that there is still so much things to give to support all my friends to keep this league that i have been with for the last couple of years to stay one of the most friendly leagues and it feels a bit wrong to turn my back on my mates for such a reason .

I have to say as well that I have nothing against you Geatano , i always supported you when it needed , the only thing i would ask from you if i am allowed too is to control a bit your racing temper to minimise the risk of running on someone car so we can all have more pleasant racing, i am sorry if i did sound a bit harsh towards you in my previous report , it was not meant to put the blame on you for ending my race, my race ended because of all incidents of bad luck compiled together , your contacts with me did not make me lose any position directly as my car did not spin or something but as a result it did compromise my race in a way that it cost me an unnecessary pit stop to fix the damage early in the race – but that is fine , I already forgot about it J

thank you all once again for making me changing my mind, I will deal with any bad luck that runs into me in the future in a more positive way" if it does not kill you , it makes you stronger :)" and I wish Geatano and others to do the same and work together to get our racing more safer at the same time to stay competitive :)..

I have not done any lap yet on the next race track , but I will try Peters advice to use the practice session to re-learn the track and hopefully everything goes well and I do not run into someone car .

i dont quite understand your term used nico but im imagining im one of the guys whove been involved in a higher than normal percentage of incidents than others, silverstone was a one off for me i think, i lost the groove i was in, nearly killed peter twice by misjudging braking (although peter was alive to the situation) i also didnt pay enough attention to what was happening in front which caused the incident with vale, until silverstone i feel ive had a decent run of toning it down, ive not been involved in any collisions since tim at interlagos last season and before then it was a while before too, i had many problems in the first 3-4 seasons of presto but since then i feel ive been a lot safer on the track but still probably the worst on the forum which ive tried to tone down too.

I wasn't thinking of you David, but I think you just assesed yourself very well :) You have become a very safe driver, and obviously everybody can make a mistake from time to time. When it happens though, it is important how we handle it in the forum afterwards. I am guessing that I was not the only one that felt your analysis of the Valerio-incident relative to Vale's analysis and the video posted was not very good to put it that way :)

i dont quite understand your term used nico
If you mean the naked king talk, I was referring to a HCA fairytale that I was hoping was as well known in your respective countries as it is in Norway:'s_New_Clothes (I didn't know it was Emperor and not King in english :) )

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