F1 2020 Sound dropouts throughout the game (PC)

F1 2020 The Game (Codemasters)
For me the game is unfortunately unplayable at the moment. I have irregular sound interruptions regardless of whether I set the graphic details very high or very low. It also makes no difference whether I change the special settings on the pc.
My system (gigabyte z97x-ud3h-bk, i 7-4790K CPU, gtx970 GPU, on board sound, 16GB Ram) is a bit older, but I don't have such problems with any other game.
Does someone from the forum have an idea or similar problems.
I would appreciate a little help.
Yes, I had this in both F1 2019 and F1 2020. What worked for me was restarting the computer, and launching Steam and F1 2020 straightaway after the reboot.

We're running a very similar setup, btw.
Thanks for the first tips I thought I am the only one with this problem. Unfortunately, neither did anything. At F1 2018 I also had slight dropouts but not nearly as bad as at F1 2020, too bad, I thought that will be better with the new version. Unfortunately no :-(. I had reinstalled the game several times, even on SSD, but unfortunately had no effect.