I've got pCARS running reasonably well (60 to 100 fps depending on conditions) and looking quite good, with high and medium settings, on my system (triples with 780 sli).
But the road surface can sometimes have a weird, wavy, shimmering aspect that's off putting. It's not always there: It's worse when it's sunny/clear and will be better or worse depending on the angle of the road to my (virtual) eyes. On some tracks I don't see it at all, on others it's so bad I'll stop using it.
Any tips? I can't afford to turn up AA that much. Currently, I've got my AA settings at (I think) MSAA and one of the others (can't remember, not at my PC now).
I've got pCARS running reasonably well (60 to 100 fps depending on conditions) and looking quite good, with high and medium settings, on my system (triples with 780 sli).
But the road surface can sometimes have a weird, wavy, shimmering aspect that's off putting. It's not always there: It's worse when it's sunny/clear and will be better or worse depending on the angle of the road to my (virtual) eyes. On some tracks I don't see it at all, on others it's so bad I'll stop using it.
Any tips? I can't afford to turn up AA that much. Currently, I've got my AA settings at (I think) MSAA and one of the others (can't remember, not at my PC now).