
Apps Sidekick 1.11.1

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Is there a way to bind the info bars(pressure,wear,temp) to a key so i can cycle through them while driving?
Not sure I understand you but if you review the overview section you'll see that it says "Besides the always visible stuff (gear, speed and rpm light), the app is divided into five sections, contents of which can be switched either by mouse or by keyboard (Alt + A to switch between sections, Alt + S to toggle available data in the selected section)."

This sounds like it addresses your question, unless I've misunderstood.
I belive I've just found the solution for me. Do not use the CAPITAL letters in the folder name of your "mod". It seems that Sidekick works only when there are not capital letters used.

For example:

Folder name: porsche_911_GTE
Sidekick Compounds File: porsche_911_GTE.ini

And this doesn't work but when I've delted ini file and changed the car folder name to:
porsche_911_gte, then CM auto-generated the file: porsche_911_gte.ini


...and it works!

So avoid capital letters in car folders and especially in sidekick componouds .ini file names, and tags inside the file.

Hope it will solve your problem also!
I have much less hair after mmany days looking for this solution. This tip should be added to the overview / FAQ. Thank you!!
sidekick does not show me any data for the brakes, I'm using cars that are created by kunos, i tried multiple cars but with no help. how do i fix this problem

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Pretty sure Kunos cars generally don't have brake temp data unless modded. You have to look at the brakes.ini, you should see something like this in order for sidekick to display brake temps:


anyone else having the problem that sidekick changes the odometer reading for total distance driven sometimes to a completely random number? I think it happens when I use NVIDIA capture (to save video for a report for example). sometimes i can just delete sidekick and install again so fix it, sometimes it writes the wrong odometer to CM so i have to reset the stat in CM, which sucks.
anyone else having the problem that sidekick changes the odometer reading for total distance driven sometimes to a completely random number? I think it happens when I use NVIDIA capture (to save video for a report for example). sometimes i can just delete sidekick and install again so fix it, sometimes it writes the wrong odometer to CM so i have to reset the stat in CM, which sucks.
I've seen Sidekick corrupt various bits of data on many occasions (e.g. the best lap data). For me, the trigger often appeared to be me taking a screenshot right after crossing the start/finish line. Resetting the best lap data for that car/track combo was my usual fix.
Anyone know why this app just vanished from my HUD and now won't show up again?

I was racing the other day with all my preferred apps (including this one) on my HUD as per usual, I finished a session and joined another one right after and found that ALL my apps had vanished from my HUD, annoying but I just used the side menu in CM to setup my HUD again BUT this Sidekick app and the CarRadar app are simply nowhere to be found in the side menu in CM??!! In CM/Settings/Python Apps both this app and CarRadar are ticked so should be available in game but they just aren't there. I tried uninstalling them and reinstalling them but just get the same thing, ticked in CM but not showing in game. Any ideas because I use these 2 apps all the time :-(

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