F1 2011 Some older threads (archive)

F1 2011 The Game (Codemasters)
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* Just an idea guys, hope it might prove useful to some! *

We've all played racing games online where the first corner turns in to a demolition derby. Sometimes it's hard to find like-minded racers who like to play clean and fair. Your friends list might be a little empty or you might be playing at an odd time of the day when friends aren't online. If this has happened to you why not try this out:

1. Link removed

2. Wait for me to accept the request (will check the gamertag every so often)

3. When you want to play F1 2011 online check the friends list of 'Race Department' (which is viewable by all) to find fellow racers

The idea of this is to have a list of 100 people from Race Department who regularly play F1 2011 on Xbox 360 at your disposal 24/7. If you play with someone and have a good time then send them a friend request. If for whatever reason you decide not to play F1 2011 and/or Xbox 360 anymore please remove 'removed' as a friend making space for others.
Absolutely gutted!! On my second quali lap and I get the message that I have lost connection!! Weirdly though I am still connected so no idea what has just happened.. couldn't have happened in any other race could it, was really looking forward to this one. If anyone see's this whilst in the garage waiting for the race to start send me an invite if you get the chance (if that's something that's possible of course) so I can spectate and record some of the action...
Sorry to hear that Peter.
We lost David O. and Dylan as well early on.
Really a shame.

Great great race for the Williams team, picking up their first win!
Congratulations to Graham for a perfect race and a well deserved win.

Let's not talk about me and stupid ARBs.
Couldn't drive the car at all.

Now onto Canada!
Come on, go already *pushes everyone into the airplane*.
Off we go!

PS: I feel kind of sad for the marshall that repairs the bollard in the simmingpool section all the time.
Not sure if was a good idea to make my first 75% race in weeks one at Monaco! I feel like I've had all the energy drained right out of me. Absolutely ecstatic with 2nd, though. No doubt helped by Dylan's disconnected and problems for the guys in front. That said, I did have two extra pit stops than planned.


Qualifying was a complete disaster until I managed to nab fifth with my only half-decent lap right at the end. Very happy with that, though.

Possibly a little over-cautious in T1 as I was especially reluctant to hit someone - a combination of a lack of racing and David's pre-race pep-talk, I think - but Martin's (I think!) spin helped a little and I thankfully managed to get into a rhythm early. I did have a dream race in one aspect, though - I spent the vast majority of it on my own, so I got to concentrate on my own driving and not whether someone was going to spin ahead or dive from behind.

Apologies to Chris for the minor bump while we were lapping someone (I forget who, sorry). You were already sideways and I didn't have any time to react. I did considering slowing and letting you through, but since I couldn't even be sure that I made it any worse, and I didn't actually cause the incident, I wasn't sure it was necessary. Not to mention the fact that turning round at Monaco can take about half an hour sometimes! So, again, apologies if you felt I had made things any worse.

I spent the last 15 laps or so desperately trying not to cut any of the blind corners, or at least slowing right down when it looked like I would - didn't fancy a penalty! - and making sure I managed to get the end without another pit-stop. Obviously, the game had other plans and I got a front-left puncture on lap 57 - two to go - and immediately after a minor knock into the barrier (the punctured tyre hit the barrier, that is) I was given a front-right puncture. Obviously. I rather urgent dash to pit-lane (cutting the chicane after the tunnel *oh so slowly*) I managed to come out 3 seconds ahead of Gavin and hold on. I've never been so happy to have been lapped!

Good racing as always, guys!
Qualification 1-8: http://rdx360f1championship.wikispaces.com/file/view/DSCN0993.JPG/294300336/DSCN0993.JPG
(Dylan's time is illegible but from another photo I see it is 1:08.622)
Qualifcation 8-15: http://rdx360f1championship.wikispaces.com/file/view/DSCN0994.JPG/294300622/DSCN0994.JPG
(Largely illegible but from the gaps you can deduce the specific times)
Race 1-8: http://rdx360f1championship.wikispaces.com/file/view/DSCN1001.JPG/294301082/DSCN1001.JPG
Race 7-14: http://rdx360f1championship.wikispaces.com/file/view/DSCN1002.JPG/294301232/DSCN1002.JPG
Jack's lap times: http://rdx360f1championship.wikispaces.com/file/view/DSCN1003.JPG/294301382/DSCN1003.JPG

Shame about Dylan, David and Peter dropping out. Well done to Graham Jarvis for being the only 2-stopper and the race winner. And he lapped everyone in the race too.

