AC Seat Leon Cup @ Watkins Glen - Sunday 09 June 2019

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
@Medilloni Although my setup is in the same street as yours, there are some noticeable differences.
i am about 3 tenths faster with mine, could be i am trying harder with my setup.:O_o::laugh:
With all this talk about driving and setups with Rasmus, would you like me to post mine,
as to compare, tried to integrate things in your setup that were opposite to mine, and went
would be interested in your input anyway. it up to you:)
For you merry band of men that enjoyed the Audi VLN a couple of weeks ago, you'll absolutely love this car.... and....
Do one 20 minute race, and get the second 20 minute race totally free:D:

@Rui F. Martins

Hey, I would have really love to enter this race too, but I will not be at home tomorrow for a very good reason.
My son will compete into the Judo french championships tomorrow. We Will have a long drive home after the the competition
Hey, I would have really love to enter this race too, but I will not be at home tomorrow for a very good reason.
My son will compete into the Judo french championships tomorrow. We Will have a long drive home after the the competition
Best of good luck to your son Emmanuel, see you next time :thumbsup:
@Medilloni Although my setup is in the same street as yours, there are some noticeable differences.
i am about 3 tenths faster with mine, could be i am trying harder with my setup.:O_o::laugh:
With all this talk about driving and setups with Rasmus, would you like me to post mine,
as to compare, tried to integrate things in your setup that were opposite to mine, and went
would be interested in your input anyway. it up to you:)
Yes please Ernie, I'm interested to see what the opposite differences are in particular, thank you!:thumbsup: :)
Yes please Ernie, I'm interested to see what the opposite differences are in particular, thank you!:thumbsup: :)

I downloaded your setup and tried it out John (being as I am not at all good at setups), found it worked quite well and the only real change I made was to remove all toe. I don't know about anyone else but in AC I've always found having toe bad on setups other than as a last resort for stability under braking. Can anyone confirm if this sounds right or if I'm just having a placebo against it? :p Also this is my first time racing with a FWD car, this one has more grip for acceleration out of corners than I was expecting. I guess I was expecting to find it like driving my irl car with an open diff... one tyre fire out of every roundabout :roflmao:
NO time to flower it out, off to bed, tell me if you have time tomorrow what conclusion you
have drawn.
the old timer is tired.:sleep::sleep::sleep:


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I downloaded your setup and tried it out John (being as I am not at all good at setups), found it worked quite well and the only real change I made was to remove all toe. I don't know about anyone else but in AC I've always found having toe bad on setups other than as a last resort for stability under braking. Can anyone confirm if this sounds right or if I'm just having a placebo against it? :p Also this is my first time racing with a FWD car, this one has more grip for acceleration out of corners than I was expecting. I guess I was expecting to find it like driving my irl car with an open diff... one tyre fire out of every roundabout :roflmao:
Your timing is good Callum!

Was practicing for GT3 on Monday with a base I've always used and found it rock solid (so have used the base for a year!), then out of desperation tried no toe at all 'cos top speed was pants, it gave me half a second through straight line speed alone (lack of scrub I guess) with virtually no difference through corners. So will try with your ideas tomorrow, thanks for that!:thumbsup:
Yes please Ernie, I'm interested to see what the opposite differences are in particular, thank you!:thumbsup: :)

I am not very good at setups, but I tried yours. I think I changed the brake bias because it seems I can manage it better that way. I did test some other camber values using CamberExtravaganza app, but even if I changed it until all the wheels were almost green, the lap times were actually slower ... weird thing. Maybe I don't know how to use the app properly :)

i notice, if i read between the the lines in your question a sense of frustration.
maybe i’m wrong, but anyway....

Beware extended waffle and the stating of the bleeding obvious.......:rolleyes:

There are some very knowledgeable people on this forum, who have the advantage of information,
people to ask or discuss things with, maybe they have race engineering experience, maybe experience
in race team environment, Strong knowledge of the actual physics and the implementation of the
“this” type of software. This with the either the modding community or a sim company like AC,
or all of it.!!! ( probably missed a lot more out too )

You and i have none of the above, the only difference is i have a bit more experience, but exactly the
same problems. But i do have a pot of variables ( camber, toe, tyre pressures, diff, gearing ) at
my disposal. I also have unlimited track time. With those two i have build up a knowledge base and
with that i “attempt” to set my cars up to “suit” me.

i have been in an complex engineering environment, i have worked on most of the UK, USA, and European fighter aircraft, plus attack helicopters, and throw in surveillance aircraft and naval guidance systems. In my life and over the years have acquired the ability to have access to all the information i required and a list of 100’s of people to put ideas to or ask for help on problems i encountered.
Was i a good engineer, i think so, but because of the above advantages i was always more than
the sum of my constituents parts. without all of the advantages i had i would have been totally lost.

In sim racing i have none of this. ziltch, zero, bugger all. So this is another long winded attempt
to try and help you discover that both you and i, in fact most of us are at a big disadvantage.

