Sequential shifter not working on some cars

Hey Guys,

So I came across a issue recently a bunch of cars will not work with a Sequential shifter in manual mode, I change it to automatic gearbox and suddenly the shifter is working again .... any idea what is going on there ?

thanks for the replies .... yeah so I am running a G27 ...I have auto clutch on and no joy ... even pressing the clutch pedal ... no joy ..just tried the BMW M3 E30 ... no joy ...whilst the BMW Z3 problem .... never had his issue before ... totally baffled
Make sure your assists are Pro, not gamer or racer. And load the G27+shifter preset. Don't do the wheel wizard configuration, just load the preset. I also have a G27 and works like intended.
Make sure that separate shifter is selected, otherwise the clutch pedal won't work. And the boxes for inverted pedals need to be checked, but the g27 preset already does this.
Yeah thanks guys ... I have modded my H Shifter to act like a Handbrake... so using the H shifter is not an option .... thanks for the tips ... will try later .. this community is awesome
Oh no... oh no. I haven't tried myself, but I've seen on internet posts about people buying cheap flight analog sticks which can be used as handbrake. What a pity converting your manual stick for handbrake, when there isn't really any use for handbrake in the game, besides for some drifting. But in drifting generally you may also need a clutch and manual gears.
Actually I have the handbrake for Richard Burns Rally and Dirt Rally ..... got springs either side of the stick and it works like a sequential, and I use the paddles for the gear .... will get a thrustmaster gear shifter soon ...

I don't understand why they don't sell the wheels with Handbrakes ... its such a pivotal part of Rally Driving