Sorry to Chris Beham for bumping at the hairpin on the first lap. I had a disaster of a first lap that also included a bit of crashing with Andrew in the tunnel and an accidental downshift to neutral at la Rascasse resulting in a spinout and waiting for loads of people to pass me. I got into the groove on the second lap though and didn't make any more mistakes from then on. Very happy with my seventh place and I'm looking forward to my home race Montreal.
I've had some great battles there and here. After a few laps, Andrew and David were so kind to offer to let me pass on turn one. But unfortunately in an attempt to avoid both Lotus-Renaults DNF'ing I chose to run off the track, costing me the 2p's I had just gained.

Awesome battle with Andrew at the end, making it a bit more interesting. Lost my front wing once and had a puncture with only 5 laps to go making it a LOT more interesting. Too bad the guy in front of you wasn't catching up to me anymore..

A few more points for my team, i'm quite happy considering the practise I've had. Quite happy with my overall progress :).
David, you must've gone mad. Hours and hours of practise, only to DC on the opening stint...
sorry to hear peter, david and dylan disconnected :-(

Had some good battling early on with ralphus duck (david). very kind of him to let me retake position after an overtaking manouever. apologies to him that i then spun and landed in front of him!

race was going well after that - had saved up loads of fuel by doing about first 20 laps in low fuel mode.....then the puncture to the rear on first corner...had to crawl around track, then spun in front of jack and graham - apologies but impossible with back left puncture.

good racing with timo late on but all in vain. well done to gav for 3rd timo for improvement and graham for the win. i'll take point here and live to fight another day.
Congrats to Graham on a dominant win, Ash and esp Gavin for pulling his first podium at Monaco of all places.What a difference a week makes!
Well done to all drivers for their discipline at the start.
Bummer about the disconnects HRT is really at the bottom of the table now.
I was feeling good in the car and staying in touch with the guys in front while I ran mix 1, set for a safe 2 stopper.
Oh well, dont mind Canada. Not going to do 600 laps practice though.
Firstly let me say how disappointing it was to loose Peter, David and Dylan so early in the race.

I was very nervous at the start of qualifying worried about traffic. I never really noticed my times till after my second run on options and saw P5. I was surprised but ended up 6th on the grid which was a seasons best. My heart was bounding in my chest after that.

On the starting grid all I wanted was a clean start and hope not to have any contact. Which was the way it went, climbing the hill got along side Ash on the wrong side so I eased up to tuck in be hind him at casino. Ash was on primes and carried alot of pace he looked a little out of shape on the first two laps. Then Martin had a big spin at Casino Ash squeezed through and I followed his line. But the little arrows popped up behind me and it was Mark Greenall all over my tail. I tried to focus on my racing line but Mark put too much pressure on me and I ran wide at Portier and he made a clean pass into the tunnel. So my first stint I kept close to Mark with Chris Benham on my tail with a 2 sec gap. I just couldn't go any faster. By this time we had lost our pole sitter Dylan so we had moved up a place and then my personal rival David which I found very odd.

Found myself in second til I pitted on lap 15 for primes all good so far I was holding my own, I dropped back to 6th and into a trance I went putting in lap after lap. The back markers did a great job moving out of the way in the right places and suddenly found my self in back in 5th. It was a bit of a blur after that but I remember Jack Evans saying he had some problems and then saying that his race ruined so he ended up dropping back behind me. Then on lap 30 something I locked up my front wheels at turn 5 and hit the barrier at Mirabeau casing my team mate to go off road as he was ready to unlap himself. So I lost my front wing and snailed around to the pits while cars were unlapping them selves. When I pitted the pit crew put on a new front wing and options that was a mistake as I should have put primes on to carry me to the end of the race.

