PC1 Seriously..how did some of these issues get thru?


im confused here...

This game has been in the making for what now .. 3 years. Its had a vast community beta testing this and im sure some of these guys if not most were sim fans.

This begs me the question of how the hell did some of the issues we have now. not get spotted by anyone? It took me a few days to see these below.

-Ai in the wet, being a)not affected b)dont pit for wets.
-The Ai on some tracks just simply run off the end of corners with hardly any speed loss. (summerton tight right handers/zolder 1st corner at start. about half a dozen cars go off on first lap.
-The AI are way too overagressive. In one way is good but in another its frustrating to play. especially they dive bomb every corner
-Car setups not saving.
-Wheel is annoying in the menus when you forget to centre it after a run.

-and lets not forget the mass confusion, which is the FFB settings. Really.. could of they not made this simpler. Rf2 has one car specific setting?!

plus loads more..

This is agreat game/sim, but ive postponed my career as somethings above are game breakers .
i mean did SMS have their own agenda in the end, or did they just rush this out and these issues were known. But seriously some of these issues should simply, never of got to gold!

I mean i know rf2 is in beta, but pcars is in no better state imo.
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<Mod edit: Insulting or hateful comments are not tolerated>

You don't know me. I'll put you on ignore for now. There is no need for abuse here. I didn't like what you were inferring to in regard to Bram's reason, that's all. No need for abuse. And I would reserve the often used "keyboard warrior" label for those people that actually use it.
Good night Jim and grow up.
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What am I exaggeration exactly @bmanic? Like yourself I am a paying customer and I am entitled to give my opinion just like anybody else.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. My opinion is that you are constantly exaggerating things. For instance in another thread you claim SMS had over 100 employees at one time working on pCars (hint: SMS has done a lot of other projects in parallel, some mobile games, some outsourced 3rd party things etc).

Here you then claim that we had over 10 000 active WMD members. Yeah right.. I'm one of those that could be considered fairly active with my almost 3300 posts over the years at WMD. From my experience I can honestly tell you that we are just a few hundred people, per forum section, that could be considered anywhere near "active" enough to be useful as proper beta testers.

SMS has had a professional beta testing team besides the WMD system. For the Xbone and PS4 they had exclusively a professional beta testing team.

My point is.. you write this "stuff" all over the place as if it was the truth, loudly shouting and pointing fingers. I mean.. do you even read your own posts? Do you have any idea how offensive and antagonizing you come across in virtually everything you post here? Did you read your own posts that you wrote to Ian Bell? Like seriously, try reading them in as objective manner as possible, considering that the other party you are addressing is a human being, with feelings, with different thoughts, with different perspective on the whole matter. Surely you can not be completely blind to your tone in virtually every post here?

.. and I'll add this here as perspective (NOT as an excuse):

rFactor 2 was apparently a complete mess for a long long time (yeah, I know it is beta, but still money has traded hands). Have you been as negative there?

Game Stock Car, one of the first releases way back then, had some issues. Were you as critical and as opinionated then?

Assetto Corsa.. yeah, lets not even go there. It too had some huge problems since the beginnig. You been as critical / passionately negative over at the AC forums?

netKar Pro: any of you guys old enough to remember just how bad the 1.0 commercial release was? I mean, it probably tops the charts of "damn.. this is bad!" in the sim-racing history, not to mention it took forever to get fixed (literally several months for critical bugs to be addressed).

iRacing: even with their money and resources they have managed to introduce some serious bugs. Here I have to be fair though and say that they've usually been lightning fast in killing the bad bugs.. but anyway, have you been as vocal and critical there?

Like I said, I am NOT typing this as an excuse for buggy games. I think it is appalling how buggy game releases are now compared to the "old days" when things usually worked (well, even that is a myth). It's equally appalling that we consumers just seem to have to accept the situation as it is. However, that was not my point..

My point is this: Do you have perspective on your negativity and constant exaggerations when it comes to SMS / Project CARS. I do not know you well enough to understand you. Perhaps if this is the way you are everywhere then I can understand but right now, from my perspective, it looks like you are extremely harsh and knowingly lying / exaggerating things just to "show them damn people at SMS how much they suck!". That's how it looks from my perspective.

If this is your daily routine about everything, then my apologies. Carry on and be yourself. But if all this negativity only applies to SMS / Project CARS then you may want to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself what you are trying to achieve by doing this.

*this post is also aimed at everybody else who likes "bashing" things for some weird agenda/personal vendetta of some kind. Here are some links in case you think we don't have a problem in the gaming industry.


Also a good video from Dslyecxi about the Arma 3 community (another "troubled" simulator). It has some parallels to the way SMS are being treated by some people. I won't link it hear as it doesn't belong here but if anybody plays Arma 3 and wants to hear what he has to say, just search for "Performance, DLC, and The Future of Arma3" on youtube.

