Sebring 2021

Tracks Sebring 2021 1.2

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Thanks for this nice Update.I love your Version of this nice Track.
Especially the new signs for the braking points are fantastic. Thanks for the implementation in the new version
This causes a real problem ???
I would say more:
BAD: sebring international raceway 0.4
BAD: sebring_international_raceway_0_4
GOOD: sebring_international_raceway_0.4:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
!!!Would you be why, other than a problem of freezing, loading the track ??:O_o::O_o::O_o::O_o:
I begin to believe that he recounts to me nonsense
The cause would be the Sebring_ international_raceway0.4 ???
But when I say computer in cardboard, it also means a computer badly configured, bios, compatibility memory, chipset !!!! , Win 10 ...... ,, a whole!
I corrected the two "warning":
WARNING: MESH 1WALL_534 To 65535 vertices
WARNING: MESH SOBJECT0049_544 A 65535 vertices
, But frankly: I do not think this is the cause of your problem of memory ,,, ??? Because even before, me, personally, zero problem, I have 20 laps full in ultra hd 24 cars, and I have no problems with memory
I know it has memory problems with win10, maybe is the cause,
Me I still find on win7 64, and my pc me it is in "wood" ôô °° !!!
Proco_i76700k / motherboard asus170k / 16giga ddr4 2400mhz / gtx980 4giga /
So I will make this little update as soon as possible!
And still desolate for my "aggressiveness", but "1 star" is also aggressive, for a circuit that does not start !! I would prefer to have, directly, private messages: because it works very well on other comp and only, on your, there is a prob ,, ?? So voila, if the problem persists, frankly, I could do nothing more for you ,,, sorry!
AMICALEMENT: DrM@boul !!!!
I'm an IT guy for a living, spent the last 20 years of mine troubleshooting issues and keeping things running. Thanks, my PC is fine. But at least you acknowledged it:
"I know it has memory problems with win10, maybe is the cause"
So you know that your track causes memory issues on Win10, but still talk crap to people who report it? Why doesn't any other Kunos or mod track cause a memory leak and use 20+GB of memory? Sorry, but your excuse that it works for you and there are some others who have no issues is weak, if you want respect in the community. And it's not about the quality of your work, but how you handle people. Everyone wants to help, but only you can fix it. Or give us the source files and let us troubleshoot it alone. But stop blaming the users for running into issues specifically with your product.

And regarding the 1 star reviews, what should people give to a track that crashes the whole system? Especially, when there are thousands of mods that work properly, just this one causes issues. It's not an attack, but feedback to you that there's something seriously wrong, and you need to pay attention to that.

The track in version 0.3 (440MB) uses incereasingly silly amounts of memory with bigger replay sizes

This! Still couldn't debug what happens there, but something in the track causes the replay system to crap out. It doesn't create oversized replays, but somehow creates a leak in the memory reservation.

To try to clarify this whole mess, whoever can run this track, please post your settings:

- OS (Win7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit)
- AC Replay Size setting
- AC Replay Quality setting

My settings:
- OS: Win 10 64 bit
- RAM: 16GB
- AC Replay Size setting: 1000Mb (no issues with any other Kunos or mod content, just this track)
- AC Replay Quality setting: Low
It still happens with 0.4

I am using 1000MB replays with the highest quality settings on win7 x64 with 16GB memory

When i try to load any challenge mode or practice, memory usage skyrockets and i have to kill acs.exe before it freezes my computer - if i lower the replay file size to roughly 750MB i can load the track.

However ... i can load a quick race with ONE opponent and it will use 10.12GB of memory...

1 opponent = 10.12GB
2 opponents = 7.31GB
3 opponents = 5.95GB
full grid (29) = 2.96GB


(number of cars on X - memory used in GB on Y)

The more cars there are on track the LESS memory it will use

To some extent this seems to be an Assetto specific quirk though, this is Nordschleife - memory usage drops but gets higher after reaching a minimum at 7(?) cars...