So out I came and found myself behind Mark, trying to put back on the pressure he had applied to me in the first stint. I was on options he was on primes thinking he was on his second stint and in 3rd position my plan was to follow him till he pitted and I would pit the same time giving me a chance to challenge for 3rd but as I followed him I was blue flagged Graham Jarvis was lapping 4th place unbelievable. So I let him through, so I thought? kind of a glitchy moment there and let him through again weird!. I lost Mark till he had to slow down and let Graham past. I managed to catch up with him after the tunnel and at the last turn on the start finish straight Mark spun out and hit the barrier. I went up to Mix 3 and tried to create a cap for my last pit stop which I did the gap between me and second Ash was over 30 secs with over ten laps to go Mark was 10sec behind and it stayed like that pretty much til the end.

I took 3rd place at Monaco never in my dreams did I see this result coming. Sure Hazeldine was not here and Dylan disconnected, David more than likely would have had my position. I will happily take this bit of luck and I'm pretty sure Mark might not help me out with setups in the future. I have to say I was totally drained after this race my legs were like jelly when I tried to stand up.

But yes!! I was very happy tonight YEE HAA!!. Thanks to all.
Firstly let me say how disappointing it was to loose Peter, David and Dylan so early in the race.

I was very nervous at the start of qualifying worried about traffic. I never really noticed my times till after my second run on options and saw P5. I was surprised but ended up 6th on the grid which was a seasons best. My heart was bounding in my chest after that.

On the starting grid all I wanted was a clean start and hope not to have any contact. Which was the way it went, climbing the hill got along side Ash on the wrong side so I eased up to tuck in be hind him at casino. Ash was on primes and carried alot of pace he looked a little out of shape on the first two laps. Then Martin had a big spin at Casino Ash squeezed through and I followed his line. But the little arrows popped up behind me and it was Mark Greenall all over my tail. I tried to focus on my racing line but Mark put too much pressure on me and I ran wide at Portier and he made a clean pass into the tunnel. So my first stint I kept close to Mark with Chris Benham on my tail with a 2 sec gap. I just couldn't go any faster. By this time we had lost our pole sitter Dylan so we had moved up a place and then my personal rival David which I found very odd.

Found myself in second til I pitted on lap 15 for primes all good so far I was holding my own, I dropped back to 6th and into a trance I went putting in lap after lap. The back markers did a great job moving out of the way in the right places and suddenly found my self in back in 5th. It was a bit of a blur after that but I remember Jack Evans saying he had some problems and then saying that his race ruined so he ended up dropping back behind me. Then on lap 30 something I locked up my front wheels at turn 5 and hit the barrier at Mirabeau casing my team mate to go off road as he was ready to unlap himself. So I lost my front wing and snailed around to the pits while cars were unlapping them selves. When I pitted the pit crew put on a new front wing and options that was a mistake as I should have put primes on to carry me to the end of the race.

So out I came and found myself behind Mark, trying to put back on the pressure he had applied to me in the first stint. I was on options he was on primes thinking he was on his second stint and in 3rd position my plan was to follow him till he pitted and I would pit the same time giving me a chance to challenge for 3rd but as I followed him I was blue flagged Graham Jarvis was lapping 4th place unbelievable. So I let him through, so I thought? kind of a glitchy moment there and let him through again weird!. I lost Mark till he had to slow down and let Graham past. I managed to catch up with him after the tunnel and at the last turn on the start finish straight Mark spun out and hit the barrier. I went up to Mix 3 and tried to create a cap for my last pit stop which I did the gap between me and second Ash was over 30 secs with over ten laps to go Mark was 10sec behind and it stayed like that pretty much til the end.

I took 3rd place at Monaco never in my dreams did I see this result coming. Sure Hazeldine was not here and Dylan disconnected, David more than likely would have had my position. I will happily take this bit of luck and I'm pretty sure Mark might not help me out with setups in the future. I have to say I was totally drained after this race my legs were like jelly when I tried to stand up.

