Server Spectator mode not supported

I try to configure my Dedicated Server and I see that there is an option in Cars --> Slot Settings --> Spectator.
If I check this option (Spectator), when I save my configuration there is an error. It says:
"SPECTATORpanic: Spectator mode not supported"

How Can I configure mode Spectator ?, It's avalible in AC Server ? My version is (2.2.6 version in Linux.)

Thank you
This Spectator mode was never implemented in AC and will surely remain so definitively.
It doesn't work either with Windows servers.

NB: if someone wishes to make a Live broadcast, he simply also needs a car .... and if he's placed at the back of the grid .... he will have to pay attention to get back in pits before the end of 1st lap. :D
If he's not used to it, the one who does this broadcast is more attentive to his job than to his car.
As he doesn't start and stays in the car on the grid..... the other cars at the end of the 1st lap find his car where he forgot it .....
Once .... we saw one staying in the middle of the track ! .... creating a big surprise for the cars with view hidden by the the preceding one very near behind for an overtake.