Mmmmmm, disappointing really in a way. I was way off my practice pace due to being a little more careful and putting my wings on 10/55 in case the rain came (which it never did after practice lol) instead of my long practiced 9/45. But after all enjoyed the run and still on course to finish all the races I take part in.

Congratulations Tim and podium.
Q : 11th
Not far from my PB, no bad for me. I know I can make a 1'30"xxx but it's so easy to lose time on this track..

R : 13th
My first stint was correct, except for the incident with Marko, but after that I was rubbish. My last hope to make something good was the rain, but it didn't come. A big thanks to Valter who kept me company in the last stint.

Congrats Tim & podium & noadmin.
qualifying - Pole wooohooo my first in a while, happy with it big time :)

race - 3rd, was decided in the first corner really, got a poor start and went side by side with reik into t1 and t2, very close stuff but reik got the upper hand so settled down behind and waited for mistakes, eliezer made one and i was through into 3rd place and it stayed like that until the end, everyone who let me past when lapping did so in a predictable way so all was good.

grats tim and reik, cyaz at suzuka :)
Congratulations Tim :cool:, Reik and David.:)

Q; Not sure [Edit* 13th ] but I lined up behind Kurt, ahead of Valter and with Nico beside me. :)
No cuts or wides in my replay but that would be expected with 1 33 something...

R 5th: [Edit* Oops, I finished 6th; still way too high] How did that happen? I inherited every position due others misfortune I think.

I drove my little heart out though. Great racing with Kurt in the first stint. Nico jumped me in the Pits and then great racing with him as I held up Chirlie for the next stint.

I pitted again and exited just ahead of Bob going into Turn 1. Again, I drove my little heart out to catch Nico. Tim caught me and as I let him by I thought this may help me close the gap to Nico. It did! :)

Finally, Nico and Eliezer had a comming together and I squirmed past them to cross the flag a lap or so latter.

Thank you all.

I do worry for Nico as admin [thank you] and felt sorry that I did not vouch for Alfonso. I didn't know what to say not having raced Alfonso online at the track. And he is right [Alfonso] that I didn't put in very much race practice. All I can say to that is that I feel I have already "earned my stripes", so to speak, here at Presto. I don't feel the need to be uber-competitive pre-race practice wise to also feel safe to race with. But I will try to be online more. Every Sunday evening I will do my best to be there.

Cu all at Suzuka. :thumbsup: everyones favorite?

*TY for posting the results Nico and the replay files.
Q 19th 2 second out my best :(

R 15th at start on my said was Sean good chance for me I thought if I can stay behind him sure he pull me on track but in Lap1 after T7 an incident stopped me and I lost a few of seconds but my pace was gone well and at pit 1 Im near at Dale I was behind him for a long time and for long time I tried to pass was fun mate, but than I have not seen more ( incident / disconnection ?) After pit 2 front me Henrik I push on my pace for catch him and than at 4 or 5 laps to go we are near and is started a long and nice fight he spin two time and for two time i waited for do again in battle last laps.Really nice battle Henrik:thumbsup:
Congrats to Tim, Reik and David! And a special bonus accolade to Eliezer for showing some great pace :)

This was a totally new track for me and just two weeks ago I did not have any clue where any of the corners are turning. After some 60 laps of practicing I did not have huge hopes of success here, but I expected to have some good racing and get lots of points anyway.

Qualifying: 1:31.299 (7th)
A decent lap with some small mistakes at the first part of it. Actually this is my PB, but that´s mainly because I did not practice short stints for this track.

Race: (10th)

I got an ok start for the race and kept my place until some first lap incidents saw me raising to P5. After that Nicolas was chasing me, but the situation remained under control, until on lap 6 he unexpectedly hit me from behind at T3. I spun and dropped to P7. After that it was just trying to catch the lost positions. On lap 16, when cars in front had pitted I was leading the race once again, but Tim was right behind trying to find a place for an overtake. On lap 17 he made some attempts, but I could defend my position until at braking after Esplanade Drive (back straight) he hit the side of my car, sending me out of the track. I did not suffer damage though. On the same lap I went to pits, which dropped me to P8. Sean was right behind me at this point and soon made a clean pass when I made a slight mistake. On lap 27 I spun at T5, hit the wall and got suspension damage. Luckily my scheduled pit stop was pretty close so I just decided to pit a couple of laps earlier and repair the damage, change tyres and refuel at once. This saw me drop to P14, but I quickly rose to P9, when others pitted. At the end of the race my car felt slow perhaps because of the many shunts on it during the race, and after Vincenzo overtook me just a couple of laps before the end, I finished a disappointing 10th.