But yes!! I was very happy tonight YEE HAA!!. Thanks to all.
I really enjoyed the battle mate, when i clipped the barrier, that was the only one all race. Good job with the pressure! Well deserved podium. (i'm yet to get one, and with the talents rising its looking more and more unlikely). tbh i hadn't got a decent set up, just something that felt comfortable, so i wasn't one of the quick guys this week. Lack of time ect to practise. But i do hope to be a contender at montreal.. I like it there! And gavin even though you handed my ass to me at monaco, i will still see you ok with set ups, i really dont mind. I'd rather have close racing like we had last night than driving around with the nearest car 20+ up the road or behind.
Awesome write up mate, I felt like I was there.
I was indeed looking fwd to our clearly looming battle and my pit stop for (more) primes at lap 19 was planned.
You built very good pace all week and you took a podium in Monaco beating some handy drivers.
You are entitled to be pretty pleased.
Well done.

My race- well at least my pre race breifing was a success! It soiunds like there was carnage in the cup race at turn 1 lap 1.Maybe theres a job commentating instead.
Post Monaco Results. (amended) Note some team points totals are different to the drivers as the teams points penalty or credit is adjusted weekly in WCC. Any errors let me know.

P1 Graham Jarvis
P2 Ash Kendall
P3 Gavin Hendley
P4 Mark Greenall
P5 Chris Benham
P6 Jack Evans
P7 David Cook
P8 Martin Ott
P9 Timo Hoogendorp
P10 Andrew Ford

1 Graham Jarvis 95
2 Ash Kendall 88
3 Chris Hezeldine 81
4 Chris Benham 77
5 Mark Greenall 66
6 Martin Ott 62
7 Jack Evans 32
8 Andrew Ford 27
9 Gavin Hendley 22
10 David O'Reilly 19
11 David Cook 12
12 Peter Hooper 7
13 Timo Hoogendorp 7
14 Steve Freeman 6
15 Jean Francois Matte 5

1 Williams 157
2 Sauber 108
3 Mercedes Benz 88
4 McLaren 84
5 Ferrari 75
6 Lotus Renault 61
7 RedBull 29
8 HRT 5

Driver Valuations
Graham Jarvis 20,075,000
Ash Kendall 18,600,000
Chris Hezeldine 20,787,500
Chris Benham 14,625,000
Mark Greenall 13,250,000
Martin Ott 14,950,000
Jack Evans 13,000,000
Andrew Ford 7,075,000
Gavin Hendley 5,125,000
David O'Reilly 6,343,750
David Cook 5,500,000
Peter Hooper 250,000
Timo Hoogendorp -1,500,000
Steve Freeman 4,000,000
Jean Francois Matte -1,250,000
Awesome write up mate, I felt like I was there.
I was indeed looking fwd to our clearly looming battle and my pit stop for (more) primes at lap 19 was planned.
You built very good pace all week and you took a podium in Monaco beating some handy drivers.
You are entitled to be pretty pleased.
Well done.

My race- well at least my pre race breifing was a success! It soiunds like there was carnage in the cup race at turn 1 lap 1.Maybe theres a job commentating instead.
It would be amazing to have a driver retire 1st lap and commentate the race would add a nervous dimension (not that i need to be more nervous.)
Awesome write up mate, I felt like I was there.
I was indeed looking fwd to our clearly looming battle and my pit stop for (more) primes at lap 19 was planned.
You built very good pace all week and you took a podium in Monaco beating some handy drivers.
You are entitled to be pretty pleased.
Well done.

My race- well at least my pre race breifing was a success! It soiunds like there was carnage in the cup race at turn 1 lap 1.Maybe theres a job commentating instead.

i thought ur speech was a huge success mate. i don't want to name names but there was one driver who raced straight down the inside and overtook me and maybe one or two others - completely ignoring the message. for the reason that he's a nice chap who raced in good spirit, i would just ask that EVERYONE tries next time.

aside from that, great race as i said. i'm just hoping the other tracks suit me better - always knew this would be tough. some of us will be able to be more daring in canada hopefully!
  • Deleted member 115516