EDIT: lots of edits.. I'm dyslexic so please excuse my handicap. :)
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Don't start rambling about Arma 3. We gon' get real in here if you touch that matter...

(edit: I don't really mean it. I got 1000+ hours in Arma 3, I know that game ain't a combat SIMULATOR. But still...)
Please cut out the personal insults, and stick to the topic please, thanks
Seriously, put my posts back in please, that was only mild compared to what he deserves. There is nothing in the last post to warrant it being removed. Calling someone awkward and a keyboard warrior seriously!!!! put it back in please.

<Mod edit: Insulting or hateful comments are not tolerated>
Insulting or hateful????? quote me please
Did you read your own posts that you wrote to Ian Bell? Like seriously, try reading them in as objective manner as possible, considering that the other party you are addressing is a human being, with feelings, with different thoughts, with different perspective on the whole matter. Surely you can not be completely blind to your tone in virtually every post here?

There is history with Ian Bell and, well RD. I also try to read his posts as objective as possible, but trust me, with the legal threats, that from my understanding originated due to one member having a certain thread-title, which easily could be defended due to the message being given from the forum software used.
It's not that strange that there are persons on both sides that are quite hard to turn, and to get to have a truly objective look on things. It's just how it is.

.. and I'll add this here as perspective (NOT as an excuse):

rFactor 2 was apparently a complete mess for a long long time (yeah, I know it is beta, but still money has traded hands). Have you been as negative there?

Assetto Corsa.. yeah, lets not even go there. It too had some huge problems since the beginnig. You been as critical / passionately negative over at the AC forums?

rFactor 2 was a mess for a long time, and to be fair, I still think it is a mess. And it's just to go back to the rF2 forums early days, to see that it was both much problems, frustration and little amount of posts.

Assetto Corsa... Then there was that open letter, while not posted by Bram, it wasn't just one member that was behind it.

But again, the thing is, the history, the legal threats, the hype... I am actually quite unsure were to go for a simracing site/forum that have none SMS employees, affiliates or high investors involved as moderators/owners.

And to clarify I have not bought the game. I will not buy the game for a full price, there are two reasons for that.
1. DLC-galore (this goes for many games these days, and the last game I bought with loads of DLC's was Battlefield 4 Premium, on a sale...
2. The legal threath. He might've won some customers from it, I don't know. But he personally lost me. I know, I am just one tiny people. In the terms of the universe I am just among the smallest of insignificant partciles that exist. But it's how it is.

EDIT: Some of what I am unable to grasp though, is how darn "fanboys" (in lack of a better term) many seems to be, things often have to be great or ****. And "my is great, your is ****" etc. I just don't get it. I mean, my reasons for buying the game, actually don't have anything to do with the game, and I have no doubts that it is extremely immersive, and that it looks very good. From what I have read on open forums, the FFB is, sub-par and hard to set up, and from not so open forums, the online bit straight out sucks for league style racing, and how RD races, and there are bugs that I haven't cared about.

But still, it does feel like it either have to be 'the best ever' or 'the worst ever'. This goes for almost all games. I don't get it. I probably never will either.

Oh, and I've seen @Ian Bell write many places about 10 free copies... I'll gladly take one, I mean, it's free, so... why not. Maybe I get hooked as well.
Seriously, put my posts back in please, that was only mild compared to what he deserves. There is nothing in the last post to warrant it being removed. Calling someone awkward and a keyboard warrior seriously!!!! put it back in please.

Insulting or hateful????? quote me please
Sorry Jim I will not undo what another mod may have done, which means that I should back out of here to my foxhole in another part of the forum (my usual haunt) and leave them to it. :)
For instance in another thread you claim SMS had over 100 employees at one time working on pCars
Ask the head of studio if I am exaggerating
Here you then claim that we had over 10 000 active WMD members.
active members.jpg

SMS has had a professional beta testing team besides the WMD system.
That's new to me. Thanks for sharing that information.
My point is.. you write this "stuff" all over the place as if it was the truth, loudly shouting and pointing fingers.
Stuff sounds like I am making it up, so far I am still waiting for somebody to show me otherwise.

Not sure where you see me pointing fingers or in any way offending people, neither do you see me posting everywhere, just here in this forum.

Assetto Corsa.. yeah, lets not even go there. It too had some huge problems since the beginnig. You been as critical / passionately negative over at the AC forums?
Nope, I think our club staff properly addressed our concerns with that game via the infamous open letter. But I had my say in the email conversation that came afterwards which unfortunately isn't public information. But feel free to look up my post history in our AC forums and you see enough critical threads started by me as well.

In all fairness I think you are exaggerating things bit. In numerous threads I have actually stated a few times that Pcars is the most immersive game I have ever played. For the last three weeks me, Dennis and Lorenzo have hosted daily club events at which we attend as well. We have tried to gain interest for a league etc. If you are so actively involved in daily online racing and hear the problems our members have to properly race online I think I am entitled to address these issues.

