Sketchup Object/Xpack requests????

Seeing as most other BTB things seem to have a "requests" thread I thought it only fair that we start a "SKETCHUP OBJECTS REQUEST"

List things you would like to see made and Xpacked for use in BTB -hopefully some of the very skilled Sketchup users will take on the challenge of making the requests....

textures for gazebo (above)

stone walls:

roofing: RoofingPlates0013_1_thumbhuge.jpg

underside eves: WoodFine0031_19_thumbhuge.jpg

inside roof: WoodPlanksBeamed0014_1_thumbhuge.jpg
Here is a 3ds file that can be loaded into XPacker:

View attachment

I have also included the textures because I renamed them. I modified the 'eaves' texture so that it consists of just one plank. When you load it into XPacker, I suggest you go to the materials section and replace the jpg textures with dds versions.
Hi guys, I am just going to start Edmonton International Speedway from the late sixties. Home of many CanAm and Formula Atlantic races as well as the dragstrip. I really need the control tower and bridge modled - maybe the orange guardrails - anything else you see in the pics.

Hi, I am a second year university student and I am currently doing a project in which I have to create my own product. One aspect of the project that I am really struggling with and have been trying to solve for the past 2 days is making a 3D image.

The product I have come up with is essentially a rugby tackle bag. Although I need 3D images of the product which I am unable to do myself. I was wondering if anybody could do this for me?

I have tried using Google SketchUp (Wth no luck) and have watched a variety of tutorial videos. It looks pretty straight forward and simple (for someone who knows what theyre doing).

Essentialy, what I am looking for is a 3D image like this product:;328;328

Although I wouldnt want any of the branding or labelling on it. The design should be all black with red along the sides and red stitching (if applicable).

If somebody could please do this for me I would be very grateful as I am struggling massively with this and have no idea how to do it myself.

Thanks in advance, James.
what is up with thinking google sketchup is any good for a modelling program. GUYS its RUBBISH, really its a terrible piece of software. It was made so people could make building models for google earth. Its not really designed for complex shapes like cars or things like that. Its best suited when used for basic stuff, like houses, shops, walls, sky scrapers. If you want anything decent you should always turn to a fully fledged CG apps fot that kind of thing. 3Ds Max you can get a free educational version and its one of the most documented pieces of software out there. because everyone uses it :) Personally i used to create all my BTB./ RF1 objects in either Maya or Lightwave. They too can make simple things like cubes, but if need be they can also be used to model an entire car, completely6 with moving engine parts...

JAMES: Is this any good for you?? It only took a couple of minutes to make, so its ok if you don't use it (i wont feel bad) Nice and big 1800x1800 and i left the background clear, so you can drop in any background image you like..
Don't get me wrong... If all you need is simple shapes then yes google sketchup is perfect for that ( thats the only thing it IS good for) but by no means can anyone say it is a good modelling program, thats like saying MS paint is an awesome art program. All these people screaming out for skethup like its the best app in the world.. ITS NOT there a loads of way better alternatives, that can do everything sketchup can do plus a million other things.

My dig wasnt directed at you Erwin. it was directed at the the thread in general. Why there needs to even be a "sketchup request" thread. that would imply we NEED objects to be in sketchup format. Which we dont. you can find objects in any format you like and just convert them to an appropriate format that we can use. There is absolutely nothing that says we need all objects to be in sketchup format. Just because an object is not in sketchup format does not mean it is out of our reach.. So perhaps this would have been better titled "object request thread" rather than limiting it to "sketchup object thread"
Ok. Sorry for working with sketchup..
For me it is a program that is easy to learn and to work with. Also it is free.
Therefore i use it for my TT circuit, that will feature some 170 buildings and some other objects, all build with sketchup.
What on earth are you apologising for ?? I dont make the rules on making objects, i never told anyone that they CANNOT use sketchup. In fact i wasnt TELLING anyone anything, i was simply offering some advice. so you have no reason to apologise to me, or anyone else..

I am aware of the merits of sketchup i have used it many times in the past. and i agree with your points 100%, but that has absolutely nothing to do with what i was talking about...

I was simply pointing out the LACK of importance of calling JUST for sketchup models. If you want to use sketchup you go ahead, knock yourself out, it wont do any harm. But my point was. I know sketchup can import at least .OBJ format and probably .3DS as well ( the two most common and long standing 3d file formats around) at least 50% of models available on the net are gonna be in one of those two formats and if its not, as long as you have an object format converter (loads of them around) you basically have access to any models you want. And if you want to use them in sketchup you can, just convert it to a format sketchup can use, then import them. By asking JUST for sketchup format objects you are limiting yourself to what objects are available to you. And the point of asking for objects to be posted is so you can gather as many as possible, so what is the point in limiting yourself to just one format..