Made a decent start stayed in second behind Dylan. Dylan was pulling away by just under a second a lap until he disconnected on lap 3.
Starting pulling away myself from 2nd at about a second a lap. Made a pit stop on lap 16 for a second set of options. Came out just in front of Ash.
Pulled away again until lap 32 when Andrew spun at the exit of loews hairpin (think he had a puncture). The road was blocked had to reverse but there was a Ferrari behind me. In the end i had to spin my car around.
Made my final pitstop on lap 33 for Primes and just concentrated on not making a mistake.
Came up to lap a Gavin at the chicane out of the tunnel, went past him but my screen froze for about a second, so Gavin's car turned into a ghost car and went past me again.
By this time my engineer was repeatedly telling me to slow down and look after the car, no one is going to catch you! (reminded me of Senna at Monaco 88) better had slow down a bit then!!
The final lap i could hardly see the track with the tears filling my eyes, with the emotions of a maiden win (just kidding)!;)
By this time my engineer was repeatedly telling me to slow down and look after the car, no one is going to catch you! (reminded me of Senna at Monaco 88) better had slow down a bit then!!
The final lap i could hardly see the track with the tears filling my eyes, with the emotions of a maiden win (just kidding)!;)

Oh yeah I get that message all the time.. oh hang on no thats not the one... it was 'slow down we don't have any more wings!!
It soiunds like there was carnage in the cup race at turn 1 lap 1.Maybe theres a job commentating instead.

I think there were only 2 or 3 cars that made it through the first lap incident free. I made it to the second last corner of the first lap before getting caught out by the fuel load.

Will post the first lap in the Cup thread, maybe the rest of it tomorrow.
Results and Standings post Canada "Provisional"

P1 Martin Ott
P2 Chris Hezeldine
P3 Grahm Jarvis
P4 Chris Benham
P5 David Cook
P6 Mark Greenall
P7 Andrew Ford
P8 Mark Jackson
P9 Timo Hoogendorp
P10 David O'Reilly
P11 Colin Knowles

WDC Standings
1 Graham Jarvis 110
2 Chris Hezeldine 99
3 Chris Benham 89
4 Ash Kendall 88
5 Martin Ott 87
6 Mark Greenall 74
7 Andrew Ford 33
8 Jack Evans 32
9 Gavin Hendley 22
10 David Cook 22
11 David O'Reilly 20
12 Timo Hoogendorp 9
13 Peter Hooper 7
14 Steve Freeman 6
15 Jean Francois Matte 5
16 Mark Jackson 4
17 Dylan Hember 0

WCC Standings
1 Williams 197
2 Sauber 132
3 McLaren 96
4 Mercedes Benz 88
5 Ferrari 83
6 Lotus Renault 63
7 RedBull 43
8 HRT 6

Driver Valuations
Graham Jarvis 19,985,714
Chris Hezeldine 20,450,000
Chris Benham 14,535,714
Ash Kendall 16,400,000
Martin Ott 16,075,000
Mark Greenall 12,892,857
Andrew Ford 7,187,500
Jack Evans 13,000,000
Gavin Hendley 4,535,714
David Cook 7,187,500
David O'Reilly 5,500,000
Timo Hoogendorp -1,625,000
Peter Hooper 250,000
Steve Freeman 4,000,000
Jean Francois Matte -1,250,000
Mark Jackson -3,000,000
Dylan Hember tba
Race Result Valencia

1 Chris Hazeldine
2 Martin Ott
3 Marg Greenall
4 Chris Benham
5 Graham Jarvis
5 David Cook
7 Andrew Ford
8 Timo Hoogendorp
9 Mark Jackson
10 Peter Hooper

WDC Standings

1 Chris Hezeldine 124
2 Graham Jarvis 120
3 Martin Ott 105
4 Chris Benham 101
5 Mark Greenall 89
6 Ash Kendall 88
7 Andrew Ford 39
8 Jack Evans 32
9 David Cook 30
10 Gavin Hendley 22
11 David O'Reilly 20
12 Timo Hoogendorp 13
13 Peter Hooper 8
14 Steve Freeman 6
15 Mark Jackson 6
16 Jean Francois Matte 5
17 Dylan Hember 0
18 Colin Knowles 0


1 Williams 225
2 Sauber 163
3 McLaren 109
4 Ferrari 93
5 Mercedes Benz 88
6 Lotus Renault 72
7 RedBull 54
8 HRT 4
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