Servers not working seemingly at random

Hi all. Ever since a week ago, I've started having issues with some of the servers I try to join. In most cases this issue is simply not being able to see anyone in the server whatsoever, and when I try to spectate them the screen is simply showing a rotating void. The other way it manifests is when I join a server I created and someone joins, they appear to be twitching rapidly across the map (and so am I from their perspective). However, it doesn't seem to be on all servers. Some servers work without a hitch, no spazzing, no dissapearing. And it doesn't seem to be connected to mods either, because it can be a stock Kunos car/map lineup or a completely modded server like Shutoko with their car pack and it still works.

I've tried to cleanly reinstall CM, CSP, and even the entirety of AC alltogether, but it didn't work. I haven't changed any settings and my internet router hasn't seen changes either, so I still have no idea what's causing this.

If you know what it could be, please answer, thank you. I can't provide a crash log or anything due to the game never actually crashing.
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Not sure but my first suspicion - given what you've already tried - would be network issues (maybe your ISP has changed something, or maybe their peering relationships have issues)... Damn tricky to debug though.