Conclusion: Here top-5 finish was realistic, but I was not able to get the best possible result, due to many incidents I had. Nowadays incidents seem to have quite significant effect on results at Presto GP and I don´t think that is the kind of development we like to see in this league? Monza is the only race in this season, where my position at the end of the race was not changed by other competitor crashing me or my rival at my immediate close proximity.

Thanks to Presto GP, RaceDepartment, and all the competitors. See you all at Suzuka!
Grats Tim Reik and David ! wd all the finishers :thumbsup: Gutted for Dino ul mate count it as a stupid gearbox failure and blame the team :thumbsup:

Q:17th made mistake and clipped wall and spun :(

R: 4th softs 70 68 68 < lol 10 laps left slight miscalculation :)

I took easy 1st lap let things settle made couple places with others mistakes. Lap 5 i got by Peter just and lap 6 Nico made small mistake that let me by into 13th. Start of lap 7 must have been incident t2 i was quite lucky through the aftermath and was upto 10th. I got passed Dale lap 9 into 9th place.
Anthony and Eliezer pitted lap 14 so i decided i stay out but didnt work out i came back out behind them. I was then chasing Marko who just exited pits for few laps until he made small mistake lap 20 that let me get along side. Lap 23 Eliezer made small mistake onto straight after bridge let me get run in slipstream and i just got by, Eliezer almost getting switch back on me also :thumbsup:.
Lap 26 Nicolas hit kerbs t3 slight losing him accel on straight and i got good run into t5 to pass i was into 6th place now just behind Anthony as he pitted lap 28, i pitted next lap and came out just ahead expecting to be 5th looking for where Dino was i realised something must have happened as i was now 4th :(.

Overall was some really good racing with everyone i mentioned :thumbsup: really good, fun driving close with guys this track you get a extra buzz and so hard to pass, without the little mistakes people made i dont think id have got by, just goes to show everyones higher driving standards :cool: 2 pats on back for everyone :giggle:

Thanks Nico Rd and racers ! cyas Suzuka :D
Congratulations Tim, Reik and David!

Q: 16. Not pb

R: 11

Soft/soft. W 8/58. 58-50-50 fuel. Very weak ARB + springs and same wheel angles as in Reik's setup.

First stint up to lap 7 was perfect. Great racing close to Peter, Nicolai, Nicolas and Kurt until I made a fool of myself and went inside Kurt in turn 2 where there was no room. All about that in the incident thread. Sorry guys:(

Rejoined the track after waiting, 17th place behind Nicolai who fortunately kept his position but lost a lot of time because of me :( Now I was hunted by Henrik. I went on in low spirit but the surrounding of all cars and exitement made me slowly feel a little better again.

Lap 14 into pit in 15th place. Out again in 16th.

I was alone with Peter far in the distance. Half a lap away or so.

Stint two begun like I was on practice session alone. On L25 tires are going off and laptimes are high. No car in sight for the whole stint.
Lap 27, I let Tim lap me pretty smoothly, just lost a fraction of timespace myself.

Pitsop on lap 28. In as 14th out as 14th.
An engine is smoking rather a lot in front of me as I go out again. I thougt that will be one of my victims on last stint:p Later I would be proven wrong. It was Vince:whistling:
Now I have Nicolas in front of me, hurrah. He is not the one smoking. The last stint will be “fun, fun, fun until my father takes the T-bird away”. Thanks for being there Nicolas. I have also Vince and Chirlie further in front. A wonderful sight for a poor lonely simracer. New tires and fueled up for the stint, jiiihaaa:)

On lap 32 I let David go by in the twists near before the small bridge. I lost some to Nicolas but the pass was super safe:)

Lap 34, I can see Nicolas tires are definitely dead and mine feels fine, soon I will go in for a kill :D
Lap 35 I was right about Nicolas tires. He goes straight off in T1 and it is an easy overtake, almost unfair. Nicolas was fast in the twisty parts and I owned the high speed corners. He came close again in those slow sections, but overtaking is almost impossible there.

Lap 38, I can see Chirlie in front of me. I must give all I have left to come closer. Engineer says I don’t have to save fuel. On lap 42 Chirlie gets a wild oversteer in turn one, something must have been broken on his car. A bit disappointing to overtake a stationary car like that. But I’m glad, usually he is much faster than me.

Thanks Nicolai, RD and all drivers!

Suzuka is one of my favourite tracks, cu there boys:)

R: 5th

strategy: 2 stops, 60l / 58/58 all Softs,, Setup of Reik with wings 8/58 ( thanks Riek). the car felt great for the whole race even when on worn tires.

the start was ok, it was very close with Marko and Nicolas the first couple of turns but i kept my position, then i got passed by Nicolas when i slowed down for the incident of Chirli and Vince, and the rest of the race was great fun " TIME battling " with Nicolas, Dino, Eliezer and Sean, we never had close fight on track but it was fun fighting from distance with the pressure to stay ahead and maintain the position and finishing 5th was more than what i expected/ deserved..

