Simplicity Sw20v3 TRoubleshooting?

I just got my sw20v3 hooked up and the HW seems functional. However....I'm not getting any in-game FFB.

I installed the base driver package and the installed the SW20v3 configuration tool. I configured it for 900*, centered the wheel and enabled end-stops. That all works fine.

I then started iRacing, and configured the FFB settings in-game. However, while driving on track I get no dynamic FFB (curbs, centering spring, etc). I get basic dampening / wheel weight forces and end-stops....but, nothing that represents real-time actions on-track.

I then downloaded the iRacing WheelCheck utility and started the linear force test (with 200 steps set). I let it run for several minutes, but nothing ever happened.

I've verified that all the cables are connected by disconnecting them, seeing an error in the software, and then reconnecting them to see the error go away. Since the end stops work, the controller can drive the servo. I opened the windows Game Controller for the SW20V3 and I can see the steering axis move. And I can drive on track without FFB.

Gut feel is that it seems like a driver issue of some kind. I'm just not exactly sure where to start.

Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting?
I figured it out. I had the estop plugged into the wrong port. The controller uses RJ45 connectors for the Estop and other expansion devices. There are two RJ45 ports on the controller, but it turns out they are not interchangeable. However, they are NOT labeled on the control box itself. The Sim-Plicity product webpage is the only place where the ports are documented. All the other connectors on the controller are unique, thus can't be confused. Without any indication on the front, I made the incorrect assumption that either RJ45 port would work.

I'll be getting out the label maker to avoid future mistakes.

PS: Holy smokes 20NM is a lot of torque. Reminds me of driving on a real track with unassisted steering. :)
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