But yeah, this is just another reason why some people could and others could not load the track.
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Hey PicoBP... here are my specs:

PC Specs: Intel Core i7-3770K @4.1GHz | ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 32GB DDR3 RAM | ASUS Strix GTX1070 8GB OC | Samsung curved 24" 1920x1080 | Win10 Pro | Microsoft Xbox 360 Gamepad | Logitech G27
AC Specs: Fullscreen ON | Vsync OFF | FPS Limit OFF | Aniso 16x | AA 4x | World Detail MAX | Shadows ULTRA | Smoke ULTRA | Show smoke in mirrors ON | PP Effects NATURAL MOD | Saturation 100% | Motion Blur OFF | Crepuscular rays ON | Heat Shimmering ON | FXAA ON | Mirrors Resolution HIGH | HQ Mirror Reflection ON | Reflection Quality HIGH | Reflection Rendering Frequency ULTRA

Replay file size is all the way up...

No problems here.

I'm an IT guy... also +20... there's no reason to be harsh to someone that, basically, is gifting his work... wouldn't you agree?
Hey PicoBP... here are my specs:

PC Specs: Intel Core i7-3770K @4.1GHz | ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 32GB DDR3 RAM | ASUS Strix GTX1070 8GB OC | Samsung curved 24" 1920x1080 | Win10 Pro | Microsoft Xbox 360 Gamepad | Logitech G27
AC Specs: Fullscreen ON | Vsync OFF | FPS Limit OFF | Aniso 16x | AA 4x | World Detail MAX | Shadows ULTRA | Smoke ULTRA | Show smoke in mirrors ON | PP Effects NATURAL MOD | Saturation 100% | Motion Blur OFF | Crepuscular rays ON | Heat Shimmering ON | FXAA ON | Mirrors Resolution HIGH | HQ Mirror Reflection ON | Reflection Quality HIGH | Reflection Rendering Frequency ULTRA

Replay file size is all the way up...

No problems here.

I'm an IT guy... also +20... there's no reason to be harsh to someone that, basically, is gifting his work... wouldn't you agree?
Harsh? You mean like his **** comments to anyone not admiring his work, but reporting valid issues? Bad mouthing those that want to help and find the cause? Yeah, I might be a bit harsh as well after all this.

BTW, your 32 gigs of RAM is the reason you don't have issues. But how is your memory usage loading a practice session with this track? That's where things go south.
I´m running 0.4 on Win7 64bit
We already clarified that it causes issues on Win10, not on Win7. That doesn't mean that the issue is not with the track. We have already provided evidence that it causes a memory leak, where no other track that.
I got the chance today to test the track and I've to say:
Great work and really enjoyable especially in such early stage.
Maybe not the most accurate (I'm not in the possition to give you a great feedback about this) but the most drive- and raceable out there :ninja:
Please keep up your work :thumbsup: Thanks for it :)

I'm not a pro about tracks but maybe its useful to convert the JPG's and PNG's to DDS's textues for lower memory usage :geek::geek::geek:
@drmaboul02 : may I suggest not to use version number in track name ?

Why ? because all stats (lap times and distance driven, using Content Manager for instance), are tied to a given track, and upgrading the track change its name, so all stats are messed up, ie lap times for v 0.2 could be better than those achieved on 0.3 version but they're seen as two different tracks.

Version number may only be use in archive name.
I got the chance today to test the track and I've to say:
Great work and really enjoyable especially in such early stage.
Maybe not the most accurate (I'm not in the possition to give you a great feedback about this) but the most drive- and raceable out there :ninja:
Please keep up your work :thumbsup: Thanks for it :)

I'm not a pro about tracks but maybe its useful to convert the JPG's and PNG's to DDS's textues for lower memory usage :geek::geek::geek:

Yes, this is true, there are textures in png and jpg and dds ,,,,,, I will try to make the rounds of my 3d objects! Thank you for this reminder !!

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