After watching this, I looked at the overall Price, weight, and capabilities.
Then thought about how this is an experiment that was over the weight capacity of the traction loss base and would void the warranty.
Then I thought about the separate systems working independently and overall software support.
Suddenly the beast below seems like a sane solution.
Sure it's 28,000 Euro which is actually less expensive than the system above, but it could hold a loaded up Sim-Lab P1 system with driver and be at half it's weight limit.
It has a much better range of motion.
The power requirements are 220V 12A which is certainly doable compared to most DIY actuator systems.
Not only that it supports every Sim title that anyone cares about with a single integrated interface.
I realize that either of these systems is pie in the sky to the vast majority of us. But in an apples to apples comparison, this actually seems like "The One" if I could have anything and had the room for it.
This is in the fully lowered position.
Then thought about how this is an experiment that was over the weight capacity of the traction loss base and would void the warranty.
Then I thought about the separate systems working independently and overall software support.
Suddenly the beast below seems like a sane solution.
Sure it's 28,000 Euro which is actually less expensive than the system above, but it could hold a loaded up Sim-Lab P1 system with driver and be at half it's weight limit.
It has a much better range of motion.
The power requirements are 220V 12A which is certainly doable compared to most DIY actuator systems.
Not only that it supports every Sim title that anyone cares about with a single integrated interface.
I realize that either of these systems is pie in the sky to the vast majority of us. But in an apples to apples comparison, this actually seems like "The One" if I could have anything and had the room for it.
Motion platform PS-6TM-550 offers 550kg payload, ±130 mm heave, ±17° pitch, ±15° roll, ±17° yaw, -120 +190 mm surge and ±150 mm sway.
This is in the fully lowered position.
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