Sell (SOLD) ButtKicker Gamer

Paul Jeffrey

Hi all,

As I've mentioned in my other adverts, I've abandoned a planned project to add some ButtKickers to my racing rig, and as such I've got a couple of BK Gamer 1's and a couple of BK Gamer 2's and amps for sale.

Here is my advert for a ButtKicker Gamer 1, Amp, power lead and 13.5' BK connecting cable.

Looking for £130 + P&P each for the Gamer 1's (other advert HERE).

If you are interested, I'm also selling x 2 Buttkicker Gamer 2's and amps etc, at £150 each plus P&P. Adverts HERE and HERE.

Many thanks,

Buttkicker Game Sale Items 1.jpg
Buttkicker Game Sale Items 2.jpg
Buttkicker Game Sale Items 3.jpg
Buttkicker Game Sale Items 4.jpg
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i have a hyperstim rig, do you know how to fit these on there?

Hello mate,

Just looked the rig up on the net - cool!

Regarding placement, that sir, I have no idea at all - not familiar enough with that type of rig I'm afraid, sorry.

I've priced low to shift, so buy it, have a test and resell if it doesn't work out :D

Sorry can't be more help on it dude.

  • Deleted member 6919

Hi Paul if Colin doesn't want both of them can you let me know by PM please bud..;)
  • Deleted member 6919

Sorry Paul going to have to pass on this one now, my amp just went pop, so going to have to deal with that now, appreciate the reserve, really wanted this but can't afford both items so thanks again..:(:thumbsup: