Season 8 Race3 Nurburgring Race Report

Not very good evening for me.. Even thou the laptimes promised close racing, it didn't happen.. The stupid game swirched wets on in the real start, they were gone by T10. Quickly to pits and stupid me, i switched to mediums and didn't put any fuel.. My original tactic was to do the start with softs so i can keep up and get to the zone. Then mediums and heavy load with short stint with softs at the end. .

So mediums all around, light load which meant that i couldn't push but stilll had to stop early. Trying to think myself out that situation, pace dropped like a stone.. Too much to think at once. At least i got good practice of how to let people pass.. Finally i tried to do a something idiotic again, which was to put soft and heavy load. The mediums just were awful, should've just gone softs in all stops, i was so fed up with them, i just wanted them off my car, ASAP. Lap 24 and my tires were beginning to show wear, laptimes dropped again and the leader was aboot to lap me the second time... I retired, no chance to even catch anyone when the second cycle of lapping starts. No matter if they had to do extra stop, the gap would've still put me to the last position and 2 laps down. No point of continuing..

Live and learn... And i'm way too good starter, find myself easily in a place that aint my level, yet. Real Time Telemetry is just awesome tool in the starts, very easy to pinpoint the correct throttle position,

See you all in Montreal, i believe it's the next race. There's now enough time to practice, nect time i'll test the tactic before choosing it...Server had practice1 once again, couldn't really tell what was the best tactic, it was slippery. I would like to drive online practice2 only, practice1 conditions don't appear anywhere else in the game... Maybe something to think about?

If i get the results.txt from the server again, i can do the result-webpage again.
Congratulations Sean, [oops soz :)] David, Nico, and all :)

Q 5th nothing special

R 2nd. Something special for me. :cool:
I had a very good start and managed to steal a position away from Tim in turn 2.
We exchanged position a couple times I think and then something dreadful must have happened to Tim around lap 12?

A fairly lonely drive from there until Nico and David began pushing me all the way to lap 38 and then the gap grew to 10 seconds.
I sweated it out all the way Nico and David. :)

Reik disappeared along the way too and 2nd place became mine. Well behind our new alien Sean.:cool: You and Reik must have a great battle.

Thank you all, Hope everyone can make it to next one. I missed all who didn't make the race; Vince, Andy, David, Jonas, Nicolas, Gaetano any others?

P.S. It was so cool to chase "Stuntman Bob" for third place for a few laps.:cool:
P.P.S. Sorry, David I thought Nico finished third. :)
Grats Sean Peter David Nicolai... You ruled:)

Q: 12th or near that

R: 6th, A rather nice enduro performance, not fast but many laps in the same old line.
Thanks Jim and Anthony for taking the time to compete a couple of laps with an old worn-out driver. I had a lot of fun:)

One funny thing. When Reik happened to DNF it affected my race too. I had no fuel left when I passed the last turn and the engine died completely over the finish line. I usually don't need fuel for the entire distance:)
Grats Sean, Peter and David

Q, P9:rolleyes: 2 secs off pb and quite a bit slower than I'd done in the practice session

R, P5

After I recovered from my lap 1 excursion, the race went well, I was racing with Valter and Bob L mostly, running a steady and consistent pace seemed to pay off in the long run:)

See you in Canada


Edit: LOL, both Bobs are Bob L:), Luneski not the Stuntman
Congratulations Sean, Peter , David & Nicolai :)

Q: 10th...

R: 8

i had 45 minutes to prepare for the track and find a race setup, a quick one from last track was handy and with 4/26 and softs, it looked to be a promising one with good grip during the practice session but when the race started i felt the track was much more slippery on softs compared to the practice session and went of track couple of times and lost some places, i could not match the speed of Bob L and Valter ahead of me , i was doing 132xx instead of the 130xx during the practice session. Something weird...

i decided to try the super softs for the second stint, they were perfect for 7 laps but then the grip was gone, i was losing almost 2-3 second per lap to the guys ahead of me :confused: .and by the end of the race i found myself at the back and crossed the chequered flag with the Italian speedy Coyote,,:)

see u next race

Grats to Sean, Peter, David, and all who participated.

Q: Can't remember (8?)

R: 7

Race started well and I gained a number of spots from people spinning and found myself in 5th about 3 seconds ahead of the pack behind me lead by Jim. I maintained that lead until the 1st stop and pitted 1 lap ahead of Jim. It was not a real fast one because the next lap I came around and Jim barely beat me out of the pits to take over 5th. I pressured him for 5 laps and then lost concentration a few times and was suddenly 3 seconds back at lap 25. I fought back and by lap 30 had closed the gap back to less than .5 sec. Jim entered the pits on lap 30 and I made my first real mistake of the race. I followed him in but I was way too hot and was not going to make the last 90 deg turn into pit lane.

I would have hit the pit wall if I had not turned left quickly and exercised the well known off road capabilities of the MMG F1 :oops: I ended up on the front straight and had to go around again before I could pit. This really shook my concentration and I spun for the first time just before the last straight. By the time I had finally came out from my 2nd pit stop, I lost 6th to Valter and was 20 seconds down. The remainder to the race was uneventful, but encouraging as I didn't fade and was able to maintain my 20 sec deficit ( even chip it down occasionally).

Very very happy with today's race. Anytime I can go 25+ laps toe to toe with Jim has got to be called a win :D I definitely feel like the cobwebs of my 8 month layoff are dusted off. See y'all in Montreal!!!
Thanks everyone ! :)
Grats to Peter and David T ! and grats to all finishers!

Q. 2nd
R. 1st, 55 52 52 softs

I managed to just get passed Reik t1 when he ran slightly deep braking at start. I then tried to just concentrate and put in the laps without mistakes with Reik always 1 or 2 secs behind me. i seen Reik pitting lap 13 so thought maybe he was trying to undercut or maybe struggling with tires, i felt ok with mine so decide to stay out till lap 15 but knew it would be close when i exited and it was back to more of the same with Reik right behind me. Was great race!, pressure and intense stuff from the start unfortunately Reik made a mistake :(, was some of the best racing and was really exciting:) .

cyas montreal !cant wait :)
First of all big congrats to Sean, Peter and David! A very well deserved result for all of you! Also again very good points for Nicolai and everyone else who finished. :)

Because of many private action (My son arrived at home late on Monday :)) it was uncertain until the last minute, if I have the time to join or not. Finally I managed to join late in practice.

Qualy (1st):

When I had my one and only test at the Nürburgring last sunday, I felt very comfortable immediately. Nevertheless it was hard to get on pole. So I was very happy.

Race (DNF):

The start was ok but I slightly missed the braking point and went a little wide in T1, so Sean slipped through on the inside and also David made it to my inside. So through the first 4 corners I had a ver nice side by side battle with David. Finally I was on the inside for T5 and saved 2nd position.

Sean's pace was very good and I had to give everything to follow him close. I had no stint practice this time but the adjusted qualy setup felt good and my guess to take softs was right. When the first stop came closer I was ~ 2 seconds behind Sean. So I pitted one lap earlier to have the opportunity to "overtake" Sean because of taking advantage from the fresh tyres earlier than he.

It was close to pay off because Sean pitted 2 laps later, but a little clinch with Valter took me away this 1 seconds I ended up behind Sean again. No problem Valter - that's racing. :) I was surprised you finally moved over without defending.

The second stint developed similar to the first one. But this time Sean could drive away a bit more and I pushed even harder to possibly undercut him in the second pit stop.

But then in lap 26 or 27 I made a tiny mistake which was the beginning of the end. Approaching T10 (i think), the left hander of the 3rd gear left-right-combo in the end of the middle sector, I had a very light over steer short before counter steering to the right hander. I know I was always at the edge their but this car reaction came too unexpected end even smashing into the brakes to stabilize the car didn't prevent me from hitting the wall in a bad angle. I got a front wing and suspension damage.

I was close to the second stop, so I could make it earlier for repairs and taking meds instead of softs, so I could safe a high finishing position. But back on track and down the straight, I cycled through my pit presets and therefore completely missed the braking point of the chicane. I smashed hard into the wall and lost both front wheels - race over! :oops::mad:

I hate it doing such things and destroying my race by myself! :confused: But it helps learning quickly. :p Conclusion: If I suffer from damages again, I will take all my concentration to bring it quickly back to the pits and then take some extra seconds to make the required changes.

Now I'm thursty for more races to make this one forgotten soon and enjoy so nice fights like this one with Sean until the end of a race then. ;)

As always big thanks to Nico, RD and the mod makers MMG and Günthar Rowe!

PS: I feel very sorry for Tim! :(

One funny thing. When Reik happened to DNF it affected my race too. I had no fuel left when I passed the last turn and the engine died completely over the finish line. I usually don't need fuel for the entire distance:)

Don't forgett that Sean was quicker this time, so my DNF should not have an influence on your total lap amount. It looks more like your pace improved, so you are now longer in one lap with the leader! :)

Reik disappeared along the way too and 2nd place became mine. Well behind our new alien Sean.:cool: You and Reik must have a great battle.

Indeed! Even though it was never a battle like side by side but I was often very close behind to let him feel my breath. :) But he was mega cool to make no mistake and finally I couldn't hold up the pressure... So a very well deserved victory for Sean!

And a big "very well done" to you, too! :)
[quote="Peter Marshall,

P.S. It was so cool to chase "Stuntman Bob" for third place for a few laps.:cool:[/quote]

I have no idea how I'm ever in such a position?:D

The first Laps was ok and funny, could even overtake Vale.
Unfortunately, I have again lost concentration and I spun
then of course the engine stalled. I was at this time on lap 27 in p9.
( Now I'm thursty for more beers to make this one forgotten soon and enjoy the beers ) :cool:

Congrats Sean, Peter, David
Thanks PrestoGP!

Results are out and replays and everything :)

I did a reasonable qual lap and surprisingly got 6th, long time since I have been that far up :) But Peter was ahead of me, so I needed to punish him for that in the race :)

Race: stint1:54liters soft stint2:50liters soft stint3:50 liters soft
My race was very good, it turned out my pace was good, and I was able to keep it going almost without mistakes (and no big once). After the race had settled I was still 6th I think, but I need to see the replay to remember the first laps :)

Stint 1
What I do remember is that I am soon chasing Peter, he is 2 sec ahead. But it is hard to close those final 2 sec. But I am going faster than the guy behind me and am building a comfortable buffer and can consentrate on catching Peter. Then suddenly I see something in my mirrors, and it is Tim. He does not seem to be able to pass me easily, and I can see that I am dropping away from Peter having Tim on my tail, so I want him to make a move so I can allow him past. After a few failed attepts from me, costing us both a few tenths, I make a bigger move and get him ahead, but it cost me almost a second I think.

But now suddenly David is on my tail, and I get him ahead of me soon after he catched my tail. A few laps later David makes a mistake and I pass him. I think I am still ahead as I pit after 15 laps.

Stint 2
Leaving the pits to start stint two I can see I am right behind Peter, but I make a small mistake in the first turn and didn't manage to get his back and soon after this I got David in my mirrors again. When he had caught my back I think I "let him" past again, but he made a mistake again and I was ahead. After a while I think I was 5 sec behind Peter with David 2 sec behind.

Stint 3
I think I was 3-4 sec behind Peter and closing in when David caught up with me again, this time I decided to not make it easy for him and still try to hunt down Peter. I think this worked for a few laps when David unexpectedly for me at the time made an attempt on my inside at the entry of Dunlop. I think he hit my rear right and damage my suspension -> crocked steering. This slowed me down 0,5-2 sec a lap (became a bit unpredictable) and soon David managed to get past me for 3rd place.

However, good old David made another mistake, and I got past again with only 2 laps to go I think. I managed to keep him behind until the final turns. I think in my head I knew he had to go for it in the final turn, became a bit untidy the last few turns and then didn't dear to close the gap in the final turn where David was passing me. I quickly got in his slip stream but the finishing line came way too early. Drats :) But grats David, it was a great fight (although i would have prefered it without damage).

I have not seen the replay yet, this is what I can remember of my race and my thoughts at Nurburgring.

