So this is the stock AC profile Saxxon (I think) put together for SFB. There are 3 tactile effects here for tuning, one for dedicated shaker units and two for tactile coming from the actuators themselves. I've only just played with on off effects for the time being. I felt the Rumble Aktuator a little too overbearing at first but it might have been me just getting used to the power of the motors. I haven't really tried it again as I didn't feel the need to add tactile to rumble strips and such with the feedback you already get through the motors themselves via telemetry.
I don't really use the shaker settings at all because I've already gotten accustomed to playing with Simhub and I like the flexibility it offers in effects and also the tuning of those effects. What would be interesting to see is if we can achieve a similar engine output from the actuators compared to a small dedicated bass shaker or butt kicker such as the Mini LFE. I'm sure people that invest much more into their tactile than this would be mostly unimpressed by what the actuators and SFB offer in the way of pure dedicated tactile. Think of that feature as a 'hey cool, I can use my Gamer 2 with this thing', or, 'I was going to grab a pair of ADX transducers for my seat and pedals but now I don't have to since the motion does some tactile as well'. It's a bonus feature in both software and hardware that is a nice addition to a world class motion system. If it means people won't have to worry about investing and installing a budget oriented tactile setup (such as my own, even though the 2 units and the amp run me about 500 bucks, it's nothing compared to even a single proper LFE unit) then that is further saving on top of the full motion platform itself that people can take advantage of.
Look at these telemetry values:
Notice the scroll bar in the middle of the drop box. There are tonnes. I still don't know what most of them do, but if we can find a value that represents wheel slide in the game and have it come up in the real time monitoring, I'm sure we can assign a tactile effect to that value. I'm still yet to complete my build both in hardware and certainly in software for the time being so I've left this stuff well alone until I have a rainy
year to go through it all. But since we are on the topic now again of tactile and a lot of people are completing their SFX-100 builds looking at what to tackle next, I guess it's a good time to open another discussion.
I will say this, however. I was wrong to completely dismiss tactile after I felt what the SFX-100 actuators were capable of. Last night I played for a long time, and will again tonight, with engine effects and also some speed based effects that help fill in the little spaces the actuators leave idle, the few that there are to begin with. It will depend on how you've tuned your ride as well I guess so a more intense ride will most likely always be doing something, but tactile is still an important part of the experience, it's just needed in different areas to a motionless setup or even a motion setup that's not as capable as the SFX-100. I almost am tempted to access a Clarke style transducer with a nice 2 channel amp to fully get the most out of the engine vibes as these are probably the best units for that kind of hz range. Maybe Rodney could point me in the direction of budget oriented Clarke unit and the amp required to run it? I still run the 2 channel SMSL amp and find it amazing for what I need it for. I have one spare now as I've removed 2 units from the overall setup.
Another thing I am unsure of is how the actuators handle hz values. Something I need to learn more about I guess.