Congratulations Tim, Reik and David..

Thanks Nicolai, RD and everyone for the fun :)
See you all at Suzuka :)
Congratulations Tim, and podium too :)

Q. 5 a sec off my pb, make a bit mistakes

R. 9 W 9/45 gas60/58/58 soft always

Well, after 3 disappoint DNF
-Hungaroring, click wrong button turn off the engine on the middle of the race:roflmao:
-Spa, miss my second stint, out of fuel:D
-Monza, Race Incident:cry:

Singapore, at the end take my first point of the season,
I think was very good Race! Apologies to all on the first lap when I stop in the middle off line race, I don't move until every pass..

I cant wait for Suzuka, c u there :)
Practice Start One Video - taken from my local file so it displays the Aussie lag/ Jitter well. J

Soooooo many bumps. This was very discouraging for me. :( It zapped all my "intentions" to qualifying "well'.

I have much more fun racing from the back of the field though. :)

Doesn't look very good. :( I'm to blame too for the mess with Vale in T3 at this first start. :( I was already slow behind him through the whole section but couldn't just wait long enough until he accells out of the corner. So I gave him a very slight tap but enough to spin him in a bad place. Shame on me! I'll learn from that.
Grats Tim Reik and David ! wd all the finishers :thumbsup:
Q:16th disconnected from server dont know why came back 10th:) Thanks everyone for waiting!!!!

R: DNF Got a good start stayed 10th until i had a spin at turn 1 lap 10 i think. Dropped back to 16th then had a good fight with vale and henrik until i spun just before grandstand lap22 as there was cars behind i quickly escaped to garage then regretted it later:( . still better to be safe than sorry.

Thanks Nicolai, RD and everyone for the fun :)
Cyas all at suzuka
After pit 2 front me Henrik I push on my pace for catch him and than at 4 or 5 laps to go we are near and is started a long and nice fight he spin two time and for two time i waited for do again in battle last laps.Really nice battle Henrik:thumbsup:

I really enjoyed our fight so much as well - the most fun I have had thus far in a race.
Back and forth - too bad I had so many spins at the end - but thanks for waiting mate :thumbsup:

Sry for not posting race report, been really lazy lately, apart from UNI work.
Big congrats to Tim for this victory! :thumbsup: You have beaten me on track without me doing major mistakes. ;) Also grats to David for P3 and all other finishers!

Qualy (3rd):

Again it wasn't easy to be on the edge in the dry after a wet practise session. I over did it here and there, so I resulted in a 1:30:3xx or so. I was amazed to see David doing a 1:29:5xx for pole. Well done mate!

Race (2nd):

mediums each stint, 65/60/60 (should have dared to use softs I think now)

David on pole and me in P3 both had the track side with less grip to start on. Tim in P2 and Eliezer from P4 had the grippier lane. Tim and Eliezer had very good starts. Tim jumped into 1st and Eliezer passed me before T1. I concentrated on not applying too much power which worked well. David had more wheel spin, so we had a nice side by side until I was through before T4.

So the order was Tim (1st), Eliezer (2nd), me (3rd) and David behind me in 4th position. Tim immediately pulled away. I tryed hard to attack Eliezer in some places but in others he was quicker than me. It was hard to find a rhythm. After a few laps Eliezer made a mistake and I slipped through into P2.

Tim had opend a nice gap of 7 seconds or so and I wasn't expecting me to catch up on him. But later in the stint he was slightly slower than me. Tim stopped one lap earlier then me and I pushed like hell on worn tyres in my last lap before pitting in lap 15.

After the stop I think Tim had Marko in front and I had Sean in frotn of me. Both were going for a longer stint. I pushed hard on Sean but he could resist until he made his stop. :thumbsup: Tim was away by ~ 8 seconds but soon lost much time in a fight with Marko. When Marko pitted I was 1,5 seconds behind Tim. I give in I had to smile then. Shame on me. :whistling: But it showed quickly that Tims general pace was better this day.

In the first stint I had noticed that my car balance was good through the whole stint and that I was slightly quicker in the end of it. So I thought I could pit earlier to eventually undercut Tim and resist him later by a consistatn pace. So I pitted earlier than he and pushed like crazy in my outlap. But Tim came in only one lap later, so he was still in front of me when he rejoined.

The 3rd stint was my weakest one. I tryed to follow close to Tim to have a chance if he makes a mistake. But each time I "prayed" for him to make a mistake, I made one on my own. That's justice I guess. :rolleyes:

The longer the stint became the more mistakes I made so finally Tim won with a nice 10 seconds gap.

I like to thank everyone on track to make it a nice and safe race for me. And of course as always big thx to Nico, RD and MMG!

See U all at Suzuka - Kamikazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

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