Set brake to pedal and button?

First of all, I'm not that serious into sim racing, it's just a hobby for me - so for some this might sound weird. Is it possible to assigne car breaking to the pedal, but also to a button (100%) to a button on the wheel? My use case is, at the start before the lights go green I want to put the car in gear, and press the brake button instead of the pedal, because when I press the brake pedal to long my office chair and pedals move away.
I'm nearly sure that GTR2 only accepts 1 single assignment .... but if there's a handbrake feature in GTR2 ( not sure as I never used it in GTR2 ) that's another possible solution to test.

But ... the easier solution, which I've been using for a few years at the beginning ..... using door wedges at the back of your chair ..... placing 2 of the 5 parts in at the same distance backwards.
I also knew someone who used 2 slippers in the same meaning ( the rolling parts of those 2 same parts in the anti-skid slippers )
I tried it with the handbrake, but it didn't work as expected. Had handbrake assigned to a button on the wheel but it did not stop the Saleen (HQ and stock). Tried it with a button on the keyboard, but no difference. At some point I tried to even edit the game's files (not really experienced with this), there is a value "HandBrakePressure=0", I set it to 20, but no effect.
You do need to hold the key you assign the 'handbrake' to have the brake activated.
HandBrakePressure=0, I would guess you should set it to 90-100%

Better yet would be to fix your chair pedals so they do not move.