Grats to Sean Peter and David, and thanks for great racing Peter and David (even though Peter never got to feel our breath). I wish that incident had not happen David, it robbed us both and Peter for an even more spectacular race, but **** happens and racing is racing :) And it could be that I should not have closed the gap. After the race I learned from Tim that the entry of Dunlop is the best place for a relative high df car would make a passing move, and this was something I didn't know/anticipate in the race, thus it was totally unexpected. But I need to see the replay, but either way no problem David :)
i agree with everything you said about our fight there, was great i thoroughly enjoyed it, although i ruined the chance for us to hunt down peter :(

ive explained in the other thread but ill do it here too, the incident when i hit you nico wasnt an overtake, no way would i have tried to overtake you from so far back, it was a case of me just completely missing my braking point and causing the incident.

if you watch the replay of both of us at that corner youll see how diffrent we take it and how me missing my braking point even slightly took me on the trajectory of your rear.

anyhoo id maybe go as far to say it was my best battle on track since i started presto (apart from the obvious incident).
qualifying - 3rd (undeserved very bad lap)

race - 3rd (undeserved huge amount of mistakes)

race started well, i overtook sean on the straight going towards turn 1, i felt i could overtake reik for the lead but he moved over to the right to defend slightly and i chose the wrong option and went left, reik went too deep and sean got past my inside to take the lead, the next couple of corners with reik were amazing, side by side until he got better accel from turn 4, i set about trying to chase both reik and sean down but on lap 2 i touched the grass while going onto the back straight which spun me out and put me back in 11th :(

i felt i had the pace and overtaking ability on this track to get back no problem so onwards i went, picking up places here and there with some good overtakes (the one on jim in particular into dunlop im particularly proud of), i managed to catch up with nico and we battled to the very last corner of the last lap while both hunting down peter, whenever i got past nico or got close enough to pass i would make a mistake :( it was very frustrating, i dont know why it keeps happening but it does lol and at least im consistant at that :)

ended up 3rd in a race where i made a huge amount of mistakes and caused a incident with nico, i had the pace to be at the front but had the consistancy to be last, it was a wierd race that i probably didnt deserve to take 3rd but will gratefully accept it :)

thanks nico for the great battle, sorry for the incident, grats sean and peter, cyaz at montreal :)
it was very frustrating, i dont know why it keeps happening but it does (...) i had the pace to be at the front but had the consistancy to be last,

i guage each race by these guidlines, only for myself......

1. Competative (if im not competative id be as well not turning up)
2. Safety (if im not safe on any given track id be as well not turning up)
3. Consistancy (if i cant be consistant for at least 10 laps id be as well not turning up)

I see you often on the servers David, (and that is great :) ) but it is often on the qual-server :)

My opinion:
Considering your consistancy problem it would make more sense to use stint practice as the base of your preperations. For one the data (sector and lap times, tyre temps etc) is much easier to analyse after doing a whole stint. Also the "race feel" is the one you'll be used to, where you have to tune your driving to not make a mistake 300 times in a row (rough amount of turns in a stint). When you hotlap you need to turn down the carefull-meter, be more on the edge to make that perfect lap, but that style does not work to well over 45 laps. Am I making sense?

Doing a lot of stint practice also identifies the potential "make mistake" areas on the track and allows you to take the needed precausions to last a whole race without making mistakes.

If I was your manager David, and was paid to make you acheive the best results possible, I would make you do 80% stint practice and 20% qualify, or in other words, swap number 1 with number 3 on your priority list above because I think you would be more competitive if you were better on consistancy, and it would be brilliant to toss a 3rd person into the Sean Reik battle :)
i totally agree with all you say nico :)

my problem is i lose concentration easily (my reports during school years said the same :D) and when its broken, it stays broken, i also get bored out my mind while doing stint practise, ive enjoyed it a couple of times with sean and youself on the server but when im alone it gets boring really quickly.

i dont even think constant stint practise would help me right now, its probably more mental, and even when im in the grove im still making stupid mistakes, maybe getting to excited or nervous whatever it is its frustrating sometimes because i know i can be fast, ill try your suggestion for montreal and put alot more effort into stints than hot lapping and see where it takes me, i will say though, valencia street that i won last season, id put in the least amount of stint practise for :confused: lol

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