Maybe you are reading my post selectively and confuse honesty with being negative. When something is good I am the first to tell publicly it's good, however when games aren't good I am not holding back either and tell my honest opinion as well.

If you have problems with my opinion, nobody is forcing you to read them so feel free to ignore whatever I or others have to say.

As you are accusing me of lying, please let me know what I am lying about and back up that claim.

Did you read your own posts that you wrote to Ian Bell?
Did you also read the pre-moderated post? Topic starter begins ranting about being banned. I reply with deja vu and lets not start again and the first reply coming in after three years is that there are no online issues other than online wreckers, followed by a bunch of links and a comment I removed as it breaks our forum rules as it was just feeding the discussion and not following staff guidance.

Here's our publicly posted collated list for PS4 -http://forum.projectcarsgame.com/sh...ad-(PS4)-Not-for-bug-reporting!-Updated-18-05

Here's out publicly posted collated list for Xbox -http://forum.projectcarsgame.com/sh...ead-(XB1)-Not-for-bug-reporting!-Update-18-05

Here's our publicly posted collated list for PC -http://forum.projectcarsgame.com/sh...ead-(PC)-Not-for-bug-reporting!-Updated-18-05

But don't let the facts get in the way of a good rant.


I'm off now.

And that was posted after a staff post by myself not to start this whole banned for no reason stuff again, we had more than enough of that in 2012.
Ok ok everyone has their concerns opinions (opinionated) or otherwise but......... in my opinion, Project Cars is probably the biggest sim racer to come out recently and it is so far ahead of what the other companies are managing (Again only my opinion) but we need to be on board with it as a sim racing forum. Yes we are racing but I would like to see devs in here talking about their plans and stuff. Race department matters in the sim racing world!!! Let's move on and start again with SMS.
Tact. I think that may be what is lacking when some people "express" their opinions.

It's one thing to write "I have experienced problem X. Is anyone else having this issue? Anyone find a work around or set up suggestion that can help?"

Versus this: "It is unacceptable that 10,000 so called "sim racers" helped create this game. It's totally sim cade and targeted and lowly console racers."

And, yes, I paraphrased that second comment to give some people reading this an idea of how it comes off to other members of the community.

If you read this and disagree, then just check the appropriate icon.
Don't get your hopes up as that is not going to happen as the SMS staff have been instructed not to provide anymore support on this forum. Which by itself is quite entertaining as the last staff post was made in august of 2012.

So if you want to engage with developers you'll have to head over to the official forums.
Oh well. Anyway I've discussed, opinioned(Made up word) talked and talked I'm now going to concentrate on racing the damn game.
Yes it does but I remember Battlefield 4 release and that had all sorts of issues which took at least a year to sort out. That was made by one of the biggest companies in gaming! Unless all the millions of gamers world wide say enough is enough then we will continue to see games rush released and buggy. There is more than enough working in project cars to keep me entertained while they fix things. Just say they delayed for another year, that would have been 5 years in the making and there would still be bugs.

You kind of make my point for me here. With a game that was delayed so many times, and claimed to have been 99.9% complete on it's final delay it's not nearly up to those standards. Keep in mind, this isn't me making up some arbitrary number about how complete it is, but the head of the studio claiming the game is that complete and the final delay was to fix bugs and polish the game.

Meanwhile, at release the game is bug ridden to the point of being unplayable for some, and to the point where some areas of the game are completely worth avoiding (i.e. career mode because of AI, multiplayer because of connection issues). So defend them all you want, but it was SMS who claimed the game was going to be so polished and perfected after all the delays, yet here we are with a great game, but with so many bugs and "missing features" that it should have been delayed, yet again, before being released in this state.
Never seen shills try so hard to defend a broken game.

Bram's got every right to complain when he puts the disc in the tray and this is the result:

The funny thing is that I've never seen someone trying to hurt the reputation of SMS, Project CARS and WMD Members as much as you do.

Sometimes people complains how bad the simracing community is at the moment, and how we all should be united. You're certainly not helping with you're damn blog. You're causing hate from people that are against SMS, Project CARS or WMD Members and you're causing hate from most people that supports SMS and the game. If you think what you're doing is a good thing, it isn't.
Not to worry guys, all these "user preferences" will be "ironed out" in eight years time with Project CARS 2. Just make sure you start saving because entry level "investments" will start at $50,000. Bargain!
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The funny thing is that I've never seen someone trying to hurt the reputation of SMS, Project CARS and WMD Members as much as you do.

Sometimes people complains how bad the simracing community is at the moment, and how we all should be united. You're certainly not helping with you're damn blog. You're causing hate from people that are against SMS, Project CARS or WMD Members and you're causing hate from most people that supports SMS and the game. If you think what you're doing is a good thing, it isn't.

If you think he's hurting the reputation of SMS you should go read some of the posts Ian Bell makes on the forums. Trust me, he's ruining the reputation of SMS all on his own and far more than anyone else ever could.

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