It does not stop talented people or hard workers, or both, bridging the gap and sometimes equaling
or bettering people with the advantages laid out above.
Me, it’s a hobby an interest, i am only interested in being quick enough to survive in the Racedepartment club environment. :whistling:

You are right about camber extravaganza, i to have it all in green and it has not been the quickest setup
So circuits with some cars have yielded, for me the quickest lap, other circuits have not.
i could waffle on about why i think that it does not always work, i would be guessing, thats why i
have started on the MoTec road, guess what more information to find.
i use Camber extravaganza as a source of information, with tyre pro and the Developers App.
I have spent hours and hours trying to find information on all of the above, especially the mysterious Developer app, only with the odd drib and drab of information found.

It seems to be the norm in sim racing software to give you a loads of undocumented information.

Perhaps it’s a test to move you on to a higher plane.:(

But in reality, none, so i soldier on and hope that i can develop a feeling for what is right or wrong.
I do not spend much time at setup or practice, ( in fact i spend more time waffling on writing these pointless articles :)) usually, just enough to get the results i require. Mainly because i understand, as explained above, the reality of the situation.:)

PS, good bit of advice, @RasmusP . Search all his articles on this and many other relevant subjects. Other knowledgeable people also have an input too, always a good “learning” read.:)
I am not very good at setups, but I tried yours. I think I changed the brake bias because it seems I can manage it better that way. I did test some other camber values using CamberExtravaganza app, but even if I changed it until all the wheels were almost green, the lap times were actually slower ... weird thing. Maybe I don't know how to use the app properly :)

You may well be using the app correctly .. just remember that adjusting camber settings, is not always about tire temps, there are several reason why you may want to adjust the camber..race length (time) would also come into it on occasions :thumbsup:

i notice, if i read between the the lines in your question a sense of frustration.
maybe i’m wrong, but anyway....

Beware extended waffle and the stating of the bleeding obvious.......:rolleyes:

There are some very knowledgeable people on this forum, who have the advantage of information,
people to ask or discuss things with, maybe they have race engineering experience, maybe experience
in race team environment, Strong knowledge of the actual physics and the implementation of the
“this” type of software. This with the either the modding community or a sim company like AC,
or all of it.!!! ( probably missed a lot more out too )

You and i have none of the above, the only difference is i have a bit more experience, but exactly the
same problems. But i do have a pot of variables ( camber, toe, tyre pressures, diff, gearing ) at
my disposal. I also have unlimited track time. With those two i have build up a knowledge base and
with that i “attempt” to set my cars up to “suit” me.

i have been in an complex engineering environment, i have worked on most of the UK, USA, and European fighter aircraft, plus attack helicopters, and throw in surveillance aircraft and naval guidance systems. In my life and over the years have acquired the ability to have access to all the information i required and a list of 100’s of people to put ideas to or ask for help on problems i encountered.
Was i a good engineer, i think so, but because of the above advantages i was always more than
the sum of my constituents parts. without all of the advantages i had i would have been totally lost.

In sim racing i have none of this. ziltch, zero, bugger all. So this is another long winded attempt
to try and help you discover that both you and i, in fact most of us are at a big disadvantage.

It does not stop talented people or hard workers, or both, bridging the gap and sometimes equaling
or bettering people with the advantages laid out above.
Me, it’s a hobby an interest, i am only interested in being quick enough to survive in the Racedepartment club environment. :whistling:

You are right about camber extravaganza, i to have it all in green and it has not been the quickest setup
So circuits with some cars have yielded, for me the quickest lap, other circuits have not.
i could waffle on about why i think that it does not always work, i would be guessing, thats why i
have started on the MoTec road, guess what more information to find.
i use Camber extravaganza as a source of information, with tyre pro and the Developers App.
I have spent hours and hours trying to find information on all of the above, especially the mysterious Developer app, only with the odd drib and drab of information found.

It seems to be the norm in sim racing software to give you a loads of undocumented information.

Perhaps it’s a test to move you on to a higher plane.:(

But in reality, none, so i soldier on and hope that i can develop a feeling for what is right or wrong.
I do not spend much time at setup or practice, ( in fact i spend more time waffling on writing these pointless articles :)) usually, just enough to get the results i require. Mainly because i understand, as explained above, the reality of the situation.:)

PS, good bit of advice, @RasmusP . Search all his articles on this and many other relevant subjects. Other knowledgeable people also have an input too, always a good “learning” read.:)
Maybe there was some frustration because I don't know how they are able to do a setup well in 1 hour and I spend 3 on practice and I still don't get it right. Maybe I want too much from too fast. I should understand that most of you have years of sim or real-life racing experience. I barely have 5 months :)

Like all of us, I want to be faster, and I want to know how. Hence the discussion about the FOV on the other thread. I will stick with 30 for now. it might be slower, a bit, but the immersion is bigger and it makes more fun. It makes the sensation of actual driving better, not just struggling to reach some times.