Thats the only reason why i said anything about asking for just sketchup files.

@ebrich No, not at all. i like to explain why i say things so people don't take it the wrong way.. Although that doesn't help if someone chooses to ignore the explanation:)
Compared to most other 3d modelling apps, yes i think it is terrible (and i have used the software before). But as i said i agree with your points 100%, its free, its good for making simple objects and as that fits your needs, thats great for you. But you are missing a few very important things..

Firstly. You have totally missed the entire point of my posts ( as i suspected.) My opinion of the software has absolutely nothing to do with anything. As i explained in my previous post after you decided to apologise to me (for some odd unknown reason) Im not telling anyone what software to use, im merely suggesting other options..
My suggestion of not requesting sketchup objects, or more accurately requesting other formats as well.... Was said to help you guys have more chances at getting models you needed. Again all this was fully explained in my previous post..
Hi Nobby76.
Don't you think you have used a lot of words just to say, "better titled "object request thread" ".
Some one else realised what i was talking about.. you on the other hand just dismissed all of that and jumped in to defend sketchups honour.. Which brings me onto the second point.

Secondly. And this one might come as a shock to you..
You are not the topic starter, you have nothing to do with changing the topic title, so i was clearly not addressing you. The suggestion would only really be useful to
Chris Mackenzie as he is the topic starter.

So why even get involved? other than to have an argument with me over how awesome you think sketchup is.. So lets get that out the way now...
If you flat out compare sketchup to things like 3ds Max, maya, Lightwave, C4D. It is terrible, its like comparing MS Paint to PhotoShop.
Its very basic (which we know you love) everything is simple to learn, but you are not gonna be producing detailed replicas of St Pauls cathedral . Odds on if you see something like that for sketchup, then it was created in something else and converted over to sketchup. Sketchup can handle those models fine, polygon count isnt the issue, but the time it would take to create it with those simpler commands wouldn't be worth it, you could halve the time it would take using a more advanced 3d editor.
So when i say, sketchup is rubbish, i think thats a perfectly valid opinion to have knowing what other software out there can do..

Well there you go, you did manage to get a rise out of me after all. NOW..
You missed the whole point in my first post and you decided to jump in and defend some software. Seeing as you seemed to have miss understood, i thought it best to explain a second time. Again you missed the point.. Despite giving a very clear explaination of what i meant, even though others seemed to have understood. You then decided to apologise for using sketchup (i still dont know why really) my only guess would be, its like when teenagers get moody with their parents and yell things like "Sorry for even breathing" If thats what it was, nice one !
So here we are a third time. Now please try and read this all carefully so you actually "get it" this time around. I really dont want to have to resort to drawing you pictures so you understand. I do not hate sketchup, i have it installed on my machine right now, i have uses for it. but as modelling apps go, yes i do think its quite rubbish. But i'm not interested in debating it's pros and cons with you. im interested in being able to get more stuff to use for BTB, yes i use BTB as well, i have released a few tracks back in the day. So thats how i know we do not NEED to use sketchup models, because i never made any of mine in sketchup..

Now can we please drop this pointless argument that you seem to want to have.

Good Day.
Mr Jones has already pre decided he wants to make a fish pie for his dinner, and he has all the other ingredients and enjoys eating fish. Mr Jones goes to the fish munger department which is the correct place to buy some fish. Mr Jones asks for some fish from the helpful assistants.

Whilst Mr Jones is being served, when Mr Nob walks over and DICTATE's to Mr Jones and the other customers that they shouldn't ask for fish, everyone should ask for a lamb. Mr Nob continues for ages, saying how great lamb is, fish is rubbish as it makes bad lamb stew, and what wonderful dishes he can make out of lamb. Mr Nob goes on and on to say that the fish munger department shouldn't be called the fish munger department, as it restricts them to dealing with fish.

Mr Jones and all the other customers in the fish mungers are getting irrate with Mr Nob, as Mr Nob hasn't worked out that Mr Jones and all the other customers have specifically gone to the correctly named fish mungers department, because they specifically want to buy fish.

Mr Jones and the other customers are wondering how long it will take Mr Nob to figure out, that if they wanted lamb, they would of gone to the other correctly named butchers department and asked for lamb.

I have a confession! I made an object, linked to in post #26. I didn't make it in sketchup!

Oh woe is me. I didn't use 3dsMax either. I used Anim8or, which is free. These days I use Blender, which is also free. Once you get the hang of the interface it's quite easy to use.

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