Back to the setup issue: I understand some of you use MoTec capture ... I saw lots and lots of data and line and graphics. I am not really afraid of them. I am afraid of the time it takes to learn something like that and I don't want to be overwhelmed. But I guess I will have to start from somewhere.

I have read some of mr. @RasmusP comments. Right now I was reading this: He rights a lot, but it useful, after I make sense of it :) I will read the thread further. I will search for other threads on the forum as well.

To be honest, of the reasons I signed-up to RD was the Acadamy Traning. I am still waiting for that. :)) I barely started to try trailbraking and it seems I make some progress and faster lap times, but surely there a lot of things I still can get better. Maybe I should just have patience to learn them.
You may well be using the app correctly .. just remember that adjusting camber settings, is not always about tire temps, there are several reason why you may want to adjust the camber..race length (time) would also come into it on occasions :thumbsup:
Just for general info, using your post as a hook for this topic:

In camber extravaganza the colours are not about temps, it's about "the tyre being at maximum grip, camber angle related".
Red = not enough camber, grip equation going lower
Blue = too much camber, grip equation going lower
Green = perfect camber, grip equation maximized

You see 4 graphs refreshing in real time. So the outside tyres should be green when at peak lateral G to have the most grip. At least for the tyre-angle part of the grip equation of AC.
I am not very good at setups, but I tried yours. I think I changed the brake bias because it seems I can manage it better that way. I did test some other camber values using CamberExtravaganza app, but even if I changed it until all the wheels were almost green, the lap times were actually slower ... weird thing. Maybe I don't know how to use the app properly :)
As Ernie said it's a bit more complex.
A story I always tell about camber, this time shortening it a lot:
I optimized the camber of the MX-5 cup around Magione. I got quicker, my super fast friend got slower.
We compared driving telemetry and turned out he did a drift at every corner exit.
The rear tyres were a lot flatter with the default setup than they were with my optimized setup. Going full red in the app!
But due to this he could drift, take a tighter line while at the same time, having a bigger rubber surface on the tarmac for acceleration.
I learnt how to do this too and got faster with the default setup than I ever got with my optimized one.

For this FWD car there's another problem: if you give the fronts more camber, they will have less longitudinal traction for braking and accelerating. At the same time FWD cars mostly understeer.
So you have to find a mix between just enough camber to not just scrub over the fronts while cornering but not too much camber for accelerating.

Default is pretty well imo with this car :)

Rear is difficult too. Perfect camber probably has too much grip to match the fronts. Maybe better go with less camber and slide over all 4 wheels instead of understeer? Depends on the rest of the setup.
Difficult one anyway!
This is the next one ..09 June :thumbsup: get yourself on the grid :D

I changed the date in my calendar and I just saw that the date is overlapping with the Formula 1 - Canadian GrandPrix and I wanted to watch it ... I guess I could watch it on the phone at the same while driving ... Hmmm :(:confused:
Back to the setup issue: I understand some of you use MoTec capture ... I saw lots and lots of data and line and graphics. I am not really afraid of them. I am afraid of the time it takes to learn something like that and I don't want to be overwhelmed. But I guess I will have to start from somewhere.

I have read some of mr. @RasmusP comments.
I stopped using Motec for setups long time ago. Even when I could make sense of it, it still didn't get me faster. Going from the default or from a setup that someone really really fast created is more efficient.
After you got beaten by better drivers with default setups for multiple months you stop wasting energy on setup tweaks.
Sure, some basics need to be done like if the car is bottoming out or the aero drag is way too high etc. But the real tweaking is mostly useless for most tracks.
Better spend energy on learning how to drive better :)
To be honest, of the reasons I signed-up to RD was the Acadamy Traning. I am still waiting for that.
That won't happen. Look at the thread for it, they chaps are waiting for over a year and nothing ever came from it.
Better checkout who's the quickest in the club races and watch their driving during the practice sessions, ask them for replays (or save them yourself and watch their driving afterwards).
Or ask them for telemetry outputs.
Most of the quick guys have no problem sharing their stuff with newcomers. They won't shove it into your face, they got better things to do but if you nicely ask them, they will spend the 5 minutes to provide you with what you need :)
Maybe it helps:
this is my setup from last year around castle combe. Fast track like Watkins I think.
Maybe it gives you another idea. I really liked that setup and could race hard with it :)
Car version was already the same, if you wonder.


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Just to try and encourage you, you are a quicker driver than me, I started in AC at about the same time as Rasmus. And soon noticed his style of writing particularly appealed to me. And have followed ever since.:thumbsup:
( I have also noticed a lot of people provide little gems of knowledge, just to name one @Craig Dunkley I quite often noticed the odd quick but meaning full statement that can easily go unnoticed )
My first RaceDepartment online race I was 7 seconds of the leaders pace, I still considered myself a decent
sim racer. It’s just a matter of perspective.
Since those days I have mainly learnt how to manage a race, and constantly learnt from people how to get quicker.
Basically, I’m just not very quick, just absorbed what information there seems to be to my max.
End of sermon :